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1 Of A Kind Shelter Helps Traumatized Dogs Learn To Trust Humans Again []

ASPCA By Neda Ulaby In the gold-brown mountains around Weaverville, N.C., there's a dormitory filled with dysfunctional and depressed dogs. It's part of the ASPCA's Behavioral Rehabilitation Center , a cutting-edge program designed specifically to teach traumatized canines to be trustful human companions. "This is, as far as we know, the only facility in the U.S. — and perhaps the world — exclusively dedicated to the rehabilitation of extremely fearful, undersocialized dogs," says Kristen...

Black Doctor Dies of Covid-19 After Complaining of Racist Treatment []

Dr. Moore with her 19-year-old son, Henry Muhammed (photo by Henry Muhammed). By John Eligon Lying in a hospital bed with an oxygen tube hugging her nostrils, the Black patient gazed into her smartphone and, with a strained voice, complained of an experience all too common among Black people in America. Susan Moore, the patient, said the white doctor at the hospital in suburban Indianapolis where she was being treated for Covid-19 had downplayed her complaints of pain. He told her that he...

Season's Greetings

Season's Greetings Folks, Whatever your faith, belief system, ethnicity, identity may be, I am wishing everyone peace and joy. I am grateful that our paths have crossed. I will share a song of "Joy". I don't have much to offer, but as a musician I do have the gifts of music to share. An older song of mine & video, but the sentiment remains the same. Stay safe & Take care, Michael. "Joy" -

The Healing Place Podcast: Mike Collins - Overcoming Sugar Addiction; Trauma and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Impact on Addiction

Michael Collins is the founder of and Quit Sugar Summit, as well as the past Chairman of the Board and current Board Member of Addiction Institute, has been completely sugar-free for over 30 years and has worked closely with others to help them regain lives ravaged by this addictive product.

Reclaiming Power Back from Triggers

Anyone who has ever had a flashback or a dissociative episode knows what triggers are and how they can affect lives. This article will examine triggers in-depth to help you understand their definition, what causes them, and how to overcome them. What are Triggers? Triggers are a normal part of being human, but not all triggers are created equal. In fact, without triggers humans might have problems remembering events because they would become inaccessible to us. This is because triggers are...

8 Tips for Handling Grief and the Holidays (

Multiple award-winning author, speaker, and grief specialist Gary Roe is a compassionate and trusted voice who has been bringing comfort, hope, and healing to wounded hearts for more than 30 years. With more than a dozen books and over 600 articles, Gary has been featured on Focus on the Family, Dr. Laura, the Christian Broadcasting Network, Thrive Global, Wellness, Belief Net, and other major media. Having walked with thousands of individuals, couples, and families through the valley of...

5 Things You May Not Know About Kwanzaa (

1. Kwanzaa is less than 60 years old. Maulana Karenga, a Black nationalist who later became a college professor, created Kwanzaa as a way of uniting and empowering the African African community in the aftermath of the deadly Watts Rebellion . Having modeled his holiday on traditional African harvest festivals, he took the name “Kwanzaa” from the Swahili phrase, “matunda ya kwanza,” which means “first fruits.” The extra “a” was added, Karenga has said, simply to accommodate seven children at...

2020 Gratitude: Hope for Healing

A look back at 2020 . . . what an incredible collection of conversations! THANK YOU to these inspirational healers who shine their beautiful lights of hope into the world. What a gift! I feel blessed to know them all. Many of whom are ACEs Connection Members!

New Episode of Transforming Trauma : Celebrating the First Year of Transforming Trauma with Sarah Buino and Brad Kammer

T ransforming Trauma Episode 032: Celebrating the First Year of Transforming Trauma with Sarah Buino and Brad Kammer In this special year-end episode celebrating the first year anniversary of the Transforming Trauma podcast, our host Sarah Buino and NARM Senior Trainer Brad Kammer reflect on this first year of Transforming Trauma! Brad shares that when the NARM Training Institute was founded in 2018, the intention was “to do our part in bringing trauma-informed work to so many individuals,...

RUMBLE - The Indians Who Rocked the World - Independent Lens

Hey folks, A powerful music documentary. Well worth watching to learn the back story on some great musicians and music. I saw this a few years ago, glad I watched it again. Talk about overcoming trauma, racism and stigma....these folks exemplify the courage and the perseverance of the human spirit. Take care, Michael. - RUMBLE | The Indians Who Rocked the World | Independent Lens | PBS -

Latinx siblings step up to help younger brothers and sisters with school - they will need help too []

By Vanessa Delgado, Cal Matters, December 17, 2020 When the stay-at-home order went into effect, schoolteacher Andrea Rivera scrambled to transition her 3 rd grade class material into virtual format. Not only was online learning affecting her students but as an older sibling, it was affecting her 14-year-old sister and 20-year-old brother. Andrea helped her younger siblings by creating email and Zoom accounts, sharing her laptop so they could review weekly lectures, walking them through...

A social worker uses gardening to help youth heal from trauma []

By Rohan Preston, Feeling Fit, December 19, 2020 The decades may have helped the wound to close over, but you can still feel the hurt under his words. Gardener and social worker Kenny Turck was in grade school when his big sister committed suicide at 21. An outspoken daughter of Litchfield, Minn., the Crow River community that her family had called home since 1875, Kathy Turck was gay and the victim of a horrific assault. "She was raped by four men, and the judge blamed the assaults on her...

Resilient Wisconsin Trauma-Informed News and Notes for December 2020

Stress does not have to overshadow joy this year, even during the COVID-19 pandemic. Get tips on how to build resilience during winter celebrations . ACEs, adversity's impact First California Surgeon General's report provides clear cross-sector roadmap to address mental health and societal impacts of adversity Podcast: Studying and surviving the pandemic's collective trauma Structural racism is taking a toll on children's mental health Sexual minorities, especially women, who misuse...

The Mental Health of Asian American Students []

By Sravya Tadepalli, Hyphen, December 20, 2020 When mental health activist Shivani Nishar was in middle school, she began experiencing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Growing up in what she describes as the “white suburban fairytale” of Palo Alto, California, Nishar, whose parents immigrated to the United States from India, found it difficult to fit in. “I didn’t have a lot of people who looked like me or had parents like me, and that contributed to me feeling like I didn’t belong,” said...

Associations between adverse childhood experiences and weight, weight control behaviors and quality of life in Veterans seeking weight management services []

By Robin M. Masheb, Margaret Sala, Alison G. Marsh, et al., Eating Behaviors, January 2021 Abstract Introduction A neglected area of trauma research with Veterans is the study of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The present study aimed to examine the prevalence of ACEs, and to explore relationships between ACEs and measures of weight, eating behaviors and quality of life in weight loss seeking Veterans. Methods Participants were 191 Veterans [mean age 58.9 (SD = 12.8), mean Body Mass...

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