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REGISTER NOW!: ACEs Aware Webinar: Network of Care []

This webinar will include a discussion and concrete example of a trauma-informed network of care , a group of interdisciplinary health, education, and human service professionals, community members, and organizations that support adults, children, and families by providing access to evidence-based “buffering” resources and supports that help to prevent, treat, and heal the harmful consequences of toxic stress. Speakers will present: Definitions and guidance on key elements of a...

After decades and millions of tourists, Silver Springs to get first glass-bottom boat for wheelchairs []

By Kevin Spear, Orlando Sentinel, January 19, 2021 Florida’s 150 years of treating tourists to gushing springs, lolling manatees, curious fish and emerald grasses undulating in invisible currents is about to take a turn because of a chance remark. In 2015, Paula Russo, a volunteer for the Florida State Parks Foundation, set up a table for a public event at Paynes Prairie Preserve State Park near Gainesville. Russo, relying on a powered scooter because of childhood polio, was there to tout...

Experts say this is what children need to survive the COVID-19 pandemic []

By Alia E. Dastagir and Alia Wong, USA Today, December 22, 2020 It has been almost a year of pandemic parenting, an all-consuming, ever-changing chaos that has tested American families in unprecedented ways. Schools closed, then opened, then closed again. Playdates were fewer and fraught with new rules. Working parents often did their jobs without child care, while parents of teens did their best to buffer against a litany of losses – friends, sports, proms, graduations. For many low-income...

Resilience - Bouncing back? []

By Anne O'Connor, Nursery World, December 21, 2020 While some tabloids have been screaming that children have ‘gone backwards’ in their learning and development during the pandemic, it has also being said that our youngest children have bounced back easily into school and nursery, despite all the changes to their provision. This seems to be proof to many that babies and young children are hardy, resilient and ‘coping fine’ – so, we needn’t worry about them? Head teachers, managers and...

Through the Eyes of a Child []

By Elizabeth Gehrman, Harvard Medicine, January 21, 2021 Maybe it hasn’t actually been the worst year ever, as internet memes are calling it, but for most of us, 2020 really has been “extra.” Against the backdrop of a pandemic that has created economic havoc and kept people from loved ones and purpose-defining work, the country has endured its greatest social unrest in decades, largely driven by a relentless daily barrage of horrifying racial incidents delivered up close and in real time.

Equipping Hope: A Holistic Approach to Building Trauma-Informed and Resilient Communities - $15 Mini-Event

Are you seeking support to build a truly trauma-informed school or community? Trauma-informed work is never a one-size-fits-all program. It is about building a responsive and actionable culture that is rooted in the science of Hope. Building healthy communities takes a full-spectrum approach, from building the buy-in, to implementing and sustaining the process. In this online conference, you will learn the components for building change: understanding how to develop Hope ; learning how to...

Upcoming: Lake County, IN Resilience Coalition Meeting

Hello! Franciscan Health is excited to start 2021 with our second Lake County, IN Resilience Coalition Meeting which will be held on Tuesday, February 9th at 1pm CST. We hope to offer a basis for shared understanding across communities, cultures, disciplines and service systems. If you would like to join the Lake County Resilience Coalition, please feel free to reach out to me via email at We look forward to this meeting and collaborating with champions...

The Brain Architects: Connecting Health & Learning Part II: The Implications []

From Center on the Developing Child, Harvard University, January 21, 2021 How do we use the science of early childhood development to implement practical strategies and overcome longstanding barriers in the early childhood field? How can we ensure that families’ voices are heard when we create policies or programs? To kick off this episode, Center Director Dr. Jack Shonkoff describes what the science means for policymakers, system leaders, care providers, and caregivers. This is followed by...

Multnomah County Job Opportunity - Preschool Division HR Analyst Senior

Final Filing Date 01/31/2021 OVERVIEW: This Human Resources Analyst Senior will work with the new Preschool for All division and provides advanced professional and technical consultative support and serve as a subject matter expert with in-depth knowledge of employee and labor relations, complaint investigations, performance management, and workforce planning which includes succession planning, equity and outreach as related to short and long term staffing. Work is performed independently,...

Addressing Child Hunger When School Is Closed — Considerations during the Pandemic and Beyond []

By Mary Kathryn Poole, Sheila E. Fleischhacker, and Sara N. Bleich, The New England Journal of Medicine, January 20, 2021 T he Covid-19 pandemic has moved hunger out of the shadows in the United States. Record numbers of Americans, including one in four families with school-age children, don’t have reliable access to food. 1 Congress has authorized several innovative programs and substantial appropriations to respond to this crisis. Despite these efforts, food insecurity — a long-standing...

Single anonymous donor gives $40 million to fund 50 civil rights lawyers []

From Associated Press, CBS News, January 18, 2021 The NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund launched a $40 million scholarship program on Monday to support a new generation of civil rights lawyers, dedicated to pursuing racial justice across the South. With that whopping gift from a single anonymous donor, the fund plans to put 50 students through law schools around the country. In return, they must commit to eight years of racial justice work in the South, starting with a two-year...

Adverse childhood experiences and problematic media use: the roles of attachment and impulsivity []

By Nicole Wilke, Amanda Hiles Howard, Meredith Morgan, and Martha Hardin, Taylor & Francis Online, February 2020 ABSTRACT Research has found that childhood adversity is associated with numerous maladaptive outcomes, including insecure attachment, mental health challenges, and problematic media use. As attachment is a primary developmental process that can be affected by childhood adversity, insecure attachment may be one psychological mechanism through which childhood adversity is...

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