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Governor of Virginia Historically Recognizes Virginia's First Racial Truth & Reconciliation Week

On August 2nd, the Governor of Virginia declared Virginia’s first Racial Truth and Reconciliation Week . Every Virginian must reckon with the state’s historical past and make intentional efforts to reconcile with the institution of American slavery and the racial inequity of today. Social progress occurs when we all work together to advance racial equity. The mission of Racial Truth & Reconciliation is to empower the voices and experiences of marginalized communities in acknowledgment of...

New episode of Transforming Trauma! Healing the Wounds of Complex Religious Trauma with Jenny Winkel

“NARM is not a protocol, it's a relational model, and the reason why that's important to know is because humans are designed to heal in relationship.” ~ Jenny Winkel In this episode of Transforming Trauma, our host Sarah Buino is joined by Jenny Winkel, MA, LMT, SEP, and NARM Practitioner based in Salt Lake City, Utah. Within her private practice, Jenny works with many forms of Complex Trauma (C-PTSD), with a particular interest in religious trauma. Throughout the episode, they discuss how...

What are ACE scores and why do they matter? []

By Nada Atieh, Redding Record Searchlight, August 4, 2020 When Kaiser Permanente and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention launched the study to measure Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACE) levels in Shasta County in 2012, the results they found were striking. The ACE study examined categories of childhood physical and emotional abuse and neglect. It measured household dysfunction — including domestic violence, mental illness and substance abuse — that create toxic stress...

5 Critical Things to Know About Family Scapegoating Abuse (FSA) []

By Rebecca C. Mandeville, PsychCentral, August 4, 2020 Over the past few months, I’ve had quite a few readers of this blog write to me privately or in comments to the effect of, “I can’t believe what I am reading – It’s like you’re writing about my own life!” My knowledge of family scapegoating dynamics is based in part on countless hours spent working with both individuals and families in residential treatment settings and in my private practice over the past 15 years, as well as my...

West Contra Costa Unified to rethink student safety after ending police contracts []

By Ali Tadayon, EdSource, August 5, 2020 West Contra Costa Unified is rethinking what it means to keep students safe after its school board voted in June to end contracts for campus police officers starting next school year. It’s a re-evaluation other California districts are making as well, following protests over the death of George Floyd at the hands of police in May as well as students saying armed police officers make them feel less safe at school. Instead of relying as much on police,...

Association of Childhood Maltreatment With Suicide Behaviors Among Young People []

By Ioannis Angelakis, Jennifer L. Austin, and Patricia Gooding, JAMA Network Open, August 5, 2020 Key Points Español 中文 (Chinese) Question What is the association between experiences of childhood maltreatment and suicide behaviors in children and young adults? Findings This systematic review and meta-analysis was based on 79 individual studies with 337 185 unique participants found an association between core types of childhood maltreatment and suicide behaviors in children and young adults.

Association of Childhood Intrafamilial Aggression and Childhood Peer Bullying With Adult Depressive Symptoms in China []

By Qing Wang, JAMA Network Open, August 4, 2020 Key Points Español 中文 (Chinese) Question What is the contribution of childhood peer bullying to the association between intrafamilial aggression exposure and depression symptoms in adulthood? Findings In this national cross-sectional study of 15 450 respondents 45 years or older in China, being bullied by peers in childhood was a mediator of the association between childhood intrafamilial aggression (eg, parental physical maltreatment and...

Linking to past technologies

The attached PowerPoint presentation refers to how ACEs interact with previous community development practices. It should be noted that the community action and community activism of Clifford Shaw and Henry McKay, and Saul Alinsky had their roots in the Chicago School of Sociology particularly the work of professors Park and Burgess (all three where graduate students there). Community Development was taught as a Sociology specialty at the department that Richard Poston created at Southern...

Including All Voices in Back to School Planning

Keeping students and staff safe from harm in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic is the number one goal of all schools and districts as they plan for the 2020-21 school year. The next most important goal is to return as many staff and students to the school building as possible. The CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics have developed detailed guidelines so schools can make that happen. If for some reason schools are not able to meet these standards, they are choosing to move instruction to...

Harvard Study Finds certain Childhood Trauma can accelerate aging

Recent research findings from Harvard reveal how certain traumatic experiences in childhood impact aging. Katie McLaughlin, associate professor of psychology and senior author of “Biological Aging in Childhood and Adolescence Following Experiences of Threat and Deprivation: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis ,” explains how she and three colleagues investigated two different forms of childhood adversity and the effects on pubertal development, brain development, and cellular aging. The...

5 Tips for Coping with Grief and Addiction

Loss is something each person experiences differently, often with unhealthy coping mechanisms as a result. Substance abuse is just one, but addiction can cause further harm to a family already suffering. Are you struggling with loss and addiction or love someone who is? We can help. Understanding the Relationship Between Grief and Addiction The powerful emotions that come with loss are often too much to bear. Alcohol and drugs can temporarily provide a welcome escape, however, it's easy to...

Mental Health Needs of Law Enforcement: Being Proactive in a Reactive Career

Do you know the unique needs of your law enforcement clients? Good mental health is just as essential as good physical health for law enforcement to be effective in keeping our country and our communities safe from crime and violence. Officers face a constant need to be vigilant, long hours and shift work, exposure to the daily tragedies of life, and regular interaction with people who are in crisis or hostile toward them.

New Heart Rate Variability Podcast

I'm excited to announce that I just launched the Heart Rate Variability Podcast! In the first episode Jeff and I start exploring my new book Heart Rate Variability: Using Biometrics to Improve Outcomes in Trauma-Informed Organizations. You can find the podcast and get your free copy of the book at Love to hear your thoughts and feedback.

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