Grants to fund Online Directory & Parenting Resources (
By Yesenia Robles and Kalyn Belsha, Chalkbeat, May 21, 2020 Just a few months back, high school students learning English as a second language in the Adams 14 school district outside Denver spent 53 minutes a day in a special class dedicated to building up their language skills. When school buildings went dark and learning shifted online, that practice ended. High schoolers learning English in the heavily Hispanic, mostly low-income district started getting language assignments twice a week...
By Alex Engel, National Association of Transportation Officials, May 21, 2020 The National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) today released Streets for Pandemic Response and Recovery , providing cities around the world with detailed strategies they can use to redesign and adapt their streets for new uses both during the COVID-19 crisis and in the recovery. The resource compiles emerging practices from cities worldwide and includes adaptable information on implementing...
By Nina Bahadur, Self, May 28, 2020 We’re all going through some intense stress and anxiety right now, courtesy of the coronavirus pandemic affecting how we live, work, socialize, and move through the world. And experts say that, unsurprisingly, the pandemic could have a major effect on mental health long after it’s over, leading many of us to wonder how we can try to protect ourselves from the potential mental health fallout of living through this global health crisis. “There’s a lot of...
By LivingRoom Conversations, May 2020 At this point, Race and the Coronavirus can not be separated. In our efforts to feel like we can do something to protect ourselves, some of us have succumbed to our baser instincts. This is evident in the ways some Americans have treated people of Asian descent or how people of African descent are being treated in China. By talking about race in light of the Coronavirus/COVID-19 impact on our world, we are acknowledging awareness of the importance of...
We’re proud to announce the release of a brand new training: Bystander Intervention 2.0: Conflict De-Escalation Training in partnership with Asian Americans Advancing Justice | AAJC . Sign up here to take the training . If you’ve already taken our Bystander Intervention training and you’re looking to go deeper into how to directly intervene and de-escalate conflict: this training is for you. Using Hollaback!’s Observe-Breathe-Connect methodology, we’ll learn how to identify potential...
It began with a request from a small rural coastal town. They needed a new way to support families facing some of the biggest challenges. Their community was experiencing trauma at a higher rate than the surrounding towns. Community members were not getting the services they desperately needed to navigate challenges.
Teri Wellbrock, host of The Healing Place Podcast, is honored to join over 30 therapists, doctors, authors and more as they share strategies to help you overcome PTSD.
Here is the link to the recording of the webinar "Lessons from the Past" if you didn't have a chance to tune in yesterday. Carolee
Terry Maluk is a stress-management coach and author of multiple bestselling books that provide proven methods to relieve stress and rediscover joy. A member of the American Holistic Nurses Association,Terry holds a Master of Science degree in Public Health, is an accredited, certified Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT Tapping) practitioner, and a registered yoga teacher.
From Healthy Stadia, May 2020 Experiencing trauma can have long-lasting health and social consequences. Extreme or prolonged stress in childhood is commonly referred to as adverse childhood experiences or ACEs. Trauma is very prevalent in the lives of those who are at risk of perpetrating or experiencing violence, homelessness and problematic alcohol and drug use. There is a growing body of evidence demonstrating that adults who suffered trauma or prolonged stress during childhood are more...
From Wisconsin Department of Health Services, May 28, 2020 Today the Wisconsin Department of Health Services (DHS) announced $10 million in funding for health care providers serving the state's most underserved populations. The funds, provided through the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, will reimburse clinics for expenses stemming from the COVID-19 pandemic . “The clinics eligible for this funding are critical partners in Wisconsin’s response to COVID-19,”...
By S.E. Williams and Chuck Bibbs, Black Voice News, May 20, 2020 The COVID-19 Pandemic shined a brighter spotlight on the unorthodox leadership of this nation and revealed an unprepared healthcare system. In the process, it also exposed a grim, denigrating and devastating reality regarding people of color and the poor, particularly Black people. The health vulnerabilities these communities have lived with for generations, left them dangerously vulnerable to this deadly virus. Now, they are...
By Sindhu Rajasekaran, The Swaddle, May 26, 2020 The women of today are known to be fearless and outspoken – breakers of feudal shackles of patriarchy. We are exemplars of self-love. Brazen changemakers. But we are also known to be more anxious than any previous generation. 88% of millennial women suffer from stress , while Gen Z reports various mental health problems resulting from chronic anxiety . According to research, we are prone to experiencing a wide range of conditions from...
By Meredith Liu and Valentina Helo-Villegas, EdSurge, May 26, 2020 Over the past month, educators across the country have come up with creative ways to support the physical, mental and emotional wellbeing of children. From “ teacher caravans ” to virtual office hours, read alouds, and dance breaks, they have provided students with much-needed support to complement their education during a time of unprecedented disruption. But what about the wellbeing of parents? Should schools play a role in...