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Youth-Led Group Builds Tiny Home Village to Fight California's Homelessness Crisis []

By Sara Tiano, The Imprint, May 9, 2021 A year ago, the spot on Hegenberger Road in Oakland’s industrial district was but a barren parking lot. Today, it is an art-drenched neighborhood of “tiny homes” created by a local nonprofit, the latest effort to address California’s youth homelessness crisis. The 26 tiny homes, each measuring 8 feet by 10 feet, feature skylights, heated floors and custom Murphy beds that, when folded up, transform into a table. Each miniature house designed for one is...

VA TICNs eNote May 10 2021 []

Thank you all for making the second annual Resilience Week Virginia so wonderful! Many of the events are still available to view if you missed them, and the website will remain available as a resource. May 1st marked the beginning of Asian American and Pacific Islander Heritage Month, a moment to reflect on and celebrate the histories, cultures, and contributions of AAPI communities. Read more about taking on myths and uncovering resilience during this month . AAPI faculty and staff at UCLA...

Thoughts To Share

“If we do not transform our pain, we will most assuredly transmit it” Richard Rohr “If your voice held no power, they wouldn’t try to silence you.” - unknown “The real question is not whether life exists after death. The real question is whether you are alive before death.” - Osho

The most important thing you can do with your kids? Play with them! says Dr. Bruce Perry

“The most important thing you can do with your children is play with them!” said Dr. Bruce Perry, noted child psychiatrist and author. He was answering the question, “How do we prepare our children to go back to school next fall?” Perry, a brain expert specializing in how children are impacted by trauma, gave a presentation on his neuro-sequential model of brain development to more than 800 people at an Austin Ed Fund event Monday evening. The co-author, with Oprah Winfrey, of the new book...

Community Care Through Cultural Healing

Through the ACEs study, we know how trauma can manifest for generations. Navigating cultural stigmas attached to mental health can increase shame and frustration while on your path towards healing. Our friends at ACEs Early Childhood Education posted this wonderful resource for a few upcoming webinars exploring wellness through a cultural lens. Click here to register for one of the two upcoming timeslots hosted through the La Maida Project on 5/18 and 5/20!

ACEs Research Corner — May 2021, Part One

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs. Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] Jackson DB, Testa A, Vaughn MG. Adverse Childhood Experiences and School Readiness Among Preschool-Aged Children. J Pediatr. 2021 Mar;230:191-197 PMID: 33242472 From a...

California Surgeon General highlights link between systemic racism & ACEs

Whether it’s racial profiling at traffic stops or microaggressions at work, racism by any measure can cause toxic stress. That causal relationship and how it leads to a greater burden of ACEs (adverse childhood experiences) among communities of color was the subject of a webinar on April 28 entitled “ Racism and Discrimination as Risk Factors for Toxic Stress ,” sponsored by the California Surgeon General’s Office and the ACEs Aware Initiative. “I can't think of a more important conversation...

Nine New Communities Join PACEs Connection / May 2021

Please welcome these nine new communities to the network! ACEs Indiana Coalition (IN) ACEs & Resiliency in the Intensive Alternative Family Treatment Network (NC) Gloucester, New South Wales, Australia Guilford Trauma Provider Network (NC) Jersey Shore ACEs Collaborative (NJ) NRV Resiliency Network (VA) Pima County (AZ) PACEs Task Force Resilient Guilford Network (NC) South Mississippi Youth Connection Initiative (MS) Details about each of them are below as is...

Maternal Health’s Ongoing Mandate for Women of Color: The Call for Wholistic Health Equity  

Last month’s CDC declaration that Racism is a public health crisis was long overdue. Yet, vital health and mental health disparities for women of color rage on amid this latest societal call to arms. Too many women of color, their families, and friends lay victim to gaping wounds, residual scars, and profound trauma from egregious maternal health experiences. Current facts speak volumes. The U.S. has the highest rate of maternal mortality among developed nations, rising steadily the past 40...

RISE: Navigating individual and collective wellness, advocacy, and change

Join Melissa McPheeters of Rise to Resilience with special guest and parent, Janise Cross, for this interactive workshop! Click here to register! Schedule: During this 3-hour interactive workshop, Melissa and Janise will facilitate a presentation, time for personal reflection, and voluntary activities to solidify learning and growth among participants. Two fifteen minute breaks are provided. There is no expectation that you have your camera to participate. We encourage you to show up in...

Expanding Treatment Options for the Growing Mental Health Pandemic

Looking for CME or CE credits? This training earns 1.5 CME or CE credits. REGISTER: WHEN: Thursday, May 20, 2021 12:00 - 1:30 PM PST Training Description: This workshop addresses the mental health implications of COVID-19 and the long term mental health impact. Participants will learn about evidence-based alternative healing modalities as a complement to traditional therapy : (1) Tools to increase the heart and mind connection and mental...

New Journal Article: “Transforming Practice with HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences)” []

Chloe Yang, 5/10/21, We are thrilled to announce the publication of our journal article, “Transforming Practice with HOPE (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences),” in Maternal and Child Health. You can read the paper here on the HOPE website, on our Publications page . This paper was a team effort, led by Dr. Dina Burstein, HOPE Project Director. Other authors include: Chloe Yang, a research assistant working on HOPE; Kay Johnson, President of Johnson Group...

Gardening Just Twice a Week Improves Wellbeing and Prunes Your Stress, Says New Study []

By Good News Network, April 28, 2021 A new study reveals a significant association between gardening more frequently and improvements in wellbeing, perceived stress and physical activity. The study from Britain’s Royal Horticultural Society (RHS) surveyed more than 6,000 people, and results indicate that those who garden every day have wellbeing scores 6.6% higher and stress levels 4.2% lower than people who don’t garden at all. RHS Wellbeing Fellow and lead author, Dr Lauriane Chalmin-Pui...

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