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My Number Story- How Our Numbers Reveal ACE History

By Brenna Parker, Think Round Fine Arts Online, May 19, 2021 @mynumberstory via Instagram Everyone has a rare story to tell. When it comes to our Number Stories, the numbers revealed for some individuals may be the same, however, our stories behind these are in every way unique. ACEs are Adverse Childhood Experiences. The story of each number is the story of one’s ACE history, which is a score measuring the number of ACEs that occurred before the age of 18. The term comes from a 1997 study...

Criticizing ACEs in Peer Reviewed Professional Journals Impairs Child Abuse Treatment

As a family doc practicing in San Diego, I was privileged to hear Dr. Vincent Felitti talk about his inspired development of the CDC-Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study (ACE Study) and the link between ACEs and many adult mental and physical diseases directly from him only a few years after his original insight. Yet, although I had a lively clinic and learned how to manage a vast array of medical conditions over the next 25 years, like most primary care providers I never...

Unlearning Ableism for Educators - free, interactive workshop

Registration for the June Rise to Resilience workshop Unlearning Ableism for Educators is now available! In this workshop, we will dive into what ableism is, how it manifests within classrooms and the education system, and identify ways to challenge ableism in our practices. Register here: You can watch past workshop recordings by clicking here and learn more about Rise to Resilience on the website Image Description: A light pink background with...

How Identity Shapes the Well-Being of Asian-American Youth []

By Shinwha Whang, Greater Good Magazine, May 24, 2021 Like many kids growing up in the United States, I came of age straddling two cultures: that of my family’s country of origin, and mainstream/majority American culture. There was a significant Asian-American community where I grew up, and among my friends I saw many ways in which families negotiated these two cultures. Some families spoke their first language at home, some didn’t. Some ate their heritage foods for all their meals, some...

Fix youth mental health crisis with collaborative action []

By Lisa Pritzker, Cal Matters, May 25, 2021 Decades ago, as a hotline volunteer with Safe & Sound , I spoke with exhausted parents in crisis because there were no preventive supports to proactively alleviate their poverty and trauma. As a volunteer for the Child and Adolescent Psych Services Department at San Francisco General Hospital , I witnessed traumatized children waiting for mental health visits in a cramped, dark waiting room next to adult patients in psychiatric distress. The...

What Babies Can Teach Us About Repairing the World []

By Claudia Gold, Claudia M. Gold MD, May 18, 2021 Recently I was asked to give a presentation for an audience of early childhood educators about the Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) Study . I jumped at the opportunity to frame this powerful research linking early adversity with long-term health consequences into a message of both hope and action. Thus I was particularly pleased to receive an email from an audience member with the following message: “Thank you for your work, the workshop...

Longitudinal Effects of Racial Discrimination on Depressive Symptoms Among Black Youth: Between- and Within-Person Effects []

By Justin A. Lavner, Ariel R. Hart, Sierra E. Carter, and Steven R.H. Beach, Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, May 18, 2021 Abstract Objective Black youth experience racial discrimination at high rates. This study sought to further understand the longitudinal effects of racial discrimination on their mental health by examining cross-lagged associations between perceived racial discrimination and depressive symptoms at the between-person (interindividual)...

American Rescue Plan provides funding for issues laid bare by pandemic, structural & racial inequities, plus trauma-informed projects

There may have been attendees with more questions than answers following a recent webinar on federal funding coming as the result of the American Rescue Plan Act. But much was made clear in the webinar sponsored by PACEs Connection and the Campaign for Trauma Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP). For star ters, said Marlo Nash, “ The pandemic is continuing to impact physical, mental, social, and economic health, and pretty much every public system and the people who are in those systems. It...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter May 2021

Healing the Heart Through the Creative Arts, Education & Advocacy Hope, Healing & Help for Trauma, Abuse & Mental Health “ Out of suffering have emerged the strongest souls; the most massive characters are seared with scars”. Kahlil Gibran The Surviving Spirit Newsletter May 2021 Hi folks, Greetings from New Hampshire....spring has arrived and the weather has been all over the place –...

BEYOND JDEI: Advancing Racial Equity in Organizations - Live Q&A []

Thu, Jun 24, 2021 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM PDT Over the past year, Covid-19, the murder of George Floyd, and the Black Lives Matter protests compelled awareness of institutional racial disparities in this country. Nonprofits have committed to Justice, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (JDEI) work. However, with the goal of racial justice, organizations need to move beyond JDEI work toward solutions that address institutional and structural racism. This webinar covers the following: • Understanding...

HHS to Establish Behavioral Health Coordinating Council, Distribute $3 Billion in MH, SUD Funding []

By American Psychiatric Association, May 19, 2021 The Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) on Tuesday announced plans to establish a Behavioral Health Coordinating Council focused on collaboration and strategic planning across the department. The council will “ensure that millions of Americans receive prevention, early intervention, treatment, and recovery services for mental illness and substance use disorders,” an APA news release stated. APA applauded the Biden-Harris...

Moving Upstream: Confronting Racism to Open Up Children's Potential []

From Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, May 2021 The scientific evidence is clear and growing: racism imposes unique and substantial stressors on the daily lives of families raising young children of color. Understanding how these stressors affect child health and development provides a compelling framework for new ideas about how communities, policies, programs, and funding streams might confront and dismantle these inequities and build a stronger future for us all. This...

America Talks: Toxic polarization threatens our nation's future. Here's how we can save it. []

By Pearce Godwin, USA TODAY, May 18, 2021 America needs to talk. And will as never before during America Talks and the National Week of Conversation (June 14-20 ). Abraham Lincoln, quoting Jesus, said, “A house divided against itself cannot stand.” They weren’t playing. More than half of us (54%) now say our fellow Americans pose the biggest threat to the country. Described as a “singularly virulent and dangerous phenomenon” and “our greatest national security vulnerability,” toxic...

New Resource Available: Creating Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments for Children

The Essentials for Childhood Initiative would like to share a new resources titled, “Creating Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments for Children.” This new resource is intended to elevate primary prevention strategies that support creating Safe, Stable, Nurturing Relationships and Environments (SSNR&Es) for children and highlight 2019 data from the Awareness, Commitment, and Norms Survey provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). This document was...

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