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How Trauma Affects the Body: Reflections from Dr. Eric Ball []

By Eric H. Ball, ACEs Aware, March 15, 2021 Our four-year-old Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, Everly, was recently killed. Everly was an amazing dog and a true member of our family. She was well-trained and worked as a therapy dog at our local church. She especially liked the days when she would visit homeless or foster children. Everly slept in the same bed as our 12-year-old daughter. She was a great “big sister” to our 4-month-old puppy, who came to us just six weeks before Everly died.

7 experiencias que todo niño debería vivir para una buena salud mental de adulto, según especialistas []

Por Consuelo Hernández, Naran Xadul, 18 Marzo 2021 Todo lo que vivimos en la infancia deja huellas en nuestro corazón y en nuestra personalidad, pero, las experiencias positivas en específico son las que nos ayudan a tener una buena salud mental cuando somos adultos. Según un estudio realizado por la Universidad Johns Hopkins , cuando tu hijo vive experiencias positivas mientras es niño, es menos probable que sufra depresión y tenga una mejor salud mental cuando sea adulto, por lo que sus...

Unprecedented new funding expected for California’s schools--is it enough to address the youth mental health crisis?

Dear Friends and Allies California schools are slowly beginning to reopen and billions of dollars in federal and state funds have been committed to support the long road of not only getting our kids in school but helping close the learning gap and address the social-emotional stress of the past 12 months. The specifics, as reported by EdSource , include: $15.3 billion in assistance to California’s K-12 schools from the American Rescue Plan. An additional $6.6 billion appropriated by Gov.

Early Childhood Education Training Approved as Evidenced Based Professional Development by Tennessee Department of Human Services

In the summer of 2020, the Tennessee Early Childhood Training Alliance (TECTA) at Austin Peay University, reached out asking me to provide several professional development opportunities for early childhood educators statewide after being awarded grant funding. TECTA leadership requested that I deliver a training I had used in July of 2020 when training the childcare leadership of the state of Mississippi. The training entitled, Using a Trauma Informed Approach in Early Childhood Education ,...

Head Start Study Highlights Important Role of Trauma-Informed Attitudes 

Head Start and Early Head Start continue to lead the way in promoting school readiness and family engagement for vulnerable young children. It’s no surprise, then, that Head Start is increasingly focused on implementing trauma-informed care (TIC). A recent study adds timely relevance to the advancement of trauma-informed care in Head Start preschool settings. The study, published in School Mental Health , “examines the relationship between trauma-informed training content, trauma-informed...

Virtual Learning Anxiety: How To Help Your Kids

Virtual work, virtual groceries; everything has turned virtual since the pandemic of 2020. People can get all their work done without having to leave the comfort of their homes. It also means that our children have to adapt to a whole new educational system; virtual learning. While virtual learning offers the feasibility of learning at home, it comes with numerous issues too. One of the commonly-experienced issues is virtual learning anxiety. Not turning off the camera, constantly staying on...

Some Final Thoughts on Family Estrangement

In this series, in December, we have examined together what family estrangement is, some of its causes, and how we can learn to enjoy our lives despite being separated from our family of origin. In this article, we are going to focus on some concluding thoughts on family estrangement. We are also going to focus on the resources of the CPTSD Foundation that anyone can take advantage of to help overcome the pain that comes with family estrangement. A Brief Recap of the definition of Family...

ASTHO provides significant support to state and territorial health agencies to prevent ACEs

When the Association of State and Territorial Health Organizations (ASTHO) fielded the ACEs capacity assessment tool (ACECAT) in 2019, it prompted a 75% response rate, reflecting the states’ growing awareness of the impact of ACEs on health and eagerness to add to the body of knowledge about states’ activities and capacities around ACEs. After participating in the ACECAT, Nicole Daley, Director of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health’s Division of Violence and Injury Prevention,...

Middle school adds dog to its staff []

By Jason W. Selby, Globe Gazette, March 17, 2021 For Jasper the therapy dog and counselor Sharon Reinardy, it is their first year of work at Osage Middle School. “We’re learning together,” Reinardy said. It is Saint Patrick’s Day. Normally Jasper would be resting at home, but now he has a job. He belongs to special education teacher Ashlyn Hubbard, and after a few years of training, they passed through the doors as fellow employees, dressed in green. [ Please click here to read more .]

Positive childhood experiences may have a greater impact than the bad []

By Rachel Zimlich, Contemporary Pediatrics, November 26, 2019 The lifelong negative effects that adverse childhood experiences have on adult mental health are well-established, but new research suggests that positive childhood experiences can help mitigate the damage. Researchers at Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health in Baltimore, Maryland, published a study in JAMA Pediatrics revealing that positive childhood experiences are just as important as negative ones, and can actually...

How One Family Foundation Is Evolving to Refocus on Racial Equity []

By Alex Daniels, The Chronicle of Philanthropy, March 15, 2021 Coming to the office in July 2016 was like entering a void for C’Ardiss Gardner Gleser. Over the course of three days that month, two Black men, Philando Castile and Alton Sterling, had been shot dead by the police. Work at the Satterberg Foundation, where Gardner Gleser served as a program officer, hummed along as usual as she grieved in silence. “I had to leave work because I couldn’t sit there and do nothing and be in this...

Childhood family connection and adult flourishing: associations across levels of childhood adversity []

By Robert C. Whitaker, Tracy Dearth-Wesley, and Allison N. Herman, Academic Pediatrics, March 10, 2021 Abstract Objectives To investigate whether higher levels of childhood family connection were associated with greater adult flourishing and if this association was present across levels of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and childhood socioeconomic disadvantage (SED). Methods We pooled cross-sectional data from telephone and mailed surveys in the Midlife in the United States study that...

Equitable Enforcement of Pandemic-Related Public Health Laws: Strategies for Achieving Racial and Health Justice []

By Maya Hazarika Watts, Katie Hannon Michel, Jessica Breslin, and Elizabeth Tobin-Tyler, American Journal of Public Health, February 10, 2021 As COVID-19 inflicts disproportionate harm on communities of color, inequitable enforcement of pandemic response policies further widens health disparities. (Although “pandemic response policies” include many interventions, we use the term to reference public health policies adopted to limit viral spread.) These actions are extensions of persistent...

TARP Freedom Rally - March 18 at 5 p.m.

The Adolescent Redemption Project (TARP) is a new Michigan-based nonprofit dedicated to a second chance for incarcerated individuals when they were sentenced before age 25 or experienced multiple ACEs. Thursday's event is an opportunity to hear from Breonna Taylor ’s sister Dee Dee Taylor , a member of our board, who is a passionate advocate for getting her father Everette Taylor out of prison as soon as possible. We’re a fledgling 501c4, only less than a year old. We have no staff, only a...

Healing the Hidden Wounds from Childhood: The Promise of Healing, Part II (Glenn R. Schiraldi, Ph.D., Lt. Col., USAR, Ret.)

So many people are struggling with unhealed, hidden wounds from toxic childhood stress. For some the pain is obvious. Others might look outwardly strong, capable, and in control. However, unhealed inner wounds cause needless suffering and can lead to a dizzying array of psychological, medical, and functional problems. This three-part blog discusses the road to recovery. Part I explained “The Principles of Healing.” This part explains why traditional treatments are not usually the best...

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