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Legislative win to be celebrated in New York on ACEs Awareness Day April 30

When advocates gather (virtually) to commemorate ACEs Awareness Day on April 30, there will be lots to celebrate—most specifically, the inclusion of language about ACEs in the FY 21-22 New York State budget (see attached document for the link to the budget and ACEs text). It calls for mandated reporters to be educated about “ACEs, the importance of protective factors and the availability of services for children at risk for suffering from ACEs.” It also requires the Office of Child and...

You're Invited: Baby Shower Briefing for Expectant Youth in Care

Good morning PACE members, I hope you are safe and well today. I want to extend an invitation to you to our Baby Shower Briefing on May 5, 2021 at 11 a.m. so together we can Extend the Infant Supplement as a prenatal support for our youth! We will have a number of youth advocate speakers and members of the coalition speak to the issues. Will you join us for our Baby Shower Briefing for Expectant Youth in Care? Description: How does the pandemic impact expectant and parenting foster youth?

AAP Snapshots: Financial Impact of the Pandemic on Families []

By Loren McCullough and Dr. Robert Sege, 4/20/21, This blog continues our reflections on the results of a survey that the HOPE team, in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics , Prevent Child Abuse America , and the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) , commissioned with in November of 2020, asking a national sample of parents and caregivers about their experiences with their children since March of 2020. The project is...

AAP Snapshots: Family Closeness during COVID-19 []

By Loren McCullough and Dr. Robert Sege, 4/20/21, How do US parents and families cope with pandemic-related disturbances to their households? All across the country, family work and children’s regular way of life is topsy-turvy. The HOPE team, in collaboration with the American Academy of Pediatrics , Prevent Child Abuse America , and with assistance and financial support from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) , sent a questionnaire to a...

"Don't Give Up" ~ Creative Resilience

This song can help save lives. I would like to share a work of art with the PACES Community. I am a child psychiatrist whose passion is transforming trauma and despair into creative resilience. Please take a listen to the song “Don’t Give Up.” I wrote the poem that became the lyric and collaborated with singer/songwriter Mia Stegner and producer Raymiah Jackson to create the song. It’s on soundcloud. If you like the song, as in it speaks to you with compassion, please leave a comment. If you...

The Invisible Impact of Me Too: How You Can Prevent and Respond to Child Sexual Abuse

April is Child Abuse Prevention Month and the increase in news reports about allegations of sexual improprieties in Hollywood, the Hill and beyond has both angered and saddened me at times. But it’s been the victim blaming, shaming and questioning by my own family and friends that has triggered several revelations about my own experience of being sexually assaulted as a child. If you are interested in reading more, check out my post here . If you would rather be spared the heartache of yet...

What Babies Need Right from the Start (Birth-24 months) "Delusional Optimism" Podcast with Dr. B

Raising an infant can be very consuming and upending, especially for new parents. Babies have needs that are confusing and different, and there are times when nothing a parent does will sooth the baby. In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B and co-host Seth Creekmore discuss how to survive those early years and share what babies need from birth to 24 months. Listen to some common parenting myths that are harmful and misleading.

Parenting Through the Lens of Resilience "Delusional Optimism" Podcast with Dr. B

Parenting is to guide a child through their ages and stages of life and help them overcome adversity and thrive. In this episode of Delusional Optimism, Dr. B and co-host Seth Creekmore discuss how parents can support their children to become happy, productive people starting with themselves.

Climate, Health, and Equity: Recommendations for the Department of Health and Human Services []

From U.S. Call to Action on Climate, Health, and Equity: A Policy Action Agenda, April 2021 A group of health professionals and organizations has come together to assemble recommendations for HHS. These build on an earlier set of Administration-wide recommendations on climate, health, and equity which gained broad support from health organizations and were well received. This new set of recommendations is directed specifically to HHS. It addresses functions such as research (e.g., at NIH),...

Educating about Genocide and Mass Atrocities []

From Strassler Center for Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Clark University, April 2021 The history of genocide, mass atrocities, crimes against humanity and their continuing consequences stand at the core of the Strassler Center at Clark University. Home to a uniquely rich undergraduate program and a landmark doctoral program, the Strassler Center is the first and only institute of its kind. Since 1998, it has gained international standing as the foremost PhD program training students in...

Almost two months later, child care providers still waiting for relief checks []

By Elizabeth Aguilera, Cal Matters, April 13, 2021 Desperate child care providers who look after state-subsidized children are anxiously waiting on a much-needed one-time stipend of $525 per child promised by Gov. Gavin Newsom back in February. The stipends, which could tally in the thousands for some providers, might mean the difference between staying open or turning out the lights. So far, child care providers have not gotten a single dollar of that relief. The payment process involves...

Black students in 14 L.A. County school districts face serious equity barriers, study finds []

By Melissa Gomez, Los Angeles Times, April 14, 2021 Black students in Los Angeles County continue to face a multitude of barriers to an equitable education, including concentrated poverty, high suspension rates and housing insecurity, a UCLA report released Wednesday found. Researchers focused on 14 school districts in the county that serve at least 800 Black students to understand how various factors are leaving behind Black children, particularly those considered vulnerable. The report by...

Pandemic parenting overwhelming you? A trio of therapists has just the free workshop you need. Register now for events starting Tuesday, April 20.

Therapist and anti-spanking advocate Robbyn Peters Bennett Three therapists have teamed up to he lp with overwhelmed, stressed parents by offering a free workshop each remaining day this week: Pandemic Parenting! Robbyn Peters Bennett from Portland, Oregon, Lori Petro from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Amy Bryant from Decatur, Georgia, organized the event to help parents who have been struggling during the pandemic. Here are the details on what they’re offering and how to attend.

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