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Value of investing in Trauma-Informed Care

I recently had the pleasure of attending via zoom, a Trauma-Informed Care training. I wanted to share some take always and encourage all to attend one. Hosted by Community Resilience Initiative, with trainer Rick Griffin. The trainer had such a lovely way of taking heavy topics that can feel uncomfortable to talk about and deliver them in a gentle, authentic way that provided the human touch with extensive knowledge. This being my first formal training on just Trauma-Informed care I learned...

Health advocates highlight extreme COVID burnout, stark inequities and strong call for action

Dr. Elisa Nicholas, a pediatrician and chief executive officer of TCC Family Health Clinics in Long Beach, California, relays an example of how the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on the lives of the clinics’ patients. Most had already been struggling financially prior to the pandemic. “Both the mother and father came down with coronavirus,” said Nicholas. “Their child was in on a telephone visit with one of our doctors. They did not have any way to get food. They had no money to pay for...

Pathway for Trauma is Pathway for Resilience: Fresno Network's Message Inspires Hope

In Fresno, volunteers from local churches were already working with the schools, mentoring kids and running weekend recreation programs. Community-based non-profits were in conversation with educators; pastors were talking to social-service providers. The problems were clear: nearly 30% of Fresno’s residents living in poverty (the rate tops 40% for Black residents), with a 20-year gap in life expectancy between the richest and poorest parts of this sharply segregated city. For several years,...

Promoting the Power of Play for Family Strengthening []

By National Family Support Network and Families Canada, August 2020 Play and outdoor activities have positive and measurable effects on young children, such as increased educational performance and achievements, health, well-being, as well as social and personal development. Play is also a way to bring families together, strengthen relationships, build trust and bonds, and have lasting impacts on family health and well-being as a whole. This webinar will explore how can programs promote the...

Florida Legislator Will Propose Compensation Fund for Police Shooting Victims [Florida]

State Rep. Ramon Alexander , D-Tallahassee, plans to bring out a bill “creating a Victim Compensation Crime and Trauma Fund for victims of police shooting incidents and their families.” Alexander said on Monday that he will introduce the legislation for next year’s legislative session. “Trauma experienced by survivors and loved ones can be social, physical, and emotional. As lawmakers, it is imperative that we provide trauma-specific services and a greater awareness of the effects of...

Economic and Racial Disparities Highlighted in New Report on Adversity among Children 0-3

An important new report based on data from the National Survey of Children's Health identifies significant economic and racial disparities in the frequency of adversity among children ages 0-3. Adversity in Early Childhood: The Role of Policy in Creating and Addressing Adverse Childhood Experiences from the Center for American Progress underlines the importance of social policy initiatives to advance primary prevention and racial and economic justice. See...

Introducing the Transform Trauma with ACEs Science Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions

Transform Trauma with ACEs Sciences Film Festival & Follow-Up Discussions The following weekend watch parties and follow-up discussions are co-hosted by ACEs Connection, The Relentless School Nurse , and The Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy & Practice (CTIPP) . We appreciated the filmmakers for making these films free to watch for our members and for the public programming of PBS. The films we’ll feature are as follows: Portraits of Professional Caregivers Whole People Part 1...

"It's All Connected": NJEA ACEs Task Force Reaches Beyond Educators

The March meeting of the New Jersey Education Association’s ACEs Task Force opened without an agenda. It was a virtual gathering with more than 50 people—educators, social workers, professionals in pediatrics, juvenile justice and child abuse prevention. The pandemic had landed emphatically close to home, with a governor’s order to close all schools on March 18, and participants were grappling with what that meant for their students, their families and themselves. So ACEs Task Force co-chair...

STAR video series: How to get ‘unstuck’ from trauma responses

By Randi B. Hagi Across video conference screens, Strategies for Trauma Awareness and Resilience Lead Trainer Katie Mansfield and Kirby Broadnax MA ’20 sit down together. Their topic of discussion: learning from our pain. “For me, there’s not a moment or a particular event that I think about, but just a continual deepening of my understanding of the ways that structural traumas like racism and sexism in particular, have impacted, continue to impact my life and my body,” Broadnax says. “So...

Beyond Parody 2: Many Elements Surround Drug And Alcohol Addiction (

By Ty Bechel, August 31, 2020, There are many elements to drug and alcohol addiction. One of the most heartbreaking and gut-wrenching elements is trauma. I have worked with individuals struggling with drug and alcohol addiction for nearly five years. If you heard some of the trauma people had to experience, you would want to escape reality, too. Sexual abuse, physical abuse, or neglect are just a few forms of trauma some human beings have had to forcefully experience. Yes,...

New ACEs initiatives learn about strategic plan development from New Hanover (NC) Resiliency Task Force executive director Mebane Boyd

The desire to see other ACEs initiatives grow and flourish was evident at a recent meeting of the Resilient Columbus County (North Carolina) ACEs initiative when Mebane Boyd, executive director of the New Hanover Resiliency Task Force (also in North Carolina), shared with the Columbus County and neighboring Pender County groups how New Hanover created and works on its strategic plan. In the spirit of sharing, Boyd agreed to let ACEs Connection post the strategic plan and the video of the...

What Trauma Looks Like For Lousiana Residents 15 Years After Hurricane Katrina []

By Debbie Elliott, National Public Radio, August 30, 2020 DEBBIE ELLIOTT, HOST: As parts of the Gulf Coast are starting to pick up the pieces left in the wake of Hurricane Laura, we look back at another catastrophic hurricane that made landfall 15 years ago - Katrina. The Category 5 storm killed more than a thousand people and caused major damage. Eighty percent of New Orleans was underwater after the federal levee protection system failed. While the city was able to rebuild, many of its...

How to Heal Emotional Trauma After a Climate Disaster []

From The Center for Public Integrity, EcoWatch, August 30, 2020 Disasters are stressful. Our warming world keeps adding fuel to the fires — and floods and hurricanes, among other calamities. What can be done about the trauma that follows? The Center for Public Integrity, Columbia Journalism Investigations and our partners in newsrooms around the country have been reporting on this for months. We've learned a lot by asking experts: people who've lived through disasters and the professionals...

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