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7 Positive Childhood Experiences (PCE's) that Shape Adult Health and Resiliency – Illustrated []

By Lindsay Braman,, March 11, 2021 By now, most counselors, pediatricians, teachers, and other people who work with children know about ACES: The “Adverse Childhood Experiences” scale. ACE’s predict , based on measuring the number of traumatic or adverse events experienced, which kids are likely to struggle developmentally and emotionally as they mature. (You can take the ACES quiz here ). New results from a survey based on a study of 6188 adults at Johns Hopkins shows that...

Supporting Parents and Caregivers with Trauma Histories during COVID-19 []

By Rebecca Vivrette, Child Trends, March 23, 2021 Parents and caregivers across the United States are facing unprecedented challenges, role shifts, and hardships during the COVID-19 pandemic that may negatively impact their parenting and their relationships with their children. Emerging research shows that parents and caregivers are experiencing more significant increases in stress during the pandemic than non-parents. For parents with unresolved histories of adversity and trauma —resulting...

Evanston, Ill., leads the country with first reparations program for Black residents []

By Mark Guarino, The Washington Post, March 22, 2021 The nation's first government reparations program for African Americans was approved Monday night in the Chicago suburb of Evanston, action that advocates say represents a critical step in rectifying wrongs caused by slavery, segregation and housing discrimination and in pushing forward on similar compensation efforts across the country. “Right now the whole world is looking at Evanston, Illinois. This is a moment like none other that...

Raising the Next Generation: A Survey of Parents and Caregivers []

From Every Family Forward, March 2021 OVERVIEW As America rapidly evolves into a more racially and ethnically diverse country, we see that future in our children. The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation commissioned an in-depth research study to explore the experiences of parents and caregivers today as they raise the next generation of children. The project began with interviews and focus groups, culminating in a survey of approximately 2,000 parents and caregivers to hear directly from them...

The Overlap Between Cocaine and PTSD

While opioids and alcohol get a lot of the attention when it comes to addiction problems, and rightfully so, there are still other drugs of abuse causing harm and leading to death. Cocaine remains the third-most prevalent drug of abuse in the United States and in 2012, over 1 million U.S. adults met the criteria for cocaine dependence or abuse . Research has also found that there is an overlap between cocaine use and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). In fact, up to 43% of cocaine user s...

ACEs Research Corner — March 2021

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs. Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] CHILD ABUSE Flannigan K, Kapasi A, Pei J, et. al. Characterizing adverse childhood experiences among children and adolescents with prenatal alcohol exposure and Fetal...

Join us for - Violence Against Asian & Asian Americans: How Do We Support the Children? []

Violence Against Asian Americans: How Do We Support the Children? Wednesday, March 24, 2021 @ 8:30 pm ET Ahora con traducción en vivo y en español (lea más abajo) The murders of eight people at massage parlors in the Atlanta area, most of them Asian American and women, marks only the most awful, recent contribution to a year-long spike in violence against Asians and Asian Americans in the US. The advocacy group STOP AAPI [Asian American Pacific Islander] Hate received some 3,000 reports of...

3/24 webinar on housing insecurity during the pandemic: Sign up now! []

Housing insecurity during the pandemic is a huge health story in every community. "One study has attributed thousands of deaths in Texas alone to evictions because displaced families have been forced into more crowded living situations where they caught and spread COVID-19," NPR correspondent Chris Arnold wrote in an articlelate last year. Even before COVID-19, one in four tenants nationwide spent more than half their income on rent, 1 million were evicted a year, and about half a million...

Megan Marcus & Kelley Munger join the show to discuss Trauma-Informed Schools

In this episode of the Trauma-Informed Lens Podcast, Matt speaks with Megan Marcus and Kelley Munger from FuelEd about how educators can serve as secure attachment figures, with the power to heal student trauma through the relationships they build, and the need for educators to first do their own healing. We also explore the power of providing simple and safe places for educators within school culture to receive healing from their own trauma.

Washington Supreme Court Raises Age of Sentencing Limits for Teenagers []

By The Imprint Staff Reports, The Imprint, March 16, 2021 Washington is the first state in the nation that may no longer automatically sentence young adults convicted of murder to life in prison without parole for killings they committed when they were 18, 19 or 20 years old. The 5-4 ruling by the state’s highest court extended the logic that the U.S. Supreme Court used when it held that anyone younger than 18 cannot be given mandatory life sentences for murder, holding that science has...

Diane Guerrero Wants You to Know It's Okay to Not Be Okay []

By Xenia Shih Bion, California Health Care Foundation, March 16, 2021 The COVID-19 pandemic and its social and economic consequences have hurt many people’s mental health. They have had an outsized impact on the mental health of young adults, many of whom have experienced closed schools, lost income, and social isolation. Fifty-six percent of people between 18 and 24 years old reported symptoms of anxiety and/or depressive disorder — a larger share than other adult age groups, according to...

Reframing Childhood Adversity: Promoting Upstream Approaches []

From Alliance for Strong Families and Communities, March 2021 This brief offers guidance on positioning and explaining the issue of childhood adversity, as well as the need for promoting upstream approaches. The guidance has implications for a wide variety of communications goals and contexts, but it is most relevant for efforts designed to educate the public about strategies that work at the community and policy levels. These framing recommendations were developed for advocates,...

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