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Community of Practice, Early Childhood is ON!

I'm thrilled to announce that our community-based professional group in Early Childhood Learning & Wellness will roll out August 17, 2020! Our group is textured with folks from different geographies, and with a variety of connections with young children. Watch the video to learn more about the group (< 2 min). It is an honor to be walking together on this path to more deeply attune to mindsets, heart-sets, environments, and practices that unapologetically center the inherent wisdom...

WORKSHOPS: Creating a Beloved Community: Parenting, Race, and Advocacy

Don't miss this free workshop series sponsored by Family Hui and Peace and Justice Institute at Valencia College. *Workshop 1: Waking Up To Our Shared Humanity: Conversations on Race and Unity *Workshop 2: Conversation on Bias: Bias doesn't make you prejudiced, it makes you human *Workshop 3: Family and Race: Across the nation, people of all backgrounds are experiencing a time in which discussions about race are at the forefront of their everyday lives. WHEN: July 23rd, August 6th, August...

Two ACEs champions share: The urgency of ACEs initiatives helping systems of care, and the communities they’re in, become trauma-informed.

ACEs champions Danette Glass of Alpharetta, Georgia, and Becky Haas , of Johnson City, Tennessee, work in different -- yet similar -- ways to see systems of care change to help prevent and heal adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and to help individuals and communities increase resilience. On Friday, July 24 at noon PDT/3 p.m. EDT, these friends and expert community organizers will share their approaches. Haas has worked from the inside out, most recently as the ACEs educator for a regional...

The Healing Place Podcast: David Stone – Unsubscribing from Anxiety; Fearlessness; Changing Mental Habits; Goal-setting vs. Decision-making

David Stone is a transformational speaker and author, dedicated to helping people overcome the anxieties, worries and self-doubts that keep us all from achieving our highest potential. Fed up with the fear, anxiety and self-doubt that got in the way of the life he wanted to live, he set out to find a better way. Now he shares what he’s learned through books, workshops, online courses, keynotes and blogs.

What Really Needs to be in Re-Entry Plans

It seems that with each passing day, the uncertainty of Fall re-entry plans creates an increasing amount of anxiety in us all . Whether we are parents or educators, we are all trying to grapple with the same impossible question; Will it be safe for children and staff to return to school in September? Unfortunately, we will likely not know the answer to that question until our children have already been in classes for close to a month. However, whether in-person or virtual, the...

thank you

I am a retired mental health/addiction therapist. I absolutely agree with your perspective on trauma and pray for your work! If I were not too old, I would get back into the field and study all the new findings. We "knew" treating trauma was the key years ago but did not have the data. Thank you for all you do.

Reflections of HOPE with our National Advisory Board []

By Dr. Robert Sege,, 7/16/20 The HOPE National Advisory Board met virtually on July 14. This extraordinary and diverse group of leaders is deeply invested in the success of our work. Over the past year, we’ve built the trust needed to have candid conversations about difficult topics. This blog post shares some insights gained from our conversation about the relationship between HOPE, anti-racism, and inequities children face in the United States. One advisory...

Check out this new podcast: The People Who Got Me There

All of us have people in our lives who helped to shape us into the people and leaders we are today. This podcast flips the script and instead of asking talented professionals about themselves, asks who helped them get to where they are today then interviews that person instead.Whether you are in a helping profession, just want to hear great stories about personal growth, or looking to find out ways you can better support people in your life, this podcast is for you. The People Who Got Me...

As Neighborhoods Genrtify, Police Presence Increases []

By Brenden Beck, Housing Matters, July 2020 Misdemeanor-focused policing, including stops and low-level arrests, is a well-documented, traumatic practice that negatively affects employment, family ties, health, school performance, and immigration status. Police target Black and Latinx people at rates disproportionate to their share of the population, and research on the efficacy of low-level policing and stop-and-frisk practices finds these acts of control do not reduce crime and that...

America's child care problem is an economic problem []

By Anna North, Vox, July 16, 2020 The nation’s largest school district, New York City, said last week that students will be physically in classrooms only part time at the most in the fall. The nation’s second-largest, Los Angeles, announced Monday that it will be remote only. Meanwhile, day care centers around the country are closing their doors, unable to balance the higher operating costs and reduced enrollment that came with the coronavirus pandemic. Experts have been warning for months...

Supporting Children's Development During the Pandemic []

By Isaac Chotiner, The New Yorker, July 16, 2020 Last week, President Trump declared that public schools must fully reopen in the fall, threatening to withhold federal funding if they fail to do so. But neither he nor the Secretary of Education, Betsy DeVos, has offered guidance on how schools can safely resume classroom teaching during the coronavirus pandemic . Meanwhile, some of the largest school districts in the country, including Los Angeles and San Diego, have announced that they will...

An Open Letter to Economic Institutions In The Face of #BlackLives Matter []

By The Sadie Collective, Medium, July 11, 2020 This letter is about whether you will choose to stand on the right side of history as your Black colleagues are hurting . Every day we do our best to show up for work, despite understanding that COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted our communities . Additionally, over the past weeks, the proliferation of news highlighting the plight of unjust police brutality plagues us. Many of us attempt to cope with the current reality and still show up...

Loss of Cultural Identity Part 2; Illegal to Practice Traditional Religion in Benin Republic, West Africa until 1992

Over the next few days, I am going to provide a little food for thought about the loss of cultural identity that has profoundly impacted Africans across the Diaspora. Remember that the descendants of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade that live off of the Continent, are perhaps the only collective in the world that does not know their origin. We are African, but Africa is a continent of fifty-four countries with thousands of different cultures and dialects. Today’s micro-discussion is on...

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