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What kids should be reading for AAPI Heritage Month and why representation matters []

By David Oliver, USA TODAY, May 12, 2021 It's Asian American Pacific Islander Heritage Month, and one great way to mark the month is by educating yourself — and your children — about the community through reading. Given the proliferation of violence against the community, knowledge is power. Children can start to internalize race and gender stereotypes as early as 4 years old, Dr. Christia Brown, a professor of developmental psychology at the University of Kentucky, previously told USA...

'We Feel Lost in Time': Covid Transforms Teen Milestones []

By Taylor Trudon, The New York Times, May 3, 2021 Growing up, Carley Ebbenga was used to not having big birthday parties. Since her birthday falls right in the middle of winter break, most kids were out of town so she stuck to small celebrations. But for her Sweet Sixteen, Ms. Ebbenga, who lives in Romeoville, Ill., a suburb of Chicago, wanted to do something special. She envisioned a trip into the city with a few friends where they would eat a nice dinner and stay up late dancing in their...

Get ready for a big blast about ACEs and ACEs science!

Billboards! Social media! PSAs! Celebrities!...The largest and only national public awareness campaign ever to come out of the adverse childhood experiences movement launches May 13 with Numb er Story. The campaign was created by the ACE Resource Network , which was funded through Anonymous, an organization that helps "funders achieve more impact and experience greater fulfillment through their philanthropy", according to its website. Its funder is, well, anonymous. We do know that it is an...

Building resilience through trauma-informed technology

Presented April 15-16 as a virtual abstract for the Southeastern School Behavioral Health Conference, we are making this one hour session available to celebrate strategies for building resiliency through deep community engagement. In particular, the presenters will highlight a trauma-informed technology resource, Sharpen Family, how it was designed in collaboration with over 15 agencies specializing in childhood welfare to support parents of young children and those in the foster care system.

The 4th Annual Philadelphia Trauma Training Conference: Supporting Adaptation, Transformation, and Health in the Wake of Trauma []

This unique training conference will provide an intensive, collaborative, and engaging experience to providers, educators, and leaders across health, education, and social service disciplines, as well as to community members invested in promoting the health of their families, neighborhoods, and cities. Speakers Shawn Ginwright, PhD is one of the nation’s leading innovators, provocateurs, and thought leaders on African American youth, youth activism, and youth development. He is Professor of...

Early Childhood Health Equity Landscape []

From Child Trends, April 29, 2021 Early Childhood Health Equity (ECHE) work strengthen s early childhood systems to support healthy child development and reduce health inequities that can have a lifelong impact. T o help policymakers, advocates, communities, and familie s understand efforts to improve health equity and the well-being of children and families , t he Early Childhood Health Equity Initiative Explorer presents information about 143 cross -sector initiatives that aim to advance...

Building Relationships and Restoring Community

I attended a virtual meeting led by Leadership Tulsa, Oklahoma recently that highlighted an amazing program. I look at most programs through a trauma informed lens, and this non-profit, City Lights Foundation of Oklahoma, struck me as the epitome of trauma informed care. The safety and relationships they create allows for emotional sharing and healing that then leads to skill building, empowerment and resilience. I urge you to listen with a trauma informed ear, and you will hear Safety,...

2nd Annual Virtual ACEs Trauma Awareness Symposium

Don’t forget to register for the Second Annual Virtual Virtual Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Trauma Awareness Symposium. Leaders in medicine, law, public health, social work, and education will present on topics related to ACEs, the COVID-19 pandemic, food security, suicide and self-injury, and much more! Symposium Kickoff Keynote Speaker- Dr. Patrice A. Harris, Immediate Past President of the American Medical Association (AMA) Luncheon Keynote Speaker- Claire Babineaux-Fontenot,...

Meet the Man at the Center of the Debate Over Student Debt []

By Anemona Hartocollis and Stacy Cowley, The New York Times, May 3, 2021 Richard Cordray, a close ally of Senator Elizabeth Warren who served as the first director of the federal Consumer Financial Protection Bureau during the Obama years, has been selected as the new head of federal student aid in the Biden administration, a post that will put him at the center of the swirling debate over forgiving student debt . The issue is a tricky one for President Biden. Though he has endorsed...

Child Protective Services Investigates Half of all Black Children []

By Julia Lurie, Mother Jones, April 26, 2021 For decades, researchers have pointed out that the child welfare system is riddled with inequities. Black children are far more likely than their white counterparts to be investigated as victims of abuse and neglect, to be placed in foster care, and to be permanently separated from their biological parents. “Spend a day at dependency court in any major city and you will see the unmistakable color of the child welfare system,” wrote Dorothy...

Students, community organizations ask judge to order mental health services, internet access []

By John Fensterwald, EdSource, May 10, 2021 Arguing that appropriating billions of dollars alone will not ensure action, community organizations and parents from Los Angeles and Oakland are asking an Alameda County Superior Court judge to order the state to immediately provide computers and internet access and address the mental health needs of children who have borne the brunt of the pandemic. The May 3 request for immediate relief comes six months after the plaintiffs sued the State Board...

Homeless Nigerian Boy Becomes Chess Champion of the United States at 10-Years-old []

By Good News Network, May 10, 2021 Tanitoluwa Adewumi—more commonly known by his nickname “Tani”—may be just 10 years old, but he’s already become an official Chess National Master, with an impressive rating of 2223. The 28th-youngest person ever to achieve such a title in a States, Tani was only introduced to the game of chess a few years ago, while living with his family in a homeless shelter. In 2017 Tani, his parents, and brother became refugees after fleeing Nigeria to escape violent...

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