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VA TICNs eNote July 20 2020 []

July is Disability Pride Month! As Elsie Tellier writes for Human Rights Watch , people with disabilities "have developed tools of resilience ...and as we celebrate Disability Pride Month, we should take this opportunity to learn from disabled wisdom." "A Different Distribution of Power": ACEs, Trauma and Resilience Networks Sharpen Focus on Racial Justice and Equity from Mobilizing Action for Resilient Communities ( MARC ): "If it’s not racially just, it can’t be trauma-informed." The...

Kenya Reports Significant Progress in Prevention of Violence against Children and Youth from 2010 to 2019 []

Kenya has had significant declines in sexual, physical, and emotional violence against children and youth between the 2010 and 2019 Violence Against Children and Youth Survey (VACS) . Since 2010, Kenya has used VACS data to guide prevention of violence as well as HIV and AIDS as part of the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR). The 2019 Kenya VACS, a repeat survey of the 2010 VACS, was led by the Government of Kenya and CDC as part of a partnership with Together for Girls...

WEBINAR: How to Win the Battle for Structure

Whoever controls the definition of the problem, controls the treatment outcomes. Therefore, the battle for structure takes place if your client’s goal for treatment or definition of the problem do not match up with yours (i.e., the child is frail and incapable vs. the child is capable but stuck in a rut). And if you lose this battle by failing to convince them of your position, therapy ends before it begins. So what do you do? DATE: July 22 TIME: 12 - 1 pm EDT Register for FREE here Using...

Adverse childhood experiences are different than child trauma, and it’s critical to understand why

From: Child Trends Authors: Jessica Dym Bartlett, Vanessa Sacks Publication Date: April 10, 2019 Legislators, caregivers, and the media increasingly recognize that childhood adversity poses risks to individual health and well-being. The original Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Study has helped raise public awareness about this critical public health issue. However, as the use of ACEs questionnaires for identifying potentially harmful childhood experiences has gained popularity , it is...

Rebecca Lewis Pankratz: Breaking Generational Poverty, Poverty Circles, & Poverty Programs

"A CEs Connection is the curator of incredible hope, healing and possibility. Parents are not the bad guys. Most of us are just kids with ACEs who grew up..." Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz Last Friday, @Rebecca Lewis-Pankratz joined our A Better Normal series to discuss poverty circles and programs. Rebecca is the Director of Learning Centers as Essdack, as well as a poverty consultant, and we met online, via Twitter (her handle is @pOVERty’s Edge. Rebecca is a brilliant speaker, gifted writer, and...

Medical and Mental Health Gaslighting and Iatrogenic Injury

You are a woman and go to the emergency room with a severe cough and the ER doctor listens intently at first and acts nice. However, the physician sees on your record that you have a mental health condition or that you have complained about this same problem before. Suddenly, the physician begins to act differently perhaps growing curt with you or telling you nonsense such as you need to drink more water or lose weight and the cough will go away.

One Mural, Two Lives: Death, Violence, and Trauma at Fort Hood []

By Nicholas Frank, The Rivard Report, July 17, 2020 By Sunday, San Antonio will join other cities including Austin, Houston, Galveston, and Fort Worth in honoring the memory of Vanessa Guillén in mural form . The San Antonio version, however, includes another member of the military who went missing and was later found dead, and points to a larger problem of ongoing trauma and violence at Fort Hood. Army Spc. Guillén, who was from Houston, was murdered on base in April, allegedly by a fellow...

The Worst Day of My Life and the 20 Years of Trauma That Followed []

By Panama Jackson, The Root, July 17, 2020 Twenty years ago, my life changed forever. When I woke up on July 16, 2000, I never could have predicted how different my life would be by midnight. But it was. And I was. And still am, if I’m being honest. As I was scrolling my social media feeds this morning, I noticed that my son’s godfather posted a tweet that said, “there are certain things in life you will never get over, but there is nothing in life that you can’t get through.” Nothing could...

The lasting impact of trauma on current health []

By Sharp Grossmont Hospital Health News Team, East County Californian, July 17, 2020 If you experienced trauma as a child, you are not alone. In a landmark 1998 study, two-thirds of respondents reported having a traumatic experience in their early years. The study also revealed a link between trauma in a person’s past and poor health later in life. Trauma results from exposure to an incident or series of events that is emotionally disturbing or life-threatening. Examples include: Physical or...

Letter: Officers' remarks lack of understanding []

By Juliet C. Dorris, Columbus Dispatch, July 18, 2020 I refer to the Wednesday article “ Stopping teen gun violence in Columbus tough when teens involved don’t care, officer and others say .” With respect to the “officer and others” — Do they care? Do they care to know what that teen’s life experience is or has been? Do they care if that life experience has been impacted by trauma? Do they know and recognize the signs of trauma? Are those teens’ life experiences affected by racism? Are they...

We Interrupt This Gloom to Offer … Hope []

Yes, America is suffering needlessly. That may save us. By Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times, July 16, 2020 - Just one in six Americans in a poll last month was “proud” of the state of the country, and about two out of three were actually “fearful” about it. So let me introduce a new thought: “hope.” Yes, our nation is a mess, but overlapping catastrophes have also created conditions that may finally let us extricate ourselves from the mire. The grim awareness of national failures — on...

John Lewis on Love, Forgiveness, and the Seedbed of Personal Strength (

Once in a generation, if we are lucky, someone comes about who in every aspect of their being models for us how to do that, how to be that — how to place love at the center, the center that holds solid as all around it breaks, the solid place that becomes the fort of what is unbreakable in us and the fulcrum of change. Among those rare, miraculous few was John Lewis (February 21, 1940–July 17, 2020), who began his life by preaching to the chickens at his parents’ farm in southern Alabama and...

Sleep? How do I sleep when I am feeling so stressed?

Sleep? How do I sleep when I am feeling so stressed? FREE On-Demand Webinar You will need to register to access the webinar. After registration is submitted, you will have immediate access to the webinar. Discussion Points and Highlights Definition of Insomnia Types of Insomnia Sleep Hygiene: Setting the Stage/Tips for better sleep Self Help Techniques Deep Breathing Visual Techniques Muscle Contraction and Relaxation CLICK HERE TO ACCESS THE PRESENTATION

Addiction & Mental Health Resources for Veterans

Addiction Resources for Veterans Serving in the military naturally puts you at a higher risk of injury and death. It also puts you at a higher risk for developing a substance use disorder. Even if you were never sent to war, you may have experienced military sexual trauma, difficulty in adjusting to civilian life, or a mental health condition that resulted from the stress of serving. A serious injury during training or a sexual assault can cause trauma and PTSD. It’s not just combat that can...

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