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Covered California Says Health Insurance Just Got Too Cheap to Ignore []

By Bernard J. Wolfson, California Healthline, May 3, 2021 If you are uninsured because health coverage seemed too expensive the last time you looked, it’s time to look again. A new federal law could make it a whole lot cheaper to buy your own insurance if you don’t get coverage through an employer or a government insurance program such as Medicare or Medicaid. The law, the American Rescue Plan, provides billions of federal dollars to reduce premiums for people who buy their coverage through...

Mental Health Wellness For Healthcare Workers []

By Natalie Vaughn, Relias, October 30, 2020 Nurses and doctors experience unexpected challenges daily — challenges that would quickly overwhelm many other individuals. Yet despite the mental and physical toll these challenges take, nurses and doctors are expected to persevere. In fact, many healthcare professionals take pride in their ability to endure long days and high-stress situations. But this attitude often keeps these individuals from engaging in the self-care they need to protect...

Fighting Back against ACES []

By Heather Mullinix, Crossville Chronicle, May 6, 2021 Traumatic experiences in early childhood can put individuals at risk for future substance abuse, mental health disorders, chronic health conditions and early death. But efforts to combat those adverse experiences can help set children up for a brighter future, says Becky Haas, author, advocate and community educator. “No on picks where they start in life. But the good news is we can come alongside our children and help them have a better...

theory of mind development

You know, I have this idea that if you are willing to go through the mental torture of thinking through every last detail of everything that you could contemplate, and you do your best to understand exactly what is happening fundamentally and dynamically in social situations, your theory of mind will go from zero to better than everyone else’s by the time you are 27-30. It just feels that way because of the personal experience I have and understanding exactly where our attention goes more...

The Importance of Gratitude When You Have to Face Trauma Today

You might be standing in a room with hundred-dollar bills blowing everywhere, but if you can’t catch any, or even notice them, you won’t have any extra money in your pocket. Gratitude works the same way. If you don’t even notice the opportunity to feel gratitude or know how to catch it, then you can’t hold much appreciation for it and your life won’t be altered in any positive way. We all need something positive to hang onto, to build hope and motivation moving forward. That’s why I want to...

Wrapping Up Resilience Week VA 2021

As we wrap up this year’s Resilience Week VA, I want to thank you for taking part in this celebration! Trauma-informed community networks (TICNs) across the state have found so many ways to recognize and promote resilience in their communities, and it is exciting to see the wide variety of events and activities that have been offered. Many of these events and trainings are recorded and still open to view, so it’s not too late to check out the offerings from the past week! The Greater...

Raising the Next Generation: Webinar on a Survey of U.S. Parents and Caregivers []

From Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, May 2021 Please join us for an in-depth discussion of the findings, and their implications for the country as we move from recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic and economic recession toward a future in which all children and families are thriving. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation recently completed an 18-month study with parents and caregivers in the United States, examining what it is like to raise children in America today. [Please click here for more...

These communities are making healing happen []

Watch how Baltimore, St. Louis, and San Francisco are helping their communities recover from COVID-19 and other traumas. This new two-minute video spotlights how Healing City Baltimore, St. Louis ReCAST, and Heal SF (San Francisco) are building healthier communities through healing. Amid COVID-19 and social and racial injustices, these localities are supporting frontline workers, building community connections, and funding projects that matter to the community. Learn more about the local...

REGISTER NOW - ONE WEEK LEFT!: Asthma & Toxic Stress On-Demand Webinar: CME Opportunity Available Until May 11, 2021

Currently, there are no standard asthma management guidelines that account for the impact of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress on asthma, leaving underserved communities particularly vulnerable to increased risk and severity. Children for whom ACEs and asthma co-occur may ultimately require different prevention and intervention strategies due to their toxic stress-related physiology. As more pediatric clinics become aware of the role of ACEs on health outcomes, the field...

ACEs Aware: Faces of ACEs

ACE Overcomers and The Family Resource Center of Merced County are dedicated to transforming the lives of men, women, and children exposed to ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and trauma throughout Merced County. The two Merced County agencies have released an educational video about the effects of childhood trauma and how to overcome such adversity. The goal of this video is to educate parents/caregivers and the public about the impact of ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), and how to...

A Strengths-Based Approach Brings HOPE to ACEs

The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) released its first in a series of reports called “Snapshots” after polling 3,000+ parents about their experiences during the pandemic. Surprisingly, while many of the findings were concerning, most people reported a deepening relationship with their children despite the stress and tension they were experiencing.

'Heartbreak on top of heartbreak': California's first surgeon general navigates the pandemic []

By Marissa Evans, Los Angeles Times, May 6, 2021 When Dr. Nadine Burke Harris received her COVID-19 vaccine in Oakland last month, she internally rejoiced. As California’s surgeon general , the state’s top physician, she was glad to get the Johnson & Johnson vaccine to show others it was safe. But one of the most critical parts of the pandemic’s vaccine rollout — reassuring Black and brown communities that the vaccines available are safe — is an ongoing task. “I think that I myself...

NCHDV 2021 is a Wrap: don't miss the recorded Keynotes and Plenaries! []

Thank you to everyone who participated in the 2021 National Conference on Health and Domestic Violence last week! With over 2000 people, 60+ amazing concurrent sessions, 5 crucial plenaries and keynotes, as well as artist performances and special wellness offerings, it was a truly special and meaningful week. We hope that everyone who came enjoyed themselves, learned something new, and got to connect with others in the field! ¡Gracias a todos los que participaron en la Conferencia Nacional...

Advancing Parenting

More disappointed organizations… These are some of this week’s requests for sets of our parenting norms bumper stickers. As always none were printed and none were shipped. Visit **************************************************************************** Hi I would love to order some bumper stickers for the organization that I work for, Southwest Network, as well as the agency that I am completing an internship with, Maggie's Place. Please let me know what the...

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