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4 New Communities Join ACEs Connection / January, 2021

Please welcome these four new communities to the network. Details about each of them are below as is information about starting and growing your community initiatives and joining the Cooperative of Communities . Interested in Starting a Community on ACEs Connection ? For questions about starting or growing an initiative, using our site and tools, please reach out to one of our regional community facilitators. Communities in: Northeast, Mid-Atlantic states, contact @Alison...

Texas Lawmaker Wants to Require Trauma Training for Attorneys, Judges []

By Brittney Martin, The Imprint, January 6, 2021 Tara Hutton remembers how the little girl she had been fostering for a year began acting out on the day a new social worker came to their house in Magnolia, Texas. As Hutton and the social worker talked, the girl kept interrupting and trying to get Hutton’s attention. She insisted on bringing her Play-Doh outside, despite knowing it was an inside-only toy. Though the girl likely couldn’t explain why she felt rattled by the appearance of a new...

First, Do No Harm: The Need for Trauma-Sensitive Mindfulness []

By David Treleaven, Shambhala Mountain Center, January 7, 2021 A few months ago, I was approached with a problem by a colleague who taught meditation in a classroom setting. Here was the issue: a student of hers had lost her father to COVID-19, and was struggling with symptoms of traumatic stress. When she’d meditate, images and sensations would flood her field of consciousness, leaving her more rattled than before. “Should I keep meditating?” she’d asked my colleague. “I want to work with...

Five Experts Reflect on the Health Equity Implications of the Pandemic []

By Najaf Ahmad, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, December 1, 2020 As the novel coronavirus swept the globe, structural racism drove its disproportionate impact on communities of color in our nation. As we look ahead to a new year, experts weigh in with thoughts and hope for shaping a healthier, more equitable future. When acclaimed Barbadian author Karen Lord envisioned life on a small island during a pandemic in her story The Plague Doctors, she never imagined that within weeks of its...

Creating Practical Primary Care Supports for Parent-Child Relationships-Language, Literacy, and Love []

By Perri Klass and Dipesh Navsaria, JAMA Pediatrics, January 11, 2021 Y oung children learn and develop primarily through contingent interactions and strong foundational relationships; this is true of language and, more generally, cognitive and socioemotional development. Separate domains have great utility for screening, assessment, and referral, since isolated delays can point to specific diagnoses and therapies. In other respects it is difficult (and sometimes artificial) to separate...

What You Need To Know About Human Trafficking []

By Molly England, Scary Mommy, January 8, 2021 January is Human Trafficking Awareness Month, so let’s get familiar with what human trafficking actually is and how you can help raise awareness about this heinous crime. Unfortunately, most likely human trafficking is happening in your community. Human trafficking includes forced labor and sexual exploitation; it can target any vulnerable child or adult. Human trafficking occurs at the intersection of many vulnerabilities. Understanding risk...

There are 100 Ways to be a Champion for Children

Hi, This is our approach to helping humans to be healthier, hopeful and helping. If this resonates with you, e-mail me at or call/text me at 587-220-8840 Maybe you would like to be a guest? Maybe you would like Dr Williams as a guest on your show? Or me, contact me and I will be your guest. As Billy Swan would say "I got two strong arms, I can help. It would sure do me good to do you good. Let me help." This weekly show will be to raise awareness of ACES - episode #1...

Moving beyond the duality of January 6th []

We must have an agreed-upon set of rules that apply to all our people In the preface to the paperback edition of Stamped from the Beginning , Ibram X. Kendi writes that as he studied America’s racial past, he saw two distinct historical forces: “I saw a dual and dueling history of racial progress and the simultaneous progression of racism. I saw the antiracist force of equality and the racist force of inequality marching forward, progressing in rhetoric, in tactics, in policies.” This...

Race-Based Traumatic Stress, Racial Identity Statuses, and Psychological Functioning: An Exploratory Investigation []

By Sinead Sant-Barket, Academia, January 2021 Abstract To understand the impact racial experiences have on people of color, it is important to consider both whether there are any race-based traumatic stress symptoms (RBTS) and within-group psychological differences as reflected in one’s racial identity status attitudes (RISA). Moreover, if the combination of RBTS reactions and racial identit y status attitudes are related to their psychological functionin g? The current study explored the...

Assessment of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Hospitalization and Mortality in Patients With COVID-19 in New York City []

By Gbenga Ogedegbe, Joseph Ravenell, Samrachana Adhikari, et al., JAMA Network Open, December 4, 2020 Key Points Question Do outcomes among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) differ by race/ethnicity, and are observed disparities associated with comorbidity and neighborhood characteristics? Findings This cohort study including 9722 patients found that Black and Hispanic patients were more likely than White patients to test positive for COVID-19. Among patients hospitalized...

Federal Way Black Collective begins Health & Wellness Monday virtual discussions []

By Olivia Sullivan, Federal Way Mirror, January 8, 2020 The Federal Way Black Collective believes in the power of providing. Leaders of the Federal Way Black Collective (FWBC) partnered with The League of Extraordinary People to start Health and Wellness Mondays, a weekly Facebook Live segment with Alfred White and guest moderators to discuss issues impacting people of color. “You can help people all you want … but if you’re not fixing what’s inside of yourself, you’re broken,” said Lyn...

Reminder: Help Inform the ACEs Aware Network of Care Roadmap []

Draft ACEs Aware Trauma-Informed Network of Care Roadmap is Open for Public Comment until January 15, 2021 The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), in partnership with the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG), recently released for public comment a draft ACEs Aware Trauma-Informed Network of Care Roadmap . This is an important part of a first-in-the-nation statewide effort to train providers on how to screen patients for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The Roadmap...

Child Welfare 2021: What We Are Taking With Us and What We are Leaving Behind []

As we enter 2021, we are taking time to reflect on a turbulent 2020. While throughout the pandemic calls for racial equity and deepening economic uncertainty upended child welfare practice as we know it, 2020 was also a time for major pivots that will have long lasting repercussions. Join Fostering Media Connections and Binti for a webinar where child welfare leaders will discuss how this transformational year has changed child welfare practice and policy. Our panelists: – David Hansell,...

Two important ITRC announcements on Free Jan 26 Webinar and 9-Week Training Program

Two Important Announcements from the ITRC! Registration Open for Jan. 26 Free Webinar on the New ITRC Mental Wellness and Resilience Policy for Climate Change and Other Adversities Applications Now Being Accepted for Free 9-Week ITRC Training Program on Community-based Mental Wellness & Resilience Initiatives : Begins February 9 Register Now for the Jan. 26 ITRC Webinar on the New ITRC Mental Wellness and Resilience Policy for Climate Change and Other Adversities Free 1 hr. webinar will...

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