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The Science of Preventing ACEs in a Pandemic: Key Concepts Guiding the Work

SCIENCE AND COMPASSION The 100% Community initiative is a radically simple data-driven strategy to address the root causes of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and social adversity. Science guides this vital process. To ensure trauma-free childhoods, we are taking on one of the most complicated challenges facing all fifty states: ensuring that 100% of families have access to the ten vital services for surviving and thriving. We are advocating for this work amid a global pandemic and...

New research shows many children with mental health conditions don't get follow-up care []

By Pratibha Gopalakrishna, STAT, September 22, 2020 A large new study finds that mental health care for many children in the U.S. falls far short, particularly when it comes to the follow-up treatment they receive. The study, published Monday in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences , examined insurance claims from children between the ages of 10 and 17 covered by Blue Cross Blue Shield. Of the more than 2 million children included in the study, nearly one in 10 had a claim related...

How One District Got Its Students Back Into Classrooms []

By Jenny Anderson, The New York Times, September 20, 2020 When schools shuttered in March, David Miyashiro, the superintendent of the Cajon Valley Union School District, immediately started connecting with families and teachers. During hundreds of calls, Zoom meetings and socially distanced in-person gatherings, he heard desperate pleas from poor parents torn between work and home instruction, or who needed support for high-needs students. Mr. Miyashiro vowed to reopen schools in the fall,...

We Shouldn't Rely on Child Protective Services to Address Family Adversity []

By Kelley Fong, The Imprint, September 20, 2020 For many parents, it’s their worst fear: a knock on the door from a state social worker with the power to take their children. With 1 in 3 children nationwide experiencing a Child Protective Services (CPS) investigation during childhood following a report of child maltreatment, this experience is all too common for U.S. families, especially Black and Native American families. Child maltreatment conjures images of critically injured or severely...

Telemedicine and Healthcare Disparities: A cohort study in a large healthcare system in New York City during COVID-19 []

By Rumi Chunara, Yuan Zhao, Ji Chen, Katharine Lawrence, et al., Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, August 31, 2020 Abstract Objective Through the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, telemedicine became a necessary entry point into the process of diagnosis, triage and treatment. Racial and ethnic disparities in health care have been well documented in COVID-19 with respect to risk of infection and in-hospital outcomes once admitted, and here we assess...

Addressing Childhood Poverty in Pediatric Clinical Settings []

By Margaret G. Parker, Arvin Garg, Margaret A. McConnell, JAMA Pediatrics, September 14, 2020 Two in 5 children are poor or nearly poor, and childhood poverty is a key social determinant of heath that is associated with negative health and developmental outcomes across the life course. In 2016, the American Academy of Pediatrics published a policy statement on child poverty and health, emphasizing the importance of addressing poverty-related risk factors in the delivery of pediatric care.1...

New approach to mental health crises in San Mateo County []

County planning embedded clinicians for emergency responses By Zachary Clark Daily Journal staff Three San Mateo County police departments this year are expected to enter into a pilot program aimed at enhancing their response to mental health crises. The program will embed a full-time licensed mental health clinician within the San Mateo, South San Francisco and Redwood City police departments — there will likely be a total of four clinicians between the three cities — to respond along with...

Foundations of Data Equity: Live, Interactive Online Workshop []

Live, Interactive Online Workshop. Get the experience and tools to overcome the equity challenges in your data. Few people intentionally use data to make racist, or sexist, or unethical decisions. However, it’s very easy to do so accidentally. This has serious consequences for communities, policies, individuals, and organizations. From regular citizens, to decision makers, to CEOs, to tech workers, we all need a toolkit for embedding equity and ethics on our data products. What you'll get:...

Register for CRI's upcoming Trauma-Informed Courses []

When you can’t do what you want, do what you can! This was the title of a song that was sent to me from a fan of our courses. The song was inspired by the country’s amazing feats of creativity during pandemic quarantining. It’s the perfect fight song for CRI’s upcoming virtual course. Course 2: Trauma-Supportive Certification offers more than 30 strategies to foster resilience in your family, workplace, or community. Several of the strategies were specifically designed to address the impact...

The School Crisis Recovery and Renewal project has OFFICIALLY LAUNCHED! []

The School Crisis Recovery and Renewal project Supporting students, educators, school staff, and school-based clinicians to effectively implement trauma-informed crisis recovery and renewal strategies. The School Crisis Recovery & Renewal (SCRR) project is a new initiative that launched June 2020. Funded by SAMHSA, the School Crisis Recovery & Renewal (SCRR) is a National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN) Treatment and Services Adaptation Center (Category II, 2020-2025).

Data-Driven, Cross-Sector: Bounce Coalition Boosts Trauma-Informed Change in Kentucky

Student suspension rates dropped. Teacher retention rose. Membership in the PTA swelled from zero to more than 200. More kids said in a survey that there was at least one adult at school whom they could talk to if they had a problem. The data—a comparison of the Bounce Coalition’s pilot school and one with similar demographics—told the Kentucky resilience-boosting group that they were on the right track. The Bounce Coalition formed in 2014; the catalyst was a grant from the Foundation for a...

ACEs screening pilot in L.A. County pivots, troubleshoots barriers to remote visits

This story is part of an occasional series about California-based pediatricians who are incorporating ACEs screening into their practices. In the first installment published in May, which you can find here , Dr. Amy Shekarchi and other team members had just launched their ACEs screening by phone. A community health worker from a clinic affiliated with Los Angeles County’s Department of Health Care Services recently called a teenage patient to find out if she ever felt unsafe in her home or...

Reposting -- Painful Questions: What Happens when Doctors Uncover Adverse Childhood Experiences?

Social science evidence from the National Survey of Children's Health helps place California's ACE screening mandate in context. The data suggest California does not do well in providing developmental screening in pediatric care -- a much more direct method than ACE screening to detect problems arising from toxic stress and adversity. See

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