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Survivor Stories Online - Friday, December 11, 2020 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM

Survivor Stories Online - Friday, December 11, 2020 8:00 PM – 10:00 PM GET YOUR FREE TICKETS for this Zoom event at Survivors of sexual abuse and assault are invited to read a poem, tell a story, sing a song, share in any way they see fit. Survivors of sexual abuse and assault are invited to read a poem, tell a story, sing a song, share in any way they see fit. Speakers and performers include: Musician, Advocate,...

Free Interactive Webinar on Building Positive Relationships with Children who have Experience Trauma

The Wisconsin Trauma Project has developed an 8-week virtual workshop from the National Childhood Traumatic Stress Network's (NCTSN) this Trauma-Informed workshop helps adults understand the impacts of trauma on children's brains, bodies, and behaviors. This curriculum was designed for biological parents, adoptive or foster parents, kinship caregivers, social workers, and community members to partner and understand how to support a child who has experienced trauma. It is a powerful workshop...

Free Webinar: Healing Anxious Kids and their Anxious Family

Anxiety travels in families. As children become more anxious, so do their parents and family. When this happens, the anxious parent often fuels their child’s anxiety disorder through overaccommodation. This occurs when parents insulate their child’s distress and discomfort entirely. In turn, the child does not learn how to cope with anxiety or learn tools to manage it in the long term. Over time, this can lead to depression or even suicide as untreated anxiety will branch off into other...

The New Research about Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

There have been some truly remarkable research papers written about complex post-traumatic stress disorder (CPTSD) in the past few decades. Some of the research focuses exclusively on CPTSD while others can apply to any mental health disorder. In this article, I’m going to break the ice in the series about complex post-traumatic stress disorder and new research findings. A Definition of CPTSD I realize that many reading this article are familiar with the definition of CPTSD. However, for the...

#WhiteCoatsForBlackLives - Addressing Physicians' Complicity in Criminalizing Communities []

By Jamila Perritt, New England Journal of Medicine, November 5, 2020 As uprisings continue around the United States in response to police violence against Black people, we have reached a moment of reckoning for many Americans. As a nation, we are struggling to find a way forward. Many organizations have issued statements of solidarity and made promises of support, as first steps. Individual clinicians and physicians’ organizations have joined the efforts, speaking out against police violence...

The Disenfranchisement of Black Foster Youth []

By Kenyon Lee Whitman and Brianna M. Harvey, The Imprint, December 2, 2020 Black foster youth are caught in a nexus of incarceration which is formed by their engagement with child welfare, education and policing. Our recent brief published by UCLA’s Black Male Institute on Los Angeles County public schools serves to elucidate these grim realities. California public schools educate over 46,000 K-12 students in foster care, and about a third of them attend Los Angeles County public schools. An...

More Health Tech Investors Pushing for Diversity, Inclusion []

By Diana Williams, California Health Care Foundation, December 1, 2020 At the big city charter school she ran, Ashley Edwards was surrounded by future artists, writers, and engineers who radiated talent and grit. Many of her students were driven to succeed despite encountering racism, poverty, and community violence on a routine basis, she said. “I’d generally describe them as survivors,” Edwards said of the young people at Newark Prep Charter School in New Jersey. In communities nationwide,...


SACRAMENTO – The Office of the California Surgeon General today released the first California Surgeon General’s Report - Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General's Report on Adverse Childhood Experiences, Toxic Stress, and Health. The report serves as a blueprint for how communities, states, and nations can recognize and effectively address Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and toxic stress as a root cause to some of the most harmful, persistent, and expensive societal and...

TOMORROW, 12/10: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris Webinar on CA's First Surgeon General's Report []

JOIN US TOMORROW FOR A SPECIAL WEBINAR DISCUSSING THE FIRST SURGEON GENERAL'S ANNUAL REPORT Roadmap for Resilience: The California Surgeon General's Report on Adverse Childhood Experience, Toxic Stress, and Health Thursday, December 10, 2020 Noon - 1:30 p.m. Register Now! California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris set a bold vision to cut ACEs and toxic stress in half in one generation through a strategically deployed, coordinated public health initiative designed to raise awareness,...

Make December the First Month of the Rest of Your Life

This month many of us are heading into a holiday season whether it be Christmas, Kwanzaa, Hanukkah or another notable day. It is traditionally a time when we get together with family and friends, open our hearts, and put our absolute best foot forward in hospitality and grace. The pandemic has changed the physicality of our lives but not the meaning and intention that lies beneath this very special season. The origin of the word season comes from the Latin word ‘satio’, meaning ‘sowing’ and...

Resources from SEL & Self-Care for Kids, Families, and YOU

I'm excited to share a new page we've put together with multiple SEL & self-care resources for kids, families, and practitioners. These are drawn from our webinar yesterday, when we also crowd-sourced both SEL resources and self-care ideas from the over 400 participants. If you have additions, please add them to the comments. We want to share as many great resources as possible with our community! Access the SEL & Self-Care Resources >>

CORRECTED LINK: “We Are Resilient: Strengthening Resilience in Ourselves and Our Patients”

This is a one-hour webinar on December 16 from 3-4pm PST by Dovetail Learning is cosponsored by the Center for Care Innovations and ACEs Connection. It is second in a webinar series on health care provider wellness. Please click here to register. Healthcare providers are experiencing high levels of stress from the COVID surge. Add vicarious trauma from screening for ACEs and it can feel overwhelming. We Are Resilient™ designed to improve our own resilience as healthcare providers. It also...

New Transforming Trauma Episode: Complex Trauma, Self-Sabotage, Diet Culture, and Eating Disorder Recovery with Iris McAlpin

T ransforming Trauma Episode 030: Complex Trauma, Self-Sabotage, Diet Culture, and Eating Disorder Recovery with Iris McAlpin In this episode of Transforming Trauma, our host Sarah Buino interviews NARM Practitioner and coach Iris McAlpin. Iris specializes in eating disorder recovery, complex trauma, and self-sabotage. Iris also hosts a podcast called Pure Curiosity which seeks to facilitate nuanced conversations about the human experience and de-stigmatize mental health challenges. Iris...

February Professional Development Courses from the Summer Peacebuilding Institute

February Professional Development Courses People around the world need the skills and training we offer, but many are unable to come to Harrisonburg to attend courses. To help those who cannot attend in person during our traditional sessions, the "Summer" Peacebuilding Institute is trying something new - winter online courses. Dates for February online courses: February 15 - March 19, 2021 The following courses will be taught at the February online session of SPI (click the course title...

Strengthening HOPE with Parent Feedback []

Chloe Yang, 12/9/20, At the HOPE National Resource Center, one of our greatest joys is having opportunities to work with and learn from those engaged with HOPE—from workshop participants, advisors, and collaborators, to blog readers and commenters. This engagement and co-learning both spreads HOPE and improves our materials, resources, and core concepts. In that spirit, we partnered with Corey Best (Community Curator, Mining for Gold, and HOPE National Advisory...

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