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Zoom Funerals, Outdoor Classes: Jails and Prisons Evolve Amid the Pandemic []

By Keri Blakinger, The Marshall Project, January 19, 2021 When his father died last year of an overdose* , * Rodney Watson thought he would miss the funeral and his last chance to say goodbye—not because of the pandemic, but because he was in jail. Watson, 36, was awaiting trial in Houston after shooting and wounding his brother during a fight, an act he swears was unintentional. In the past, Watson’s incarceration could have forced him to miss the elegant church funeral with the white roses...

Column: Racial healing requires truth and reconciliation []

By Wendy Ellis, Tia Sheree Gaynor, and Laura Huerta Migus, The Columbus Dispatch, January 18, 2021 Six days into the new year, a mob of thousands of Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol and attempted a coup, surrounded by symbols of white supremacy. For centuries, narratives in the United States have projected an image of a democracy built on the promises of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. In reality, this narrative fails to acknowledge the incongruous truths of the...

Systemic racism and overcoming my COVID-19 vaccine hesitancy []

By Lauren D. Nephew, EClinical Medicine, January 18, 2021 On December 19, 2020 I received my first dose of the coronavirus 2019 (COVID-19) vaccine. I had decided only about 10 days before to take the vaccine in the first round, if given the opportunity. My hesitation may come as a surprise to some. As a physician, scientist, and epidemiologist, many may have thought that I would be ready, with my sleeve up, as soon as the Phase 3 clinical trials began. However, long before I was a physician...

National Freeze on Aging Out of Foster Care Will Make 'Profound Difference,' New York Advocates Say []

By Megan Conn, The Imprint, January 13, 2021 Ten months into a deadly pandemic that continues to wreak havoc on society and the economy, a federal relief package bundled extra child welfare money to states with a new rule: You can’t let foster youth age out into adulthood during the ongoing coronavirus emergency. The news was welcomed by New York child welfare advocates, who had spent much of the past year appealing to Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D) for a statewide moratorium on aging out of foster...

Many Parents Say Teens With Anxiety, Depression May Benefit From Peer Confidants at School []

By Beata Mostafavi, Michigan Health, January 18, 2021 An estimated one in five teenagers has symptoms of a mental health disorder such as depression or anxiety, and suicide is the second leading cause of death among teens. But the first person a teen confides in may not always be an adult – they may prefer to talk to another teen. And three-quarters of parents in a new national poll think peers better understand teen challenges, compared to teachers or counselors in the school. The majority...


While enduring this unprecedented pandemic with high infection and death rates for close to a year, we FINALLY have a COVID-19 vaccine. Whoo hoo right? Well, not so fast. While some people are jubilant over this scientific breakthrough, others are terrified and for good reason. There are those especially in under-served, under-privileged communities who are just plain scared in becoming vaccinated against the virus. Many of us are aware of the cruel Tuskeegee Study. The Tuskegee Study is...

VA TICNs eNote January 18 2021

Join Racial Truth & Reconciliation Virginia today, January 18, 3:00-4:45pm, as we honor Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. who embodied racial resilience, peacemaking, reconciliation, and justice. This event will authentically address Virginia’s reckoning of the past and reconciling of the present and examine the role that educational entities play in shedding light on historical trauma and the retelling of history. Participants will engage communities in pursuing their own journey of truth and...

California Vacancy Database []

WHAT IS THE VACANCY DATABASE? The Catalyst Center, a program of the CA Alliance, is collecting vacancy information from STRTP, FFA, and THP service providers throughout California. This information is used to provide placement referrals to state and county officials and ensure that youth are matched to programs and services most appropriate for their needs. The project is in partnership with the California Department of Social Services (CDSS). Please don’t hesitate to call if we can assist...

How the pandemic highlights racial disparities in higher education []

By Hari Sreenivasan and Jason Kane, January 12, 2021 Judy Woodruff: Let's turn now to a different impact of COVID on higher education. Typically, during a recession, community college enrollment goes up, as unemployed workers start looking for new skills. But that is not happening now. It could mean trouble for the economy going forward, particularly for low-income students. [ Please click here to read the full transcript .]

Prevent Child Abuse America Welcomes Jennifer Jones as Its New Chief Strategy Officer [Prevent Child Abuse America]

Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) announced today that Jennifer Jones will join the organization as its new Chief Strategy Officer, effective February 15. She currently serves as the director of the Change in Mind Institute and the co-director for Safety and Resilience for the Alliance for Strong Families and Communities (which recently announced a merger with the Council on Accreditation). “Jennifer Jones is a well-respected leader in the areas of brain science, child welfare and...

California Child Wellbeing Coalition e-Guide

The California Department of Public Health, Injury and Prevention Branch (CDPH/IVPB) and the California Department of Social Service, Office of Child Abuse Prevention’s (CDSS/OCAP), Essentials for Childhood (EfC) Initiative are excited to share a recently updated resource titled “California Child Wellbeing Coalition e-Guide.” This e-Guide was developed for all those who are serving Californians and interested in collaborating or connecting with local coalitions, boards, and other organized...

ACEs Research Corner — January 2021

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs. Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] Hashemi SM, Yousefichaijan P, Salehi B, et. al. Comparison of child abuse history in patients with and without functional abdominal pain: a case-control study. BMC...

Children's Screen Time Has Soared in the Pandemic, Alarming Parents and Researchers []

By Matt Richtel, The New York Times, January 16, 2021 The day after New Year’s, John Reichert of Boulder, Colo., had a heated argument with his 14-year-old son, James. “I’ve failed you as a father,” he told the boy despairingly. During the long months of lockdowns and shuttered schools, Mr. Reichert, like many parents, overlooked the vastly increasing time that his son was spending on video games and social media. Now, James, who used to focus his free time on mountain biking and playing...

The 'war on drugs' was a war on people of color

In the spring of 1982, Susan Burton turned to alcohol and drugs to cope with the death of her 5-year-old son, who had run into the street and was hit by a vehicle driven by an off-duty police officer . Over the course of the next 17 years, Burton was in and out of prison. “Each time I left, I felt a little more broken,” she told me recently. What would have made a difference, she said, was “if there could have been a way to have therapy from traumatic childhood events, disappointments and...

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