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What I Learned From Presenting a Trauma-informed Class to Police Chiefs

I'm pretty sure I learned as much or more about trauma-informed policing while presenting the class as did the police chiefs who attended. After not presenting at all during 2020, I was excited to be invited to present a block of instruction on Trauma-Informed Leadership for Police Chiefs at the Mississippi Association of Chiefs of Police 2021 Winter Conference. There were about 50 chiefs in attendance on January 14, 2021, and while we all had to deal with the COVID precautions, it was good...

Neuroplasticity and Mindfulness

Every time we experience something new, a new neural pathway forms, and if repeated, reinforces and strengthens the connections between brain cells. So, neuroplasticity happens throughout our lives based on our experiences which either strengthen or weaken our neural connections. What we don’t use will be pruned away. However, there is a way neuroplasticity can be harnessed to successfully mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences on our adult lives.

Maine Behavioral Healthcare awarded grant to provide ACEs consulting services

Maine Behavioral Healthcare’s Department of Clinical Innovation and Department of Training and Development have been awarded a $30,000 grant for ACEs Consulting Services from the United Way of Greater Portland (UWGP), Maine. UWGP, on behalf of their Thrive2027 community-wide goals, sought to develop and implement a training model to advance its work in becoming a trauma-informed community. This project will develop and implement a comprehensive training program based on the identified needs...

Advancing Parenting

Advancing Parenting is a Camarillo, CA nonprofit organization pioneering a new kind of aces prevention/parenting that reaches everyone, everywhere, all the time. Below is a sample of the requests that come in every day for sets of Advancing Parenting’s bumper stickers. Because we have run out of funding and are entirely dependent on donations no stickers were printed and none were shipped. We have requests for hundreds of sets of the fifty-one parenting tips bumper stickers...

How One Atlanta Church Impacted Martin Luther King, Jr., the Civil Rights Movement and Incoming Sen. Raphael Warnock (

Formerly enslaved individuals helped found Ebenezer in 1886, and its roots in civil rights activism predate King. His grandfather, A.D. Williams, was the church’s second pastor, and he helped start the Atlanta chapter of the NAACP. The church’s historian Benjamin Ridgeway tells TIME that King’s father, known as Martin Luther King, Sr., was an early advocate for Black police officers in Atlanta and equal pay for teachers as a pastor at Ebenezer. But Martin Luther King, Jr. helped raise the...

East Tennessee State University/Ballad Health Strong Brain Institute Begins Work

Amidst the beauty found within the rural communities nestled in the Appalachian Mountains, Northeast Tennessee is a region that sadly is no stranger to challenges. This is a region with overcrowded prisons, hospitals delivering babies whose mothers are addicted to substances at staggering rates, foster care shortfalls, and public-school systems where it’s common to hear phrases like cradle to prison and school to prison pipeline. In 2014, while working for the local Police Department as the...

Begin Again: Live Online Yoga Class Series

However difficult the past, or slow the progress, you can always choose to begin again. Wednesdays 12:00-12:50 January 27 - March 17, 2021 Live Online Yoga Practice Sign up for the Eight Week Series or Single Classes By employing the contemplative movement practice of yoga through a trauma-sensitive lens, you will have the opportunity to observe your thoughts, feel your physical and emotional sensations and consider self-compassion as you invite yourself, from moment to moment, to begin...

"The Brain's Journey to Resilience"

"The Brain Story is a story about how experiences shape our brains. As such, it is also a story about human relationships, because we depend on those around us for the experiences that build our brain architecture."-Alberta Family Wellness Initiative For those individuals who have taken the incredible Brain Story Certification through the Alberta Family Wellness initiative, AFWI has released a report on January 8,2021, titled: "EARLY LEARNINGS ABOUT USES FOR THE RESILIENCE SCALE METAPHOR IN...

Survey: Attitudes, Views and Values around Health, Equity and Race Amid COVID-19 (

A national, ongoing survey explores deep-rooted views of those with low and middle incomes, with a focus on people of color, on health, equity and race. COVID-19 has upended the lives of people living in the United States, but some groups are facing more challenges than others. This ongoing survey from RAND Corporation attempts to understand the views and values of those who are most at risk to the adverse impacts of COVID-19 by surveying people with lower and middle incomes with a focus on...

Directory of ACEs Connection How-Tos

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This California city just ended chronic homelessness []

By Adele Peters, Fast Company, January 6, 2021 Bakersfield, California, struggled with extreme poverty and homelessness long before the pandemic, and when COVID hit, the challenges in fighting those issues only grew. But in 2020, the city and surrounding county still managed to achieve a goal that few other communities have: It reached “functional zero” for chronic homelessness, meaning that long-lasting and recurring homelessness were essentially eliminated. The city and county are part of...

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