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Addressing the mental health needs of asylum seekers: A compassionate and trauma-informed approach []

By Dan Lander, MedicalXpress, September 17, 2020 A new study by The University of South Australia has found mental health issues such as post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), anxiety, depression and suicidality are widespread among people seeking asylum in Western nations, including Australia. The research, conducted by UniSA's Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Research Group (MHSPRG), was published in the British Medical Bulletin, and examined data from Australia, Europe, Canada and the...

Association Between Maternal Perinatal Depression and Anxiety and Child Adolescent Development []

By Alana Rogers, Shelley Obst, and Samantha J. Teague, JAMA Pediatrics, September 14, 2020 Key Points Question Are maternal perinatal depression and anxiety adversely associated with social-emotional, cognitive, language, motor, and adaptive behavior development in offspring during the first 18 years of life? Findings In this systematic review and meta-analysis, maternal perinatal depression and anxiety were associated with poorer social-emotional, cognitive, language, motor, and adaptive...

How parents can help their kids build resilience through times of trauma []

By Larry Zier, Omaha World-Record, September 19, 2020 Our children have never known the uncertainty of a global crisis such as the coronavirus pandemic. Collectively, it is our nature to pick ourselves up and forge on. However, this trauma and its rippling effects of limited socialization and in-person interactions continue to add to this real life-threat. The question then becomes, what can parents do to help children process the trauma and begin to heal? By definition, emotional and...

Painful Questions: What Happens When Doctors Uncover Adverse Childhood Experiences?

This excellent article reviews arguments for and against universal pediatric screening for ACEs in California. It also highlights Dr. Nadine Burke Harris' concern concern that if we know ACEs science, it is irresponsible not to take action. She indicates that she has not heard alternative proposals for action from critics of screening. However, such alternatives exist and include universal pediatric developmental screening and policy initiatives aimed at primary prevention of adversity.

Community Trauma Prevention Starts with Parent-Infant Relationships

The COVID-19 pandemic has called on us to find creative ways to connect and learn. In rural western Massachusetts I had scheduled a training for 20 practitioners who work with parents and infants to meet together for two days of learning on April 15 and 16th. Instead I rapidly adapted the training to the online setting. I have had the pleasure of meeting weekly with an extraordinary group that includes peer recovery coaches on the front lines supporting moms with opioid use disorders,...

Patterns & Build

"Growth, thrive, and healing happen in interconnected patterns. Do early childhood systems and protocols reflect that - particularly regarding ACEs (Adverse Childhood Experiences), resilience, and prevention?" Jodi Wert ••• Click >>> The full blog post. Also, our Community of Practice for adults who are important to children is welcoming new members this week (until Friday, Sept 25th). Click >>> To learn more .

Coronavirus Disease 2019 Has Worsened Food Insecurity Among Families With Low Incomes, but Medicaid Is a "Potential Vehicle" for Relief []

By Joan Stephenson, JAMA Health Forum, September 11, 2020 The coronavirus disease 2019 pandemic and the economic devastation it has caused have made vehicular breadlines a familiar image in the news media: cars lining up for miles as people seek assistance from food banks to feed themselves and their families. With the expiration in late July of the $600 weekly federal supplement to unemployment benefits—and efforts for further relief stalled in Congress—the problem may well get worse.

The Relationship of Adulthood Chronic Disease and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Implications Regarding Prevention and Promotion in International Health []

By Jordan Holter, Christine Marchionni and Bankim Bhatt, IntechOpen, September 18, 2020 Abstract Several studies, including the innovative 1998 ACE Study by CDC-Kaiser Permanente, have assessed the association among adulthood chronic disease and the prevalence of maladaptive, health-harming behaviors including: excessive alcohol use, tobacco use, physical inactivity, psychiatric illness including suicidal ideation or attempts, promiscuous sexual behavior (>50 sex partners), history of...

A dramatically diminished L.A. school police force under proposed cuts []

By Howard Blume, Los Angeles Times, September 18, 2020 Two months after a divided Los Angeles Unified school board slashed funding for its police department by more than a third, the contours of a dramatically diminished force emerged this week. Under a plan presented to the board on Tuesday, police officers would be removed from school campuses and weekend patrols meant to protect schools from vandalism would be eliminated, among other cuts. The debate over the proposed cuts, set for later...

The Top 1% of Americans Have Taken $50 Trillion From the Bottom 90% - And That's Made the U.S. Less Secure []

By Nick Hanauer and David M. Rolf, Time, September 14, 2020 Like many of the virus’s hardest hit victims, the United States went into the COVID-19 pandemic wracked by preexisting conditions. A fraying public health infrastructure, inadequate medical supplies, an employer-based health insurance system perversely unsuited to the moment—these and other afflictions are surely contributing to the death toll . But in addressing the causes and consequences of this pandemic —and its cruelly uneven...

13-Year-Old Ruth Bader Ginsburg on Prejudice, Its Antidote, and the Five Documents That Shaped Humanity (

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (March 15, 1933–September 18, 2020) had barely cusped from childhood to adolescence when she watched in awe as her greatest role model — Eleanor Roosevelt, with her floral dresses and her “spine as stiff as the steel girder of a skyscraper” — was appointed chairperson of the newly established United Nations Commission on Human Rights. There is no overestimating the quickening of mind, the stir of soul, the immense swell of inspired idealism, which great role models can...

New Episode of Transforming Trauma: Exploring Historical and Intergenerational Trauma in the Jewish Experience with Rabbi Lynn Feinberg

Transforming Trauma Episode 023: Exploring Historical and Intergenerational Trauma in the Jewish Experience with Rabbi Lynn Feinberg “It's about really getting into that experience of compassion for myself, my people, for our journey, for what it means to adjust within… all those different layers.” ~ Lynn Feinberg In this special “High Holidays” episode of Transforming Trauma, host Sarah Buino welcomes guest Rabbi Lynn Feinberg , the first female Jewish Rabbi in Norway, as well as NARM...

Slaying The 'Fee-for-Service Monster' Of American Healthcare - Hidden Brain []

By Shankar Vedantam, Tara Boyle, Parth Shah, and Jennifer Schmidt, National Public Radio, September 2020 In the United States, healthcare providers are typically paid based on services provided. The more tests a patient undergoes, the bigger the bill. Vivian Lee, a radiologist and healthcare executive, says this fee-for-service business model needs to be reconsidered. "You're rewarding people doing things to other people. And actually, in many cases, you're rewarding that regardless of...

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