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Addressing the Mental Health of First Responders []

By Morgan McKay, Spectrum News, September 13, 2020 CDC studies looking at the mental of health of first responders showed that at the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, around 50 percent of health care workers struggled with depression. Yet, data after the September 11, 2001 terror attacks on the World Trade Center showed that at times it can take months or even years for the full effects of a tragedy to take its toll on the mental health of first responders. John Cooney, a retired Troy Police...

The COVID-19 crisis: What about the babies? []

By Shawne K. Wickham, New Hampshire Union Leader, September 12, 2020 Gabi Gilliland was halfway through her second pregnancy when COVID-19 hit New Hampshire. Her 2-year-old daughter’s day care closed, and Gabi, youth minister at a Catholic parish in Litchfield, found herself working at home along with her husband. Ambrose Gilliland came into this world on Aug. 1, a healthy, nearly 10-pound baby boy. Having an infant during a pandemic has been “a huge challenge,” Gilliland said. Her parents...

Trauma, Development & Neuroplasticity Series with Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD (

I've been seeing so many posts of Facebook and Twitter about this series on trauma, development, and neuroplasticity being led by Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD that I have to share about it here on ACEs Connection as well. Please find details excerpted below from the EEGLearn website. For more details about this series (which costs $260.), please go here.

Join the Community Conversation of the CAREgivers documentary on September 16th at 5p.m. PST

Please join our community conversation about Portraits of Professional Caregivers on Wednesday, December 16th at 5 p.m. PST (8 p.m. EST). Here is the pre-registration link to sign up. Special guests will be the co-producers of the Portraits of Professional Caregivers documentary, Vic Compher & Rodney Whittenberg. This conversation, held on Zoom, will be hosted by @Erin Connolly and @Whitney Marris of The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice (CTIPP) with support from @Cissy...

CTIPP invites everyone to participate in calls on pressing national issues, starting this Wednesday on climate

The monthly Zoom virtual gathering sponsored by national organization “ Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) ” will complete this year’s series by tackling some of the most pressing issues this country is facing. With a focus the role of trauma-informed approaches to help manage solutions to these challenges, the CTIPP-CAN (Community Advocacy Network) meetings for the remainder of the year will address climate this Wednesday followed by policing in October, peer...

'We're No.28! And Dropping! []

By Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times, September 9, 2020 This should be a wake-up call: New data suggest that the United States is one of just a few countries worldwide that is slipping backward. The newest Social Progress Index , shared with me before its official release Thursday morning, finds that out of 163 countries assessed worldwide, the United States, Brazil and Hungary are the only ones in which people are worse off than when the index began in 2011. And the declines in Brazil...

'I was looking for someone like me' - Is peer counseling the answer? []

By Jocelyn Wiener, Cal Matters, September 9, 2020 Keris Jän Myrick keeps a photo on her desk of the woman who helped transform her life. As a Black woman living with schizophrenia, Myrick had spent years searching for a mentor. Someone who wouldn’t judge, wouldn’t pathologize, wouldn’t ask her to translate her reality into terms they could understand. “I was looking for someone like me,” she said. [ Please click here to read more .]

Black at UC Berkeley: Professor Tyrone Hayes on discrimination in academia (

By Ethan Baron, September 13, 2020, Mercury News. In a nation where Black people make up fewer than 5% of full-time college and university professors, UC Berkeley biology professor Tyrone Hayes stands as an exception. But the road has been hard and even at Cal, with its long history at the center of social justice movements, he’s still fighting for equal treatment. Hayes, born in the South when Black people had to drink from “colored fountains,” has faced discrimination from childhood, when...

Colleges brace for rising anxiety and depression amid pandemic []

From EdSource, September 12, 2020 With nearly three-fourths of 18-29 year olds reporting they are feeling down, hopeless or depressed, California colleges are attempting to respond to the rising mental health needs of students during the coronavirus pandemic. Isolation, with students confined to studying online, has heightened their sense of loss and hindered colleges’ ability to identify those needing help. California’s community colleges, which serve by far the largest number of college...

Wolf Administration Releases Suicide Prevention Plan, Reminds Pennsylvanians that They are Never Alone []

By MyChesCo, September 12, 2020 The Wolf Administration, members of the General Assembly, and Prevent Suicide PA on Thursday recognized World Suicide Prevention Day and National Suicide Prevention Month and released Pennsylvania’s Statewide Suicide Prevention Plan . The plan, which was developed by the state’s Suicide Prevention Task Force, is a four-year strategy to reduce suicide in Pennsylvania by fighting stigma, increasing training and education on suicide and mental health , improving...

How can therapy help to restore a sense of self after trauma []

From Ruth Lanius, September 2020 Ruth Lanius, MD, PhD, briefly describes her course Trauma, Development, and Neuroplasticity, intended to help clinicians doing trauma therapy, to understand the new neuroscience, and how to intervene at a deep brain level to help survivors recover. Six-part weekly webinar explores critical brain systems affected by trauma, how altered functioning of each is associated with trauma-related symptoms, and how to treat them. [ Please click here for more...

Talk + Play = Connect Toolkit for Families []

By Yolo County Children's Alliance, September 2020 Parents and caring adults make such a difference in children’s lives in so many ways. Two incredibly important ways that we can connect with our children are through talking to them and playing with them. When you sing a lullaby to your baby, ask your toddler about what she sees out of the car window, talk to your preschooler about her favorite animal, have a conversation with your 5 th grader about what she learned in school, or listen to...

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