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The Stress Response, Trauma, & Heart Rate Variability

In this podcast episode, we explore the nature of the stress response and what it can teach us about trauma. Heart Rate Variability as a measure of the nervous system's ability to handle or recover from stress helps us measure the stress response and learn new insights into behaviors.

APA Journal publishes special issue on Complementary Medicine and Integrative Approaches to Trauma Therapy

The APA Journal Psychological Trauma: Theory, Research, Practice, and Policy recently published a special issue on “Complementary Medicine and Integrative Approaches to Trauma Therapy and Recovery.” Along with articles on the use of yoga, mindfulness and Healing Touch to treat PTSD is an article on EFT: “Reexamining the effect of emotional freedom techniques on stress biochemistry: A randomized controlled trial” by Peta Stapleton and colleagues. This research study replicated an earlier...

ISO a mission-driven communicator

Ready4K is hiring and we'd love your help finding the right new team member! You might be thinking "ACEsConnection isn't a job board, so why are you posting here?!?" As a mission-driven organization, it's crucial that every team member understands how our work contributes to the well-being of the families we serve. So we thought "what better way to find this new team member than by asking those most steeped in supporting the healthy development of every child?" Which brings me to this...

50,000 members strong! ACEs Connection invites you to celebrate, reminisce and commemorate our collective growth

On March 4th at 12 pm PT (3 pm ET), we’re stopping for an hour to gather around Zoom screens to celebrate the work of ACEs Connection. We’d love for you to join us to share stories about how we learned about ACEs science, what happened in our personal and work lives as a result of joining ACEs Connection, and what we hope the long-term impact of this knowledge will be. >>Click here to register<< In addition to you who celebrate with us, we'll have other guests, including Ann...

Barberg Strategy Maps

Top Level Strategy Map - ACEs & Resilience Resource Commons for Communities ( Interesting wiki based resource to promote inter-agency collaboration related to ACEs and resilience. Below is the link to the informational video on how this interface works...This tool is still in development but has a lot of potential. Barberg - Strategy Maps to address ACEs on Vimeo

ACEs Champion: Carolyn Curtis brings ACEs healing to community networks through the ‘Mind Matters’ program

“Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience” builds on Carolyn Curtis’s lifetime experience. It is as if she had been predestined to teach people to overcome the adverse experiences in their lives. Like many of us, Curtis grew up in an alcoholic home. This gives her a deep understanding of the damage that comes from early childhood trauma – and a passion for helping others overcome it. Her experience eventually led her to become a marriage and family counselor. After 30...

ACEs Research Corner — February 2021

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs. Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] Walker CS, Walker BH, Brown DC, Buttross S, Sarver DE. Defining the role of exposure to ACEs in ADHD: Examination in a national sample of US children. Child Abuse Negl.

“Are the children safe, and then taken care of?” Connecting the world Part 1.

Everyone on this site wants the world to be better. Yet, we are complicit to the very reasons it is the way it is. The core to everything we know is wrong, that is within our ability to address, is our lack of connection and logic. Child abuse, violence, racism, poverty, and so on, all of them exist because of our lack of connection and logic. And until we address those issues in us, we remain complicit to what is within our abilities to so easily with the hard work do. Most don’t know how...

Acknowledging the trauma and grief of the pandemic. In her book and this video, author Sarah Peyton shares why this is important.

Author, speaker and neuroscience educator Sarah Peyton is a friend to ACEs Connection. When I asked her recently to speak to the importance acknowledging the grief and trauma most of us are feeling during COVID-19, as we see the number of deaths increase and as people we know fall victim to the disease, she welcomed the opportunity. I wanted to ask Sarah to do this because recently, as I was listening to her “Your Resonant Self, Guided Meditations and Exercises to Engage Your Brain’s...

COVID-19 and Health Equity: How this Van is Meeting Survivors' Needs During COVID-19 []

From National Sexual Violence Resource Center, February 3, 2021 When Black Women’s Blueprint purchased their Sistas Van in 2019, their original plan was to use it as a mobile healing unit that would help survivors of sexual violence access support, healing, and reproductive care. But when the COVID-19 pandemic began, Black Women’s Blueprint saw that there was an increased need for essential supplies like food, clothes, and hygiene products, so the Sistas Van shifted their services to meet...

Paperwork Problems Keep Hungry Californians from Getting Food Stamps []

By Sara Tiano and Susan Abram, The Imprint, February 11, 2021 Among the most iconic images of the early pandemic were those of cars lined up for miles outside of food banks. Millions of Americans for the first time felt the threat of food insecurity when they suddenly lost income and the school meals helping them feed their kids. Enrollment in California’s food stamp program, known as CalFresh, hit a record high in the spring of 2020, and the state is even boosting everyone’s benefits by...

Book Club Can Save The Kids in Your Max Unit []

By Jane Guttman, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, February 15, 2021 “ Always Running” is a book that I recommend to everyone. It is one of the best books written by Luis J. Rodriguez and for many years was on the banned book lists throughout the country. When I arrived at the juvenile court school library, it was off the banned list and one of the most sought-after reads. I brought it to book club on many occasions. It was originally banned and taken out of public and school libraries...

SXSW EDU Welcomes Oprah Winfrey And Dr. Bruce Perry As The Opening Keynote At The 2021 Online Event []

By SXSW EDU, PR Newswire, February 9, 2021 SXSW EDU is pleased to announce that Oprah Winfrey and Dr. Bruce Perry , the co-authors of the upcoming book What Happened to You (Flatiron Books out April 27 ), will open the 2021 virtual event as the keynote session on Tuesday, March 9, 2021 at 9:30am CT . The fireside chat will feature global media icon and philanthropist, Ms. Oprah Winfrey and world-renowned brain development and trauma expert, Dr. Bruce Perry , M.D. Ph.D. Together they will...

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