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2020 KIDS COUNT Data Book []

2020 State Trends in Child Well-Being By the Annie E. Casey Foundation on June 22, 2020 The 31st edition of the Annie E. Casey Foundation's KIDS COUNT® Data Book describes how children across the United States were faring before the coronavirus pandemic began. This year’s publication continues to deliver the Foundation’s annual state rankings and the latest available data on child well-being. It also identifies multi-year trends — comparing statistics from 2010 to 2018. As always,...

How Schools Across the Globe are Reopening Amid the Coronavirus Pandemic []

Article by Michael Burke and Yuxuan Xie in EdSource, June 30th, 2020 Each morning before Chengbao Shang leaves for school in Guangzhou, China, his parents take the 7-year-old’s temperature and send the results to his teacher using a program on WeChat, the popular Chinese social media platform. It’s the same for every student in this city of more than 15 million. Chengbao’s father then drives him to school and drops him off 20 yards away from the campus. Chengbao, a first-grade student, gets...

Child Care Is Infrastructure []

By Helen Lewis of The Atlantic, June 30th, 2020 Boris Johnson loves to dress up—admittedly not an unusual pastime among alumni of Britain’s most exclusive schools. But his specific kink is looking like a builder, in a hard hat and bright high-visibility jacket. Yesterday, the British prime minister filmed a wobbly video that featured himself decked out in Day-Glo yellow at a London school, laying the groundwork for his “new deal” on infrastructure . For a set-piece speech today, his lectern...

The Relentless School Nurse: 10 Things Parents Can Do Now to Help Prepare Children For Returning to School

School nurses have been industrious during COVID-19, using innovative skills to do one of the things we do best, providing information for our families. Everyone's health literacy has been tested through the pandemic. The messaging from our most trusted institutions like the CDC has been confusing and ever-changing. As states have released vague return to school guidelines, it is clear that the details for keeping our students and staff safe will depend on each school district to create...

Catch Up on Our 'A Better Normal' Series While We Take a Break This Week

Thank you to all who have joined us so far for the 'A Better Normal' Community Discussions! With 32 episodes so far, the 'A Better Normal' Discussions have been attended by over 3,000 different people! ACEs Connection Staff will be taking some time off for a break around the July 4th holiday, we will not be hosting any of the 'A Better Normal' discussions or publishing our Daily Digests on Thursday and Friday. Use this time to catch up on past 'A Better Normal' Discussions on our Youtube...

Connections Spotlight — Understanding through a multicultural lens the role historical trauma impacts healing, wellness [Coconino Coalition for Children & Youth Connections]

" Historical trauma impacts so many of our community members and it is a topic that is not always openly discussed and well understood in mainstream society. Further, it is often not considered when designing helping programs, systems or overall prevention programming and worse when placing judgements against groups of people. Each culture, each individual has their own story to tell, their own traditions, spiritual and cultural practices and so many have had those life components disrupted...

Returning to the Great Mother to Heal Historical Trauma

My early life was defined by deep emotional pain and turmoil. In exchange for all that I endured, I was gifted reunification with the Motherland. As a young person, I stood on the same shore where my ancestors lost their freedom as the clear blue ocean water licked my feet and enticed me with her beauty. It was an anointing. Finally, I was home. For the past 27 years, I have been deeply submerged in West African culture. Throughout that time, I have lived on and off the Continent; spending...

ACEs Champion Dana Kwitnicki — An ACEs Tale of Two Counties

Growing up in suburban New Jersey, Dana Kwitnicki, a physician assistant, says she always wanted to be in health care. Her dad is a dentist, her mother a teacher, and she grew up with several other family members also in medicine. Kwitnicki learned about becoming a PA while attending Northeastern University in Boston, MA, where she earned a degree in health sciences. After undergraduate school, she earned a Master’s in Physician Assistant Studies at Philadelphia University through a vigorous...

A Better Normal- Education Upended, canceled for 7/3 (Happy 4th!) Next Episode 7/9

Next Episode of A Better Normal-Education Upended July 9th, 2020- 12 PST ACEsConnection is on holiday July 3rd but please join us on July 9th as we host special guest Pamela Black to discuss a back to school survey that aims to gather information from staff regarding what they need to feel safe in their return to school. If you want to catch up on past Better Normal-Education Upended over the holiday weekend we have our own YouTube channel ! Have a safe holiday and see you July 9th! Weekly...

Newsletter: California reaches milestone with ACEs initiatives pulsing in all 58 counties

Karen Clemmer, the Northwest community facilitator with ACEs Connection, was already deeply interested in the CDC/Kaiser Permanente Adverse Childhood Experiences Study when she and a colleague from the Child Parent Institute were invited to lunch by ACEs Connection founder and publisher Jane Stevens in 2012. But that lunch meeting changed everything. Karen Clemmer “Jane helped us see a bigger world,” says Clemmer. “She came with a much wider lens. She didn’t look only at Sonoma County, she...

Community of Practice, Vitality of Relationship

Please express interest for this interdisciplinary, online Community of Practice by July 15th: The presence, connection, and trust born of authentic relationship are necessary for integral Early Childhood Learning & Wellness. Please consider joining this interdisciplinary Community of Practice (online) to build relationships with others who are committed to justice and equity for all children, families, and communities. Connected, we can! Let’s...

Did you know ACEs Connection has a Speakers & Trainers Bureau?

The ACEs Connection Speakers & Trainers Bureau allows you to search for ACEs & Trauma-informed speakers & trainers! You can locate speakers & trainers in your local area on the Map tab and access their speaker/trainer profile pages, allowing you to message them directly. Speakers & trainers are organized into 15+ different sectors(such as faith based, education, youth organizations, ect.), with many more subsections to also sort by. So far, we have speakers & trainers...

Opinion: I'm a Black Climate Expert. Racism Derails Our Efforts to Save the Planet. []

By Ayana Elizabeth Johnson, Moyers on Democracy, June 24, 2020 Here is an incomplete list of things I left unfinished last week because America’s boiling racism and militarization are deadly for Black people: a policy memo to members of Congress on accelerating offshore wind energy development in US waters; the introduction to my book on climate solutions; a presentation for a powerful corporation on how technology can advance ocean-climate solutions; a grant proposal to fund a network of...

How the Police Could be Defunded []

By Alexis Okeowo, The New Yorker, June 26, 2020 On June 11th, near twilight, Camara Jackson was in Marcus Garvey Village, a sprawling low-income housing complex in the Brooklyn neighborhood of Brownsville, checking in with residents and handing out hand sanitizer, masks, and gloves. Jackson is the executive director of Elite Learners, a community anti-violence organization that tries to mediate conflict on the street without the involvement of the police. Jackson was with her team of...

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