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How to Protect Your Child from Cyberbullying?

How to Protect Your Child from Cyberbullying? Cyberbullying is a colossal up-to-date problem that greatly affects the life of the young generation. Children who become victims of cyberbullying get lots of online threats that make their lives insufferable. To protect children from such violent bullying, you need to teach your kids how to act properly online and what decisions to make. Children and cyberbullying have become inseparable concepts in recent years. It has become more widespread...

How to Add More Play to Your Grown-Up Life, Even Now []

By Kristin Wong, The New York Times, August 17, 2020 “Let’s play!” my friend’s 4-year-old squealed, tugging on my arm. I was tired, so I told her, “I’m too lazy to play.” But I wasn’t allowed to be lazy because I’m big, she said. Unable to come up with a convincing rebuttal, I found a place to hide while she counted to 20. Fred Rogers said that play is “the work of childhood.” Kids take this work seriously, they’re good at it, and they can teach us a thing or two about why play is important...

US Climate Fair Share Position Statement []

From US Climate Action Network, December 2020 The newfound vibrance, diversity, and political power of the US climate movement has been a breath of fresh air, and a source of hope even as the world continues hurtling, unabated, towards a climate catastrophe. Yet, as with so many US movements, some additional attention is needed to properly place US climate policy in the global context. As we all know, climate change is a truly global problem, and requires a global solution. In fact, the...

When segregation persists in schools, whose responsibility is it? []

By Claire Mitzel, Center for Health Journalism, November 25, 2020 For nearly 40 years, school attendance zones in Roanoke, Virginia, hardly shifted. The patchwork map that started crosstown busing was first created as part of a 1971 court-ordered desegregation plan, and for decades, school officials said they saw no reason to make major changes. By 2009, though, the attendance zones were long outdated. Demographic shifts meant that schools became segregated once again, and in many cases,...

Learn How Physical Therapy Can Heal Traumas & Positive Impacts On Nervous System

Lately, compromised physical health and its adverse effects are compelling everyone to reconsider their priorities. With so many people falling victim to health problems due to exhaustion and weakness of the immune system, it follows logically that people try to get a handle on their situations. In this regard, many are turning their heads towards physiotherapy and the effects it can bring about in their lives. Since there are undeniable accounts of many patients recovering from traumatic...

Requests and Apologies

Requests for sets of our fifty-one parenting tips bumper stickers keep coming in and I keep apologizing because we haven't the funds to print them. $20,000 in donations would allow us to order them in bulk and ship them out. If anyone knows of any individuals, organizations, or businesses that would like to support our activities please let me know. This kind of informal parenting education could be a tremendously powerful tool for preventing the aces associated with unsupportive and harmful...

EQ2iQ Race to Empathy Taste and See Event

Before you leave 2020, you may want to learn about this valuable resource. I recently shared presentation at a conference giving some of the highlights of our flagship course The Day Trauma Came to Class. One of the feedbacks I received was from an educator, who said "one of the things that I loved about your presentation is that you acknowledged that educators have stuff too." This is one of the things i love most about the EQ2iQ neuro-gamification resources and that it helps to build, not...

The Black Maternal Mortality Crisis Is Not For Sale []

By Kimberly Seals Allers, November 19, 2020 For years, Black women and birthing people have been disproportionately dying during and after childbirth in a medical system that is rooted in racism. For almost as long as the disparities have existed, the problem has not received mainstream attention, sufficient philanthropic and research funding, or any corporate investment. Meanwhile, community organizers, birth activists, and others have been making a way out of no way to create and sustain...

Why do trauma survivors self-sabotage?

No one ever told us that it was ok for us to be our own person. No one ever said that we could have self-love, self-esteem, or self-believe. No one told us that we didn’t deserve to be hurt, abused, and mistreated. No one said to us that we could be somebody. And yet they wonder how we got so fucked up? Honestly, it is a miracle that many of us have made it this far in life. We have been ill-equipped with the wrong tools, the wrong mindset, and the wrong understanding of what it means to be...

"How to talk policy and influence people": a Law and Justice interview with Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz

In this "How to talk policy and influence people", I speak with Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz from the Essdack Resilience team in Kansas about how she learned about the impact of childhood adversity and trauma on human development, health and functioning and the difference this made to Rebecca in restorying her own traumatic experiences. We discuss the crushing lived experience of poverty and explore the community’s role in preventing ACEs and helping individuals, families and the people in entire...

Protective Factors Framework in your work Introduction

The Strengthening Families Framework helps ensure optimal outcomes for children and their families by implementing strategies that strengthen families, build protective factors, promote individual growth, help systems be more responsive to families and children, and strengthen communities’ capacities as safe and healthy environments. The workshop will cover: Introduction to the 5 Protective Factors that help keep a family strong and prevent child abuse and neglect Identify strategies and...

The Healing Place Podcast: Steve Whitney - SOMA Breathwork; Exhalation's Impact on Our Nervous System; and Rhythmic Breathing

Steve Whitney's corporate job brought him into states of stress, drinking, drugs and mood swings. After suffering a deep state of depression he found his new purpose of life on SOMA breathwork meditation hosted by influential spiritual teacher Niraj Naik. He became a certified breathwork instructor and started teaching other people how to use their breath to optimize their physical, mental and emotional health.

The ten most significant things I've learned about healing from childhood trauma

As the year ends and the inevitable finish line of what I could call chaos is upon us, I decided to compile my thoughts on the changes and shifts of the state of my mental health. This is a top ten list about my most significant mental health and trauma recovery lessons. In no particular order: 1: No one is out to get me. - I swear this is the part about recovering from trauma and abuse that no one mentions. The world, as it turns out, is, in fact, not against me. I had been all but wrong...

Bounceback Wednesdays

Join Early Childhood Educator, Child Advocate and Community Organizer, Community Leader, and ACEs Champion, Jameelah Hanif brings ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences) Awareness on a Facebook Live Discussion with guests who share their childhood trauma experiences and their healing process . Our purpose is to educate, empower and encourage others to become trauma-informed with hope that those tuning in will be inspired to educate, empower, and encourage others to spread awareness about ACEs.

Pasco’s sheriff uses grades and abuse histories to label schoolchildren potential criminals.

This is deeply disturbing. How about helping these kids instead? I fit the criteria and certainly no criminal. Take care, Michael. Pasco’s sheriff uses grades and abuse histories to label schoolchildren potential criminals. The kids and their families don’t know. | Investigations -

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