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Justice Is About More Than the Killing of George Floyd []

By Brandon del Pozo, The New York Times, June 1, 2020 On Friday night, I watched television footage of police cars burning in Brooklyn and read the news that protesters tried to storm the 88th Precinct station house. An officer I knew was struck in the head with a brick and ended up in surgery. The department is now working under an emergency schedule first used during civil unrest in the fall of 1969. I called up my friends on the force. They were shaken; they sensed a hostility that was...

The American Nightmare []

By Ibram X. Kendi, The Atlantic, June 1, 2020 It happened three months before the lynching of Isadora Moreley in Selma, Alabama, and two months before the lynching of Sidney Randolph near Rockville, Maryland. On May 19, 1896, The New York Times allocated a single sentence on page three to reporting the U.S. Supreme Court’s Plessy v. Ferguson decision. Constitutionalizing Jim Crow hardly made news in 1896. There was no there there. Americans already knew that equal rights had been lynched;...

Webinar: Building a Pro-Worker Anti-Monopoly Movement []

By Moyers on Democracy, Bill Moyers, May 29, 2020 DATE: TUESDAY JUNE 2, 2020 3-4 PM EDT Please join us for a virtual event on Tuesday, June 2, from 3-4pm EDT, as we explore what’s next in antitrust and labor law and policy to promote a pro-worker anti-monopoly agenda. Moderated by David Dayen , Executive Editor of The American Prospect [ Please click here for more information and to RSVP .]

Reminder: Practicing Resilience in Community recordings available

The past week has been painful, overwhelming, and many other emotions, as the Twin Cities, Minnesota, National, and global communities grapple with the murder of George Floyd, ongoing police brutality, the protests, the uprising, and the institutional, systemic, and interpersonal racism that has been an ongoing trauma for many of our communities. Many of us are working to navigate the balance between engagement, the need for rest and renewal, and care for the community in these moments.

EMDR and Trauma: What You Need To Know

Do you struggle with a vague feeling of hurt? Are you feeling stuck in the same job, same pain, fame fear, or same daily grind? Do you struggle to believe you are worthy or capable of a better life for yourself? These are self-limiting behaviors and can be a result of trauma. One treatment used to treat these self-limiting behaviors is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR).

Part 138. Claire’s Story: Can Craig Admit His Mistake?

By P. Berman What is wrong with me? I know better than this. I have to fix this. Craig was sitting outside his apartment. He was cutting himself down. He had realized, few minutes after Claire got off the bus, that he had changed the name of his dog. What was wrong with him? How could he have made such a stupid mistake? He sat very still and captured a memory of his dad sitting at his desk at home. Whether at home or at the bank, his dad was always busy at work. The only difference being...

Part 137. Claire’s Story: Craig Is On The Bus.

By P. Berman There he is. Where has he been? Claire had a good day at work. One child after another sat in her chair, laughed at her jokes and hugged her on the way out. She felt so good that she was looking up at the clouds as the bus pulled in. She walked up the steps and smiled at the driver as she put her money in. What a perfect day. Then, she saw him. Craig was sitting in her usual row and smiling up at her as she walked his way. Her heart skipped a beat as she smiled back. She knew...

Community as Medicine: Generating Resilience (and Funding!) via Clinic-Community Integration 2.0

Healthcare professionals are exhausted. And it doesn’t have to be this way. I’m a psychologist by training, and I study Intentional Community. Quite literally, community shaped by design, rather than by default or by drift. My experience is that in the fields of mental health and primary care, providers are asked, and heroically trying, to meet unmeetable needs – to single-handedly generate and deliver enough care, resources, support, and (yes) even love – to meet the needs of our patients...

Tips for Parents: Helping Children Coping with Media Coverage of Racial Trauma

We post this resource in honor of African American parents and caregivers who, in the face of unremitting racial injustice and trauma, show courage and strength as they seek to create to safe and nurturing homes and communities for their children. We lift our voices in solidarity with African American communities across the country. Media coverage of community racial trauma and civil unrest can cause children to experience fear, worry, sadness, confusion, and...

The End of Child Abuse

I don't think there will be much progress ending child abuse until it is recognized as a heinous kind of that is often passed from generation to generation and one that will take a generation or two to fix. In our communities the quality of parenting varies tremendously and criminal abuse is at the dark end of the spectrum. Also on that spectrum are a lot of other kinds of parenting that are just as unsupportive and harmful, but not illegal. Oughtn’t we care about those...

FREE Event on Trauma Informed Design with Boston Architectural College!

Boston Architectural College hosts "BAC Talks" on Design for the Post-Pandemic Environment Join us at the inaugural BAC Talks Event on June 10, 2020 for Trauma Informed Design: A Look at Educational Environmental Design in a Post-Pandemic Environment Christine Cowart, founder of Cowart Trauma Informed Partnership , will provide a trauma-informed framework for this discussion. The interdisciplinary panel, led by Boston Architectural College faculty, will address the need for a trauma-informed...

Destructive Power of Despair []

A police cruiser burned in Brooklyn on Saturday during a protest against the killing of George Floyd. Credit - Jordan Gale for The New York Times Despair has an incredible power to initiate destruction. It is exceedingly dangerous to assume that oppression and pain can be inflicted without consequence, to believe that the victim will silently absorb the injury and the wound will fade. No, the injuries compound, particularly when there is no effort to alter the system doing the wounding, no...

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