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Beyond physical wounds, healing Black male trauma []

By John Rich, USA Today, August 30, 2020 As a primary care doctor in Boston in the late 1990s and early 2000s, I saw many young Black men who were injured by violence. But one young man stands out in my mind. The first time I saw him, he was lying in a hospital bed sweating and writhing in pain. Like many young men I saw as a doctor in an urban medical center, and despite what I – and many of my colleagues – might have assumed, this young man had done nothing to provoke the attack. Rather,...

California colleges increase online mental health services to serve expected student need []

By Larry Gordon, Ed Source, August 31, 2020 With surveys showing that the pandemic is worsening anxiety and depression among college students, campus counseling centers across California are bracing for an expected sharp rise in the numbers of students seeking mental health services. Like most college and university classes, psychological therapy sessions switched to online — or on telephone — in March. The campuses say they will try their best to advertise, expand and improve those virtual...

The Health Care System Has the Black Community in a Choke Hold []

By Vanessa Grubbs, California Health Care Foundation, August 4, 2020 It was the Black woman’s third trip to the emergency department because she was feeling short of breath. She was starting to panic. She knew the COVID-19 death toll was climbing and that it was far worse for Black people than white people , and yet the doctors told her to go home again. But this time she pleaded, “If you all don’t admit me to the hospital, I’m going to die. I can’t breathe.” This is the story told by Sheila...

FSU launches new level of professional certification on trauma and resilience (Florida State University News)

By Anna Printess, August 31, 2020, Florida State University News. Florida State University’s College of Social Work recently launched a new level in its successful Professional Certification in Trauma and Resilience online series. The curriculum series, developed by the Clearinghouse on Trauma and Resilience within the college’s Institute for Family Violence Studies in conjunction with the FSU Center for Academic and Professional Development , enables professionals to develop the knowledge...

D J Jaffe and A Culture of Fear by Michael Skinner

Dear Pete, I read your blog post, “Influential Critic D. J. Jaffe Has Died: Remembered As “Bomb Thrower” Who Demanded Mental Illness Reforms” and thought of how he has done so much to hurt those of us labeled “mentally ill”. You considered him a friend, he was anything but for those of us struggling with the challenges of trauma, abuse and mental health concerns. These are some of my thoughts on D.J. Jaffe. He did not have the best interests of people struggling despite all of his rhetoric,...

Questions for the Experts: What Makes an Addiction Rehab ‘The Best’?

ACEs Connection is a great resource for pooling knowledge – there are experts here across many fields including psychology, social work, and addiction. With so many experts on substance abuse and addiction, we want to know: w hat makes an addiction rehab ‘ the best ’ ? I work for The Hope House , a drug and alcohol recovery center recently named one of the best rehabs in Scottsdale , Arizona, according to Expertise . We are honored to be recognized for this and we firmly believe we are an...

How Do You Help Police Officers Address Trauma?

How Do You Help Police Officers Address Trauma? Officer mental health is an often overlooked component of safety and wellness. Good mental health is just as essential as good physical health for law enforcement to be effective in keeping our country and our communities safe from crime and violence. Officers face a constant need to be vigilant, long hours, exposure to the daily tragedies of life, and regular interaction with people who are in crisis or hostile toward them. Understand the...

Monica Bhagwan with Guy McPherson (

Monica Bhagwan was interview by Guy McPherson of The Trauma Therapist Podcast. Here's a description of this episode. To read the rest of this introduction and to check out the interview of Monica Bhagwan by Guy McPherson, please go this hyperlink. Please know that Monica Bhagwan along with Adrienne Markworth are Community Managers of the ACEs and Nourishment community right here on ACEs Connection. We are proud of the work of our community members and managers.

A HOPE-informed approach to the initial encounter []

Dina Burstein, 8/31/20, How can providers translate HOPE into action? Faced with the multiple demands and increasing accountability of every aspect of the encounter, where does an assessment of assets fit in? To answer that question, we take a step back and remember the dynamics of an initial encounter. Patients/clients approach their first meeting with a new provider nervously: will this new person judge me? Do I really need or want what they have to offer? For...

The Turmoil of Avoidant Attachment Style

Your life has been a string of relationships where you crave closeness but veer away from it almost as quickly as you find it. You discover you can’t settle into a relationship with a partner because he/she either does not live up to your expectations or they are going out to spend time alone with your friends. Because your partner doesn’t include you in every aspect of his/her life, you fear rejection and cling to them; behavior that ultimately drives them away. If the above paragraph...

Adversity in Early Childhood []

By Cristina Novoa and Taryn Morrissey, Center for American Progress, August 27, 2020 Since the World Health Organization declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic on March 11, 2020, the United States has seen a proliferation of cases, record-breaking unemployment, and economic instability. Meanwhile, many public health measures that severely restrict social interactions—including stay-at-home orders and school and child care closures, among others—have been prematurely lifted, with...

Secondary trauma: a silent dilemma []

By Meridith T. Graham, SCNow, August 29, 2020 "Trauma fractures comprehension as a pebble shatters a windshield. The wound at the site of impact spreads across the field of vision, obscuring reality and challenging belief.” – Jane Leavy A few years ago, I was privileged to facilitate a vicarious trauma support group with first responders, including firefighters, paramedics, military members, police officers, etc., who were receiving treatment for substance use disorders. These noble persons...

Protests and Resilienct Self-Care []

By Alex Sitt, Pschology Today, August 29, 2020 Consider the BLM movement, Standing Rock, the ongoing fight for LGBTQ+ rights, #MeToo, and the historic Women’s Marches. Clearly, we’re in an age of resilience actively working to uplift the unheard. As there are so many intersectional identities facing discrimination on multiple fronts, it’s not uncommon for therapists to have clients who want to engage in direct forms of social advocacy. Protests, rallies, candlelight vigils, mural paintings,...

Is the psychological impact of exposure to COVID-19 stronger in adolescents with pre-pandemic maltreatment experiences? A survey of rural Chinese adolescents []

By Jing Guo, Mingqi Fu, Bo Zhang, et al., ScienceDirect, August 20, 2020 Abstract Background Since the COVID-19 outbreak at the end of 2019, it has evolved into a global pandemic with tremendous mental health impact besides the threats to people’s physical health. Objective The aims were to examine whether exposure to COVID-19 predicts elevated levels of anxiety and post-traumatic stress symptoms and whether pre-pandemic maltreatment experiences exacerbate this impact on mental health in...

When kids witness police violence, the trauma doesn't end when the gun is holstered []

By Elliot C. McLaughlin, CNN, August 29, 2020 Police shot Jacob Blake in front of his children, family attorneys say, and the effects of witnessing such violence could be profound for years. What happens now also could be crucial to staving off serious health issues like cancer or heart disease later in their lives. The children will be "traumatized forever," family attorney Ben Crump has said, explaining the family doesn't know if Blake will walk again. Blake's father, Jacob Sr., worries...

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