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Why every teacher needs to know about childhood trauma (The Conversation)

By Emily Berger , Monash University , Karen Martin , University of Western Australia, September 11, 2020. Mental health issues among children are on the rise due to the impacts of the COVID pandemic, including lockdowns. Recent reports show there has been a 28% spike in calls to the phone counselling service Kids Helpline between March and July 2020 compared with the same period last year in Victoria, which is under stage 3 and 4 restrictions. This prompted the state government to fast-track...

Looking to Stream the Portraits of Professional Caregivers documentary?

If you are here this weekend to stream the Portraits of Professional Caregivers documentary, please click here to bring you to our Transform Trauma with ACEs Science community. Here are a few screenshots from the film. Special thanks to Rodney Whittenberg and Vic Compher, the co-producers of this documentary for making it available, for free, to our members and to Robin Cogan of The Relentless School Nurse , @Whitney Marris , @Erin Connolly of The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy &...

The Tenth Annual "On the Shoulders of Giants" Scientific Symposium []

From Child Mind Institute, September 11, 2020 Please join us for our 10th annual celebration of scientific achievement in child and adolescent psychology, psychiatry and developmental neuroscience, featuring 2020 Sarah Gund Prize recipient W. Thomas Boyce, MD . This event also includes a powerful roundtable on the impact of the coronavirus pandemic and racial injustice on child and adolescent mental health and the development of the next generation of scientists and clinicians. Moderated by...

For 9/11 Families, This Year Might Be One Of The Hardest []

By Molly Longman, Refinery 29, 2020 Shay Mahon used to spend every September 11 with her family and her father’s old friends in New York. They’d eat takeout and tell stories about her dad, Tom Mahon, who died 19 years ago during the attacks on the World Trade Center. He worked at Cantor Fitzgerald, a financial services firm with offices in the North Tower, the first to be hit on the morning of 9/11 in 2001. Shay was just 21 months old at the time, and one of more than 3,000 children who lost...

COVID-19's Toll on Mental Health []

By Daniel Tan, Public Policy Institute of California, September 11, 2020 As the pandemic continues to threaten the physical health and well-being of many Californians, mental health professionals across the state have also acknowledged its widespread psychological impact. Although the mental health consequences of epidemics are not well documented—in part due to the rarity of these events— existing research shows an association between large-scale disasters and mental and behavioral...

A nationwide divide: Hispanic and Black students more likely than white students to start the year online []

By Kalyn Belsha, Michael Rubinkam, Gabrielle LaMarr, and Larry Fenn, Chalkbeat, September 11, 2020 Missi Magness wanted her children back in school. The parent of a first-grader and a sixth-grader who attend schools on Indianapolis’ southeast side struggled trying to oversee her children’s schooling while working from home this spring. “They need the structure, they need the socialization, they just need to go,” said Magness. “‘I love you, but here’s your backpack, here’s your lunch ... have...

Trauma is 'Written Into Our Bodies' - but Educators Can Help []

By Stephen Merrill, Edutopia, September 11, 2020 Some of the first adorable patients to trickle into Dr. Nadine Burke Harris’s pediatric clinic when it opened in 2007—long before she was named the first surgeon general of California—were referred by teachers and principals. Sitting in her examination rooms back then, in one of San Francisco’s poorest neighborhoods, Burke Harris knew almost immediately that something was amiss. Her young patients arrived with tentative diagnoses of...

Mental Health Needs of Law Enforcement: Being Proactive in a Reactive Career

How Do You Help Police Officers Address Trauma? Officer mental health is an often overlooked component of safety and wellness. Good mental health is just as essential as good physical health for law enforcement to be effective in keeping our country and our communities safe from crime and violence. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), between 7 to 19 percent of police officers have symptoms of PTSD and 1 in 4 police officers have thoughts of suicide at some point in...

How Early Childhood Shapes Your Political Views []

By David Ludden, Psychology Today, September 8, 2020 The political divide between conservatives and liberals in America seems to be widening day by day. But where do our political orientations come from? Research on this question points to early childhood experiences. For instance, adults often adopt the political leanings of their parents. Nevertheless, there are plenty of exceptions to this tendency, and we’ve all experienced family gatherings that turned into fierce political debates.

Upcoming Webinar: Tools & Resources for Coping with Stress, Fear and Anxiety (New Jersey Chapter, American Academy of Pediatrics)

As part of NJAAP's Healthy Spaces program, we invite you to join us on Thursday, September 24th from 12:00-1:00 PM for our virtual educational workshop, Tools & Resources for Coping with Stress, Fear and Anxiety! Register Here ! This virtual session will share tools and resources to support mental and behavioral health during the pandemic. Dr. Leopardi and Dr. Gubernick will share guidance on self-care, stress management, and positive discipline. Participants will also engage in...

When Bad Things Happen to Good People

Bad things happen to good people. I know. My six-year-old son was murdered by a former student in his first grade classroom at Sandy Hook Elementary School alongside 19 of his classmates and six educators. We read about those who die in countless natural disasters all over the world. Thousands of good people perished in the 9/11 attacks. The media shares headlines of brutality and destruction on a daily basis. The labeling of good versus evil has helped us to categorize unspeakable horror in...

Invite to Join: Now - September 25th

Our Community of Practice for adults who are important to young children is a gentle, kind place to explore early childhood learning & wellness. We're 16 members strong, and invite more to join. The work is online, flexible pace, and a commitment of 1 hour per week. Click to learn more >>> @Melissa McPheeters @Adriana van Altvorst

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