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How adverse childhood experiences or ACEs impact your current wellbeing

Often, people who have a history of trauma in childhood find themselves struggling to flourish in adulthood. Trauma affects the brain in ways that can make you more likely to experience difficulty when faced with emotionally stressful and demanding situations in your relationships, at work, and as a parent. Throughout my life, both growing up and as an adult, I’ve faced a number of challenging life experiences, stressors, and traumas, and I understand this struggle on a deep, intrinsic...

Racial Equity & Student Expression in Schools []

From American Civil Liberties Union Northern California, January 20, 2021 Students have organized and led a remarkable number of movements for social change. In fact, many of the protests following the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police were student-led. During the Civil Rights movement, Black students like the “Little Rock Nine,” put their lives on the line for equal justice at school. Schools in California and across the country continue to limit student expression and the...

NC congresswoman continues fight for Black maternal health care, introduces 'Momnibus' legislation []

By Tanya Mendis, WCNC, February 8, 2021 Congresswoman Alma Adams remembered vividly the day her daughter nearly lost her life. It happened when her daughter was trying to bring life into this world. “A physician overlooking my daughter’s complaints of pain in her abdomen, not listening to her needs as a Black woman,” Adams said. “Their dismissal of her pain almost cost my daughter her life.” Adams’ daughter’s experience is one that echoes through the Black community. Maternal mortality rates...

How to heal the 'mass trauma' of Covid-19 []

By Ed Prideaux, BBC, February 3, 2021 You are living amid the first global mass trauma event for several decades. It's arguably the first of its kind since World War Two, and likely the first of such severity in your lifetime. At the time of writing, more than two million lives have been lost, and the number continues to rise by tens of thousands every day. The global economy, complex webs of international relations, individual mental health, the pitter-patter of everyday life: nothing has...

Join Special Guest Father Paul Abernathy for a Zoom Discussion on March 16th, at 7p.m. EST to discuss the Whole People Documentary Series and Trauma-Informed Community Development

On behalf of ACEs Connection , the CTIPP (The Campaign for Trauma -Informed Policy & Practice), and the Relentless School Nurse , we want to invite you to the streaming of parts 4 and 5 of the Whole People documentary series on the weekend o f M arch 12th through March 14th, 2021. We will stream both parts on ACEs Connection in the Transforming Trauma with ACEs Sciences Film Festival community. The documentary viewing will be followed by a discussion with special guest, Father Paul...

Healing from Codependency and the Freedom that Awaits

There is no healing without recognition of that which needs to be healed. Someone who has clogged arteries cannot heal those clogged arteries if they are unaware they have clogged arteries. To heal mentally, emotionally, spiritually, physically, or cognitively first requires an acknowledgment of some kind of deficit or wound. In order to acknowledge a wound one must become conscious or self-aware of such wound. Most people do not question why they feel what they feel or why they do what they...

Understanding Our Health Before the Pandemic Can Help Us Improve It Afterward []

By Anita Chandra and Carolyn Miller, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, January 29, 2021 2020 was arguably one of the most difficult years in American history, challenging our resilience and surfacing enduring and systemic challenges to our collective health and well-being. As we continue to measure the pandemic’s impact on short- and long-term health, as well as other social and economic indicators, it is useful to note where we stood pre-pandemic. Understanding the conditions and trends that...

Pediatricians: schools must reopen now to relieve children's suffering []

By Kristen Taketa, The San Diego Union-Tribune, February 7, 2021 Pediatricians across San Diego County say they are deeply troubled by what they see school closures doing to children. Dr. Janet Crow, a pediatrician at UC San Diego, talks every day with middle and high school kids who are heading toward depression or are flat-out depressed, she said. One of her high school patients can’t bring himself to do Zoom school, she said. His mom isn’t there to help him because she is an essential...

James Redford's film just premiered at Sundance. But he didn't live to see it []

By Lottie Elizabeth Johnson, Deseret News, February 7, 2021 While watching the documentary about her life, “Joy Luck Club” author Amy Tan had one big observation: “I look like I’m on the verge of crying all the time.” At its heart, that statement is really a testament to director James “Jamie” Redford . Tan was reluctant when Redford first approached her about doing a documentary. The 68-year-old author had been in the spotlight ever since publishing “The Joy Luck Club” — her first novel —...

Emptying the Dishwasher Can Enrich Kids' Mental Health []

By Sharon Holbrook, The New York Times, February 11, 2021 I begged my 12-year-old to help me with the pandemic task of learning to dye my hair at home. I could have done it myself, but I’ve learned that small opportunities to feel useful and successful are good for kids’ mental health, which I’m especially attuned to in our current circumstances. Among the other ideas I’ve tried during these long months: Letting my kids practice phone skills by having them call to order takeout and asking...

Two officers who helped fight the Capitol mob died by suicide. Many more are hurting. []

By Peter Hermann, The Washington Post, February 12, 2021 Engulfed in the crush of rioters storming the Capitol, D.C. police officer Jeffrey Smith sent his wife a text that spoke to the futility and fears of his mission. “London has fallen,” the 35-year-old tapped on his phone at 2:38 p.m. on Jan. 6, knowing his wife would understand he was referencing a movie by that name about a plan to assassinate world leaders attending a funeral in Britain. The text confirmed the frightening images Erin...

NEAR Science is Coming to Oklahoma!

By the end of March, Oklahoma will have 30 certified Master Trainers prepared to canvass our state and engage and motivate individuals and communities to prevent Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and improve well-being. The Master Trainer program is facilitated by Dr. Robert Anda and Laura Porter of ACE Interface , a company that provides education, analysis, process design, facilitation, and products designed to increase networks of trainers to disseminate education across communities.

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