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Emergency departments look inward to deepen practices that support traumatized patients

An interdisciplinary team of clinicians from Brigham and Women’s Hospital had a bold idea in 2017. They would completely change the way things worked in their hospital’s emergency department so that the care provided to their patients was infused with a trauma-informed approach. That means recognizing how widespread trauma is and using a myriad of techniques to mitigate its harmful effects among patients, providers and staff. The realization of just how widespread trauma is came to light in...

Bill introduced in US House of Representatives to substantially increase "Safe Babies" courts

Rep. Rosa DeLauro speaks to students at John Lyman Elementary School, Middlefield, CT A bipartisan bill ( H.R. 7868 )—Strengthening America’s Families Act (SAFA)— was introduced Friday, July 30 by lead sponsors Representatives Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) and Gus Bilirakis (R-FL). The bill provides seed money to states to develop and enhance infant-toddler court teams (ITCTs, aka Safe Babies Court Teams) and authorizes a national resource center to guide state and local programs to develop their...

A Better Normal- Education Upended, continued

Join us this week 8/6 as we continue our discussions around school safety, school return, and imagining a better future for education. Weekly themes include: How do we create physical and psychological safety, especially in the face of so much uncertainty? What strategies can we use to create a culture of collective care? How do we implement peer support structures for youth AND adults? What might the first two weeks of school look like with an emphasis on student and adult well-being? How...


Greetings! In addition to viewing CAREgivers Film at ( gratis ) through August 8, I would like to invite you to register for a fascinating ZOOM discussion on THURSDAY, AUGUST 6 AT 3:30 P.M. (EDT) on reducing and resolving secondary trauma in the workplace which is being hosted by the Philadelphia ACE Task Force. This session will feature a live interview with Executive Director Frank Cervone and Project Manager Meghan Johnson about the amazing staff resiliency...

What Is Social Anxiety? []

By Rachel Ehmke, Child Mind Institute, August 2020 When you’re a teen you start being more aware of what other people think. There seems to be a “right” thing to wear, or say, or do. There also seem to be things that you shouldn’t do—things that could be embarrassing, or lose you points with friends. This can lead to social anxiety. The idea that people might be paying particular attention to what you do makes a lot of kids anxious. Some kids feel so anxious that they develop something...

Hospital Injury Encounters of Children Identified by a Predictive Risk Model for Screening Child Maltreatment Referrals []

By Rhema Vaithianathan, Emily Putnam-Hornstein, Alexandra Chouldechove, et al., JAMA Pediatrics, August 3, 2020 Key Points Question Do children reported as having experienced alleged maltreatment and classified by a predictive risk model to be at high risk of foster care placement show an increased risk of emergency department and inpatient hospitalizations for injuries? Findings In this cohort study, children who scored in the highest 5% risk group by the predictive risk model were more...

I Faced a Challenge One Out of Every Three Americans Has: Depression and Anxiety []

By Lenny Mendonca, California Health Care Foundation, July 8, 2020 On Friday, April 10, at 5 PM, Californians learned I had resigned as Chief Economic and Business Advisor to Governor Gavin Newsom and chair of the California High Speed Rail Authority. The press release stated I was leaving “to focus on family and personal business.” In corporate speak, this usually means someone got fired. I was not fired, and I approved this press release, even though I hate 5 PM Friday press releases. I am...

Free Webinar: Neutralize Family Anxiety

Everywhere we look we see stressed-out families. If only you could show a family how stressed they are and what was causing the stress. When family members literally “see” what causes stress, they can begin taking steps to decrease stressors and move towards healing. The FST Stress Chart serves as a pattern interrupt to disrupt the overwhelm parents, teens, couples and families feel when they come through our doors ready to blame and finger point. Webinar: Neutralize Family Anxiety DATE:...

Mindfulness for Teachers: A Program With Proof []

By Catherine Gewertz, Education Week, July 21, 2020 Teachers across the country are preparing for a school year brimming with unprecedented challenges brought on by the coronavirus pandemic. A likely byproduct? Teachers’ stress levels could soar, making an already-tough job tougher. By now, it’s a truism that teaching is stressful. Researchers have increasingly documented that stress, in surveys and in the trails of burned-out teachers leaving the profession. In the last decade, many...

To overcome the stress of this pandemic, educators must lead with relationships, routines and resilience []

By Katie Brackenridge, EdSource, August 2, 2020 In a recent principal training session, a participant raised his hand and asked: “How can I afford to invest in social-emotional learning when my students have fallen so far behind?” The real question is whether we can afford not to invest in practices that support students’ social, emotional AND cognitive development right now. If we really care about student success, then we need to honor the biology of our brains — our interconnected centers...

Child Maltreatment Prevention in the Era of Coronavirus Disease 2019 []

By Christopher Spencer Greeley, JAMA Pediatrics, August 3, 2020 The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic has exposed the frailty of the just-in-time medical system currently in place in the United States. Large gaps in access to care, unequal distribution of testing, and disparities in mortality rates in many ways reflect the greater inequalities that many communities and families were confronting daily before COVID-19. These inequities now may mean life or death. COVID-19 is not the...

How the Pandemic Defeated America []

By Ed Yong, The Atlantic, September 2020 H ow did it come to this? A virus a thousand times smaller than a dust mote has humbled and humiliated the planet’s most powerful nation. America has failed to protect its people, leaving them with illness and financial ruin. It has lost its status as a global leader. It has careened between inaction and ineptitude. The breadth and magnitude of its errors are difficult, in the moment, to truly fathom. In the first half of 2020, SARS‑CoV‑2—the new...

Virginia's First-Ever Racial Truth & Reconciliation Week: 8/2-8/8/20

Voices for Virginia’s Children and the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Virginia has officially launched the Commonwealth's first-ever Racial Truth & Reconciliation Week. Over 50+ community leaders and organizations, public officials, advocates, artists, and more have joined forces.The event consists of 30 virtual programs that includes art showcases, yoga restoration activities, children’s book reading, and faith-based healing. This mission of the week is to promote healing, reconciliation,...

Cultural Humility, Curiosity, and Collaboration: Pathway to Cultural Competence – LIVE WEBINAR

CLICK HERE TO REGISTER The foundation of cultural competence relies on a clinician’s awareness about themselves and the client as “cultural beings”, engaging in a therapeutic alliance from their lived experiences within intersecting social systems. The participant will learn how to broach discussions and exploration of culture with clients to develop a multicultural case conceptualization beyond the perceived “cultural differences”. The learner will learn how to practice in a culturally...

From Crisis to Systems of Care

We all face challenges. Some of us are thrust into a public health crisis. For others, they’re born into a world of adversity, trauma and chaos. 100% Community is about how we can finally create systems of health and safety that serve everyone, everywhere. 100% Community is the strategy that finally ensures trauma-free and thriving childhoods. For all children. With the 100% Community initiative, we provide you and your community with the insights to ensure that ten vital services are...

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