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New Laws Keep Pandemic-Weary California at the Forefront of Health Policy Innovation []

By Samantha Young and Angela Hart, Kaiser Health News, October 1, 2020 Though COVID-19 forced California leaders to scale back their ambitious health care agenda, they still managed to enact significant new laws intended to lower consumer health care spending and expand access to health coverage. When Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom concluded the chaotic legislative year Wednesday — his deadline to sign or veto bills — what emerged wasn’t the sweeping platform he and state lawmakers had...

Outdoor classes and 'forest school' gain new prominence amid distance learning struggles []

By Karen D'Souza, EdSource, October 1, 2020 Stomping through puddles, scrambling over fallen logs and digging in the dirt with sticks may not sound like traditional educational activities, but they are core parts of the curriculum in “forest schools.” Learning amid the leaves is the hallmark of a forest school, an immersive outdoor education model devoted to the exploration of nature. Forest schools, which have their roots in Scandinavian educational tradition, generally focus on preschool...

Embedding Legal Support in Preventive Health Care []

By Angeline Spain, Angela (Sander) Garza, Julie McCrae, et al., Chapin Hall, October 2020 Health care systems are increasingly recognizing the value of legal expertise as a tool for addressing some of the social and material needs that can impact healthy child development and family well-being. Medical–legal partnerships, a model for integrating legal services and expertise into healthcare settings, have expanded rapidly in the past decade. These partnerships can amplify the ability of...

Committee members hear about impact of racism on kids []

By Jonathan Mohr, Owatonna People's Press, September 30, 2020 Adverse childhood experiences and adverse community environments are often the underlying problems that derail healthy growth and development in children. And although this “pair of ACEs” can impact kids everywhere, when combined with systemic racism, they create inequities that children in some communities may eventually spend their whole lives struggling to overcome. The House Select Committee on Racial Justice learned more...

New Resource in Trauma-Informed Design!

Interested in Trauma-Informed Design concepts, but don't know where to begin? Check out this new website! www. Trauma informed design used to be a nicety, now it is a necessity. Businesses now have to deal with the wellbeing of its employees like never before. Seeing a need for a unified location to showcase the amazing work of designers, psychologists, educators, architects, and other professionals in the trauma-informed design world, the website was...

Mental health bills signed by Governor—but new data shows much more is needed to address crisis!

In recent days Governor Newsom signed into law three bills that take important steps to improve access to mental health care in California: AB 2112 establishes a state office of suicide prevention SB 803 will certify and train Peer Support Specialists that can bill Medi-Cal SB 855 increases mental health parity requirements commercial health plans Together these bills acknowledge our racialized crisis of despair (AB 2112), launch the formal integration and honoring of lived experience in our...

A Time for Change

The magnificent fall foliage displayed during the month of October reminds me of transition and forward momentum. Ideally, as humans, we grow and change along with the seasons to find meaning and purpose in life and flourish. Unfortunately, the progression of our lives isn't always smooth and people aren't always kind. There are essential life skills that we can learn, however, that can help us grow through struggle and choose love in our thoughtful responses. We have had varied reactions to...

Navigating Conversations with Youth about Race & Equity []

By Parenting Resource Center, October 2020 A L L I E D F O L K & T H E P A R E N T I N G R E S O U R C E C E N T E R , I N C . W O U L D L I K E T O I N V I T E P A R E N T S A N D C A R E G I V E R S T O T H I S T W O P A R T O P E N D I A L O G U E A B O U T N A V I G A T I N G C O N V E R S A T I O N S W I T H Y O U T H R E G A R D I N G R A C E A N D E Q U I T Y . This is a two-part series that will take place on October 12th and October 19th at 6 PM. The link to the event will be...

Junk Journaling: a creative process for really hard times

My brain still isn't totally back to the Ivy League straight-A standard I was used to. Maybe it never will be. But you know what? I no longer care about that old way. This brain, this miraculous body, it's the house of an Inner Artist who knows how to move from what is into the most delicious version of what might be. I don't believe this makes me special. I believe we all have that inner creative compass, chomping at the bit to lead us home.

[SURVEY] Youth Thrive Yes! Scan for Excellent Youth Resources []

From Youth Thrive, October 1, 2020 Youth Thrive of the Center for the Study of Social Policy is asking for your help to identify the best examples of community-based resources, partnerships, activities, or programs that give young people (ages 9-26 years old) the opportunities and experiences they need to fulfill their dreams in a safe, loving, and equitable environment. Youth Thrive, an initiative of the Center for the Study of Social Policy (CSSP), is conducting this Scan to identify the...

Is Racism a Mental Health Disorder? Yes (

The American Psychiatric Association has never officially recognized extreme racism (as opposed to ordinary prejudice) as a mental health problem, although the issue was raised more than 30 years ago. After several racist killings in the civil rights era, a group of black psychiatrists sought to have extreme bigotry classified as a mental disorder. The association's officials rejected the recommendation, arguing that because so many Americans are racist, even extreme racism in this country...

The Link Between Child Maltreatment and Adult Substance Abuse

ACEs has shown us that checking “yes” to certain boxes puts at a higher risk of major health consequen ces , b u t , for substance abuse specifically, what warning signs are there for children and young adults? Childhood maltreatment may be a good place to start as it encompasses numerous problems. As many as two-thirds of people in al cohol and drug abuse treatment report they were physically, sexually, or emotionally abused during childhood – all of which are considered various forms of...

Making Service Delivery Relevant for Latino Families during COVID-19 []

By Desiree Murray, Lina Guzman, and Melissa J. Perez, National Resarch Center on Hispanic Children & Families, September 23, 2020 Latino families have experienced a disproportionate burden from the COVID-19 pandemic. As of September 2020, Latinos have represented 29.5 percent of all COVID-19 cases for which race/ethnicity data are available (while representing only 18.5 percent of the total U.S. population). Latinos also have the second-highest mortality rate of all racial/ethnic groups...

Expanding Access to Mental Healthcare with Artificial Intelligence []

By Jessica Kent, HealthITAnalytics, September 29, 2020 Across the country today, it is widely acknowledged that access to mental healthcare is just as important as clinical care when it comes to overall wellness. Mental health conditions are incredibly common in the US, impacting tens of millions of people each year, according to the National Institutes of Mental Health (NIMH). However, estimates suggest that only half of people with these conditions receive treatment, mainly due to barriers...

Preventing and Responding to COVID-19 on College Campuses []

By Henry T. Walke, Margaret A. Honein, and Robert R. Redfield, JAMA Network, September 29, 2020 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic continues to present public health and societal challenges worldwide. Concerted public health efforts in the US at the local, state, territorial, national, and tribal levels remain paramount to protecting the population, particularly those at greatest risk for severe illness and death. Throughout the summer months, younger people accounted...

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