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Polyvagal Theory and Hope In Healing from Childhood Trauma

Polyvagal theory emphasizes the evolutionary development of two systems: the parasympathetic nervous system which is ultimately connected to the vagal nerve and the sympathetic nervous system. Each has its own function, and cause the body to react differently before, during, and after a traumatic or stressful event. If these two systems become damaged from excessive and recurrent trauma, a break down occurs and mental illnesses such as CPTSD and anxiety disorders may result.

Join Kristin Neff at the Free Mindfulness for Healthcare Virtual Summit May 20-23 []

We invite you to participate in the Mindfulness for Healthcare Summit , May 20-23, 2021 hosted online by our partner Mindful Communications and featuring Mindful Self-Compassion co-founder Kristin Neff along with 45 other experts in the mindfulness, compassion, and healthcare fields. This free virtual event will explore how mindfulness and compassion tools and practices support high-quality patient care and the well-being of healthcare workers , with a particular focus on promoting more just...

Foster Boy: National Foster Care Month Screening []

You're invited to a nationwide screening of the award winning film, ' Foster Boy ,' executive produced by Shaquille O'Neal and starring Matthew Modine, Shane Paul McGhie, Louis Gossett Jr., Amy Brenneman, & Julie Benz, and participate in a live Q&A about the importance of reforming the foster care system. REGISTER WATCH THE TRAILER Screening window: May 7 - May 10 Live Panel discussion + Q&A: May 11th at 8:00 pm EST/7:00 pm CST/5:00 pm PST MEET OUR PANELISTS Jay Paul Deratany Jay...

Children's Mental Health Awareness Week []

Sunday, May 2 – Saturday, May 8 Open Up for Children’s Mental Health! Children’s Mental Health Awareness Week -- held every year during the first week of May (National Mental Health Awareness Month) -- is a national campaign that raises awareness and funds to promote better mental health for children. At The Youth Mental Health Project, we work every day to ensure that families have support to care for and strengthen their children’s mental health – never more so than during this past year...

FEA Announces 26 Schools To Take Part In Healing-Centered Engagement To Address Adverse Childhood Experiences & Trauma []

By Anne Forline, South Jersey Observer, April 25, 2021 In March, 2021, the Foundation for Educational Administration (FEA), the professional learning division of the New Jersey Principals and Supervisors Association (NJPSA), announced the 26 schools that will be a part of its Healing-Centered Engagement initiative . The Annette Castiglione Early Childhood Center in Bellmawr is among the schools that will be participating in the program. Funded by grants in excess of $580,000, lead partners...

Inequalities deadly toll []

By Amy Maxmen, Nature, April 28, 2021 On a hazy day in November, Hardeep Singh received a text message from the COVID-19 testing system at Foster Farms poultry company saying that his mother had tested positive for the coronavirus. He got the alert because his mother, a 63-year-old line worker at one of the company’s meat-packing plants in California’s San Joaquin Valley, doesn’t speak English and doesn’t own a smartphone. Singh couldn’t reach her as she continued to handle chicken parts...

The Building Blocks of Hope []

By Elizabeth Dixon, Psychology Today, May 1, 2021 The Traces of ACEs The presence of adversity, especially early on, can significantly affect the human brain and development. Since the late 1990s, we've learned about ACEs, or adverse childhood experiences, and the traces they leave behind. ACEs may be defined as potentially traumatic events that occur between the ages of 0-17, including any of the following: The experience of abuse, neglect, or violence Witnessing violence in the home or...

New Funding Opportunity with All in For Kids []

SAN FRANCISCO BAY AREA 12-COUNTY ALL IN FOR KIDS FUNDING AVAILABLE Promote Healthy Child Development, Prevent Childhood Adversity, Support Equity, Heal Trauma REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS WEBINAR ON MAY 19 Genentech and Blue Shield of California Foundation have joined Futures Without Violence and Bay Area Region First 5's to create All In For Kids, an initiative that focuses on young children (birth to 5 years of age) along with their families, caregivers, and communities. We are pleased to...

First 5 Siskiyou Virtual Training: Parenting in Oz! Trauma-Informed Parenting - presented by Rolf Van Leeuwen, MSW

Join us in this virtual training to learn about a very unique and healing way to care for traumatized children! May 13, 2021 ~ 9:00AM to 12:30PM (PDT) Parenting In Oz! is an experiential, memorable, trauma-informed, parenting curriculum designed to help parents and professionals understand and respond therapeutically to the acting-out behaviors often exhibited by children who have experienced the trauma of neglect, abuse, and loss. More information about this training is available in the the...

Amy Tan: Unintended Memoir Premieres on PBS May 3 []

Amy Tan : Unintended Memoir Premieres nationwide Monday, May 3 at 9:00 p.m. on PBS (check local listings) Also available on the PBS Video app. Tune in May 3rd at 9/8c American Masters—Amy Tan: Unintended Memoirpremiered at The Sundance Film Festival in February 2021 to audiences and media that embraced Tan’s story of personal trauma and her use of creative expression to build resiliency. The film is an intimate portrait of the groundbreaking writer that interweaves archival imagery,...

April 26, HHS Community Health News, 2021: Highlighted Grants and Funding Opportunities []

From Heidi Christensen, Department of Health and Human Services, April 2021 Note: A primary reason funding opportunities highlighted is to let you know of potential investments in your community. To participate in these funds, you may need to actively engage with local community partners, health care systems, and/or public health entities and contribute to your community’s collective efforts. Grants are listed in order of due date, note *new listings.

Trauma Treatment Series (May 3 to 7)

Good Sunday morning all. For those interested in trauma treatment, the US based National Institute for the Clinical Application of Behavioral Medicine (NICABM) is offering a series of 5 modules on the treatment of trauma featuring some well-known experts in the field. They include Bessel van der Kolk, MD (featured in the cover image of this blog post), Pat Ogden, PhD, Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, Dan Siegel, MD and Stephen Porges, PhD. The series starts on Monday 3rd May 2021. More information and...

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