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Upcoming Webinars: How to Start an ACEs Initiative in Your Community + Intro to Organizing Your Initiative

Are you curious about starting an ACEs Initiative in your community? Do you want to learn the fundamentals of organizing an initiative or coalition? Join one of these upcoming webinars to learn how to start and organize an ACEs initiative! 1. How To Start an ACEs Initiative in Your Community These webinars will be led monthly on the second Monday of the month by Alison Cebulla, the ACEs Connection Community Facilitator (CF) for the Northeast USA, Mid-Atlantic USA, and Canada. You are welcome...

As Your Stress Rises, We Are Resilient Can Help!

Do you feel your stress rising, especially as COVID and political disturbances are raging? We Are Resilient is a practical hands-on approach to strengthening resilience and reduce stress. We can all benefit from recognizing what gets in the way of our resilience as well as learn how to practice these practical skills which promote it. We Are Resilient is particularly helpful for healthcare providers and staff to be more comfortable addressing ACEs and trauma and provide trauma-informed care.

Corona, Racism, Financial Stress, Online Schooling - PARENTS are stressed and need our help!

This has been a brutal year, especially on kids and their parents! Research says parents are YELLING more, SPANKING more and that the mental health of children is on the decline. Research suggests child abuse in on the rise. SO MUCH STRESS! Parents really need us right now. Help us create a community of care! We are launching the 6th annual NoSpank Challenge to help parents learn... Brain development (and what is normal!) How to parent non-violently How to talk to your children in a way that...

Chronic Disease Among African American Families: A Systematic Scoping Review

Chronic diseases are common among African Americans, but the extent to which research has focused on addressing chronic diseases across multiple members of African American families is unclear. This systematic scoping review summarizes the characteristics of research addressing coexisting chronic conditions among African American families, including guiding theories, conditions studied, types of relationships, study outcomes, and intervention research.

New Iowa ACEs Module

Iowa ACEs 360 has launched a free online course, Healing Iowa: An Overview of ACEs in Iowa and How to Respond. This interactive online learning module takes about an hour to complete and covers the following: Iowa research about adverse childhood experiences and how trauma impacts health and well-being. Factors that contribute to childhood trauma Ways that Iowans are responding to trauma. When the course is complete, participants will receive a certificate of completion. The course can be...

Violent Events: How to Comfort Your Child During These Trying Times

Comforting children right now is very important especially when they see what is happening in our country right now via social media, tv, or overhearing adult conversations. Discussing mass violence may not have been a priority in the past but now, it is. Check out the below link to learn ways to best support your child or children during these trying times.

Artificial Intelligence Diagnoses Adverse Childhood Experiences []

By Jessica Kent Health IT Analytics An explainable artificial intelligence platform that analyzes data captured during in-person consultations may enhance diagnosis and treatment of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs), according to a study published in JMIR – Medical Informatics . ACEs are negative events and processes that an individual might encounter during childhood or adolescence. These events have been proven to be linked to increased risk of a range of negative health outcomes and...

Trauma-Informed Care for CPTSD

Today CPTSD is recognized as needing long-term treatment because of the damages done to a person’s self-identity, deficits in self-regulation and their inability to see there is hope and healing available to them. Fear and hopelessness can be a daily reality for most survivors living with CPTSD symptoms. Therapists choosing to collaborate with patients living with CPTSD symptoms must take the time to receive the education they need to provide trauma-informed care. Additionally, they will...

Critical Support Where High-Risk Pregnancy Meets Addiction []

By Melba Newsome, Health Affairs, January 2021 By all accounts, it looked like twenty-eight-year-old Amelia Carmelo had turned her life around by the end of 2018. After more than a decade of heroin and opioid addiction, she had been free from illicit drugs for more than four years and was in a stable relationship. For the past year she’d driven thirty minutes each week to see her addiction counselor. Carmelo began her nascent recovery in early 2015 after spending several months in jail. She...

We are Overdue for a Revolution in Child Welfare []

By Jessica Pryce and Amelia Franck Meyer, The Imprint, January 4, 2021 Although child welfare reform has been a topic of conversation for many years, what is often meant by “reform” is evolutionary or incremental change, which are efforts to make the current system better, but not fundamentally different. But many systems leaders who operate significantly improved versions of the current system agree that it still falls short of meeting the needs of families. The Biden administration...

Adverse Childhood Experiences and Justice System Contact: A Systematic Review []

By Gloria Huei-Jong Graf, Stanford Chihuri, Melanie Blow, and Guohua Li, Pediatrics, January 2021 CONTEXT: Given the wide-ranging health impacts of justice system involvement, we examined evidence for the association between adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and justice system contact in the United States. OBJECTIVE: To synthesize epidemiological evidence for the association between ACEs and justice system contact. DATA SOURCES: We searched 5 databases for studies conducted through...

Latest COVID Relief Bill Provides Increased Access to SNAP for College Students []

By Ashley Burnside, The Center for Law and Social Policy, January 6, 2021 The latest COVID-19 relief bill passed by Congress will allow college students with low incomes to more easily access Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) benefits – temporarily removing strict work and eligibility requirements for students. This is especially important given that unemployment rates are high, especially in the restaurant and entertainment sectors, and that many students are learning...

Surgeon Fills COVID-19 Testing Gap in Philadelphia's Black Neighborhoods []

By Mary Chris Jaklevic, JAMA, December 16, 2020 As coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) surged last spring, pediatric surgeon Ala Stanford, MD, heard from Black residents in her hometown of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, who had symptoms but were hitting roadblocks in getting tested. Some lacked a physician’s referral. Others were turned away because they didn’t arrive in a car or didn’t meet criteria for testing. Testing sites were clustered in affluent White areas. Black residents, who were...

Lessons We’ve Learned — Covid-19 and the Undocumented Latinx Community []

By Kathleen R. Page and Alejandra Flores-Miller, New England Journal of Medicine, January 7, 2021 In March 2020, when there were 30,000 confirmed Covid-19 cases in the United States, one of us wrote about the pandemic’s effects on undocumented immigrants. 1 By August, there were about 50,000 new U.S. cases per day, and we had spent several months caring for patients with Covid-19. Today, revisiting the issues of anti-immigrant policies, limited access to care, language barriers, and the need...

RFQ Announcement for Celebrating Families! Expansion Project

RFQ ANNOUCEMENT: Celebrating Families! California Expansion Project – Cohort 2 Invitation to Expand Celebrating Families! Statewide The California State Office of Child Abuse Prevention (OCAP) recognizing the effectiveness of Celebrating Families! (CF!), has awarded Prevention Partnership International (PPI) a $158,333, 3- year challenge grant to (1) Identify, train and support agencies in California to provide CF! to children and families at high risk for abuse and neglect and (2) Establish...

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