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Changing “The Elf on the Shelf” to “HELP on the Shelf”

- by Kristin Beasley, PhD The Elf on the Shelf, Santa’s number 1 helper has joined more than 13 million homes and the popularity seems to continue to grow. Here’s how it works as written in the description on “The Scout Elf is placed on a shelf or somewhere in the house to watch your children throughout the day, then each night the elf returns to the North Pole to tell Santa Clause whether your family has been naughty or nice. With this information, Santa decides if you are...

The power of letting go of childhood trauma.

I watched the waves crash against the side of the ferry as it skirted between the two Thai islands that I had spent most of my summer. This trip must have been my fifth between the two islands. The sky was clear, but there was subtle violence to how the waves smacked the boat pushing it side to side as it jetted on the crystal blue ocean. I was seated on the second tier, alone, which had never happened before. And I stared out the window; I realized that all the pain, suffering, abuse,...

Why Health-Care Systems are Funding (or Building) Grocery Stores []

By Barbara Ray, Next City, November 17, 2020 It says something about the persistence of food deserts in low-income neighborhoods when the managers of Carver Market, a new grocery store in Historic South Atlanta, have to drive 200 miles roundtrip each week to a small town in Alabama to stock Carver’s shelves. There’s been a lot of talk and research abo u t the importance of access to healthy food as a social determinant of health. Obesity, diabetes, heart disease — all are linked to diet. So...

Why do we need to be aware that children grieve? []

From Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS), Navy Times, November 17, 2020 Is a child’s grief really an issue that warrants awareness? Aren’t children resilient, and won’t they simply “bounce back” after a family member’s death? Isn’t it best to focus a child’s attention away from these sad realities? Shouldn’t we let children enjoy their childhood free from the burden of death and grief? The Tragedy Assistance Program for Survivors (TAPS) has been providing bereavement care to...

Grassroots Organizing and Preparing for the Unprecedented []

By Lissy Romanow, Stanford Social Innovation Review, November 19, 2020 In the months leading up to any US presidential election, grassroots organizers of all types—community, labor, and electoral—usually undertake a predictable set of exercises. They register people to vote, familiarize voters with the candidates, and then turn people out to the polls. But the challenges of 2020 heightened the stakes of this year’s election to an existential level. Yes, Americans faced political struggle.

Calls for Biden to cancel student debt grow, alongside tensions surrounding the policy []

By Danielle Douglas-Gabriel, The Washington Post, November 18, 2020 Political pressure is mounting for president-elect Joe Biden to use executive authority to cancel federal student debt as a form of economic stimulus, a proposal that is exposing sharp divisions among economists, consumer activists and policy wonks. On Wednesday, 238 nonprofit and community organizations — including the NAACP and American Federation of Teachers — urged Biden to take action on loan forgiveness on his first...

The History of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder, and an Introduction to Emotional Flashbacks

Our brains are hardwired to react viscerally to traumatic events. They then store those emotions in our central nervous, so that when we feel and experience similar future events, we will be alerted to new potential dangers. Emotional flashbacks, experienced by those living with complex post-traumatic stress disorder, are sudden and horrific, often prolonged, attacks from past highly traumatic events. These flashbacks are different than those experienced in ordinary post-traumatic stress...

Dr. Felitti and a New Kind of Parenting Education

Dr. Vincent Felitti, co-author of the ACE Study, has repeatedly called for a new kind of parenting education to prevent the aces associated with unsupportive and harmful parenting. A new kind of parenting education exists!! And there is increasing demand for it! Sadly, the nonprofit, Advancing Parenting, has no funding to supply this new kind of parenting education. Below are more requests. Visit

The Latest Updates from California Children's Trust

Read on to learn about our recent work to advance the transformation of children's mental health. Listen to recordings of other Critical Conversations, and find out how we are Raising Awareness and Taking Action With Our Partners. Critical Conversations In Case You Missed These Webinars NAMI Annual Conference. On October 12 Alex Briscoe and Jevon Wilkes, CCT’s Director or Youth Engagement and the Executive Director of California Youth Coalition (CCY) presented results from a new survey on...

Op-Ed: Thanksgiving is a tradition. It’s also a lie (

There was one meal in 1621. In 1622, the Indian Wars began. Native people were systematically erased through genocidal policy. The Indian Wars ended in 1924. But again, they just went cold because as soon as they ended, the Indian termination era began. Those battles were won by passing legislation that made it harder for us to stay visible, to thrive as a people, to stay alive. This November, most Americans will sit down with their families and eat a Thanksgiving meal. Some still will be...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter November 2020

Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - or PDF - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us. Thank you & take care, Michael. Newsletter Contents : 1] People Constantly Underestimate How Much They Benefit From Being Kind...


Brooke Brown has taught English language arts and ethnic studies in Tacoma, Wash., for the past 14 years. In September, the state named her 2021 Washington Teacher of the Year. Ms. Brown is also a biracial Black woman and a participant in a new program in her region aimed at retaining teachers of color, in a state where 88% of teachers in 2019 were white, according to a state agency. The program, the Educators of Color Leadership Community, “has been instrumental in me not just finding my...

Self-help is stupid.

Let’s admit it. We have all had the thought that self-help is stupid. Often we find that understanding to be complimentary to “Why do I have to do all this damn healing?” At least that was my experience. I have felt both incredibly overwhelmed and underwhelmed by this entire self-help thing. I have even questioned myself and my ability to truly step into healing, considering my childhood trauma was so impactful in the way I used to show up for myself. Having an ACE Score of ten really fucked...

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