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Critical Conversations with Dr. Barbara Staggers and Jevon Wilkes-Champions for Youth Mental Health

The Trust is honored to share the words, wisdom and lived experience of Dr. Barbara Staggers and Jevon Wilkes as we collectively pursue our vision of a mental health system centered on equity and justice. Critical Conversations The inspiration and foundation of California Children’s Trust Dr. Barbara C. Staggers, CCT’s Senior Advisor on Adolescent Health for the California Children’s Trust, retired in 2019 as director of adolescent medicine at Children's Hospital Oakland, where she also...

Advancing Parenting Desperately Needs Help

Advancing Parenting, a Camarillo CA nonprofit, is all about the primary prevention of the aces associated with unsupportive and harmful parenting. Specifically, we find interesting and perhaps more effective ways of teaching everyone about parenting. We began with parenting tips bumper stickers and they are in great demand. Every day we receive requests for them from across the U.S. and every day I write back and tell them we don't have the money to print them. Below is a sample from this...

8 Million Have Slipped Into Poverty Since May as Federal Aid Has Dried Up []

By Jason DeParle, The New York Times, October 15, 2020 After an ambitious expansion of the safety net in the spring saved millions of people from poverty, the aid is now largely exhausted and poverty has returned to levels higher than before the coronavirus crisis, two new studies have found. The number of poor people has grown by eight million since May, according to researchers at Columbia University, after falling by four million at the pandemic’s start as a result of a $2 trillion...

Equity and Inclusion: The Roots of Organizational Well-Being []

By Mary-Frances Winters, Stanford Social Innovation Review, October 14, 2020 Although more and more organizations are taking steps toward greater diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace, people of color continue to consistently report feeling undervalued, unsafe, and exhausted from navigating unwelcoming work environments. They see implicit biases play out as micro-aggressions (such as consistently mispronouncing one’s name, confusing one person of color for another, or...

Policymakers, Time To End Juvenile Life Sentencing []

By Buta Biberaj, Carol Siemon, and Miriam Aroni Krinsky, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, October 12, 2020 A viral video in August showed an 8-year-old boy being arrested at his elementary school in handcuffs that slid off his tiny wrists. A police officer can be heard telling the child, “You’re going to jail.” Sadly, this is just the latest disturbing example of the uniquely American phenomenon of vilifying and overpolicing our nation’s children. America incarcerates more people under...

"A Better Normal" Community Discussion Series-Equity in the ACEs Movement

In this installment of the A Better Normal community discussion, ACEs Connection's very own TN & Midwest community facilitator Ingrid Cockhren will discuss the need for equitable practices within the worldwide ACEs movement. In light of the recent civil unrest and the COVID-19 pandemic, there has never been more of a need to address systemic/institutional racism and the resulting pervasive historical and racial trauma. This discussion will center racism, bias and inequity as root causes...

Introducing 'A Better Normal': Real Talk With Rafael! October 16, 2020, 12pm PDT

Real Talk with Rafael is joining the A Better Normal (ABN) webinar series. Real Talk with Rafael i s designed to give the ACEs Connection community and guests an opportunity to have a safe space to talk about issues around the intersections of race, identity, and toxic stress. For those of you who attended the ABN “Episode 32: Reinterpreting American Identity, A Community Discussion” , you’ll recognize that Real Talk with Rafael is very similar, and will continue these conversations over...

A Better Normal Community Discussion - Reimagining Health Care

In a conversational style, join physician Drew Factor who will speak with Dr. Tracy Gaudet, Liza Guroff and An é Watts in a discussion entitled "Reimagining Health Care". Dr. Gaudet will speak about her experience engaging in transformational change at the Veterans Administration and how this has shaped the development of her own Functional Medicine Institute , while Ms. Guroff and Ms. Watts will speak about their knowledge of a Trauma-Informed Approach both at a systems (National Council...

How Trauma-Informed Are We, Really? []

[Ed. note — This article comes from the journal Educational Leadership, which devoted its October 2020 issue to trauma-sensitive schools. Five of the 11 articles are free to the public, including this remarkable and important article about what being trauma-informed means.] Paul Gorski October 2020 | Volume 78 | Number 2 Trauma-Sensitive Schools Pages 14-19 To fully support students, schools must attend to the trauma that occurs within their own institutional cultures. "I have a story for...

The Overlap Between Trauma and Opioid Addiction

While opioids are not prescribed for people with PTSD or trauma problems, individuals with these problems can still suffer the consequences of opioid abuse as the opioid epidemic has made these drugs easily available. As we know, traumatic experiences can come in many different forms at many different ages. Problems such as sexual assault, exposure to addiction, physical assault, and more can all have a major impact on someone’s psyche throughout their life. It can lead to deep-rooted...

California's ACEs Aware Initiative Trains Nearly 14,000 Health Care Providers in Trauma-Informed Care []

From ACEs Aware, October 15, 2020 Nearly 14,000 health care providers have completed the ACEs Aware initiative’s core training program, a key finding included in a data report released today by the Office of the California Surgeon General (CA-OSG) and Department of Health Care Services (DHCS). “ Becoming ACEs Aware in California ” trains health care providers to screen patients for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and to recognize and respond to the symptoms of toxic stress. The Provider...

ChildWIN On-Demand Training available - new course added!

ChildWIN now offers 3 self-paced, on-demand courses! Take your trauma learning from awareness to practice in this new school year with tools to help students breathe and regulate so they are better able to learn. Trauma 101, Advanced Strategies and Trauma and Self-Care are now available at . For more ChildWIN trainings and resources, please visit . At ChildWIN (Child Wellness Institute of New Jersey), our focus is to build resilience...

The 2020 US election is a crucial opportunity to advance women's reproductive rights []

By Jeni Klugman, The Lancet, October 13, 2020 Women are increasingly recognised as a major force in the US electorate—they represented 53% of voters in the 2018 mid-term national elections. White suburban women helped to secure the victory of US President Donald Trump in the 2016 election, whereas African American women voted overwhelmingly (94%) for candidate Hillary Clinton in that election. In the upcoming 2020 election, the role of the national government in ensuring women's reproductive...

Ginsburg's Child Welfare Legacy: Attention to Parental Rights []

By Vivek Sankaran, The Imprint, October 12, 2020 The late Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg had many gifts, one of which was using language to convey the harsh impact of the law on those living on the margins. Consider her words in M.L.B. v. S.L.J , in which she authored a majority opinion requiring states to provide parents with free transcripts in termination of parental rights (TPR) appeals. She described the severity of the sanction as making a parent “forevermore, a stranger to her child.”...

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