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Marvin Hayes Is Spreading ‘Compost Fever’ in Baltimore’s Neighborhoods. He Thinks it Might Save the City. []

Standing in his composting site at the Filbert Street Garden in Curtis Bay, Marvin Hayes shows off what he calls 'Black Gold' -- the end product derived from turning food scraps and yard trim into compost, which is well documented to protect the environment, sequester carbon and make communities resilient. Credit: Aman Azhar/Inside Climate News By Aman Azhar, Inside Climate News, August 20, 2023 Marvin Hayes pulled up outside a beige brick home in Baltimore’s leafy Mount Washington...

Understanding Individual vs. Workplace Resilience []

By Robert Goldman, Photo: Unsplash, Psychology Today, August 20, 2023 “I am resilient, I went to medical school, don’t fix me, fix them.” This was recently stated to me at a resilience training for physicians. Similar words have been thought or stated by other employees tired of another wellness program they have been "asked" to attend. Under the great resignation, there has been an increased awareness and investment by companies on employee wellness programs. While well intentioned, they...

Massive mental health toll in Maui wildfires: 'They've lost everything' []

Maui County Mayor Richard Bissen Jr. visits a distribution center at Lahaina Crossing. A deadly wildfire destroyed the city of Lahaina, Maui. Deanne Fitzmaurice for NPR By Eric Westervelt, National Public Radio (NPR), August 21, 2023 The scale of the physical damage in the historic center of Lahaina is clear in its apocalyptic landscape of rubble, ash and debris. But the scale of the inner damage can be seen in the 5-year-old girl that Maui's chief mental health administrator John Oliver saw...

Why it’s more expensive for Black towns to borrow money []

By Jake Bittle and Siri Chilukuri, Photo Illustration: Grist/Getty Images, Grist, August 18, 2023 When cities need to raise money for roads and water lines, they have a few options. They can raise taxes, for instance, or charge fees for city services. If that isn’t enough, though, they can also issue bonds, borrowing on a $4 trillion credit market to pay for new construction projects they can’t afford otherwise. These municipal bonds function like loans that banks and investors make to local...

How We Talk With Kids About Prejudice Matters []

By Kristin Pauker, Stephanie Irby Coard, Lisa Kiang, et al., Photo: from article Greater Good Magazine, August 16, 2023 At EmbraceRace, we believe that creating a society marked by authentic multiracial belonging must begin in our homes, schools, and communities with our children’s hearts and minds. In our report Reflections on Children’s Racial Learning , we begin to chronicle the emergence of a field of learning and practice centered on children’s racial learning—how and what children...

Clients' Experience of Research Within a Research Clinic Setting

Research has a very important base in counseling. The research on counseling can ultimately determine a client’s success or failure in therapy. It is also essentially important for the therapist to be aware of the client’s world views, culture, social justice, and contextual being. This literature explains the importance of research, in relation to client’s success in therapy. There have been several research locations across the world that engages therapists in several research methods.

Finding Your Way in an Empty (or Emptier) Nest []

By Ann Douglas, Reviewed by Devon Frye Photo: Unsplash, Psychology Today, August 14, 2023 It's the little things that tend to get to you: the sight of a too-empty refrigerator; the fact that you're no longer tripping over a small mountain of running shoes each time you attempt to enter or exit the front door; and the silence that greets you if you happen to be brave enough to step foot in your child's now-empty room. The transition to an empty nest (or an emptier nest, as the case may be)...

How to Emotionally Prepare for Sending Your Kid to College []

By Suzie C. Romig, Medically Reviewed by Janet Taylor, Photo Illustration: Jillian Sellers/Getty Images, Parents, November 10, 2022 There are some distinct moments in every caring parent's life that can hurt intensely and be filled with so many tough emotions. Remember the first day dropping your child off at "big kid" school? That first scary or serious injury or surgery? Sending your child to college can be painful to a parent's heart, too, and some parents of young teens say they are...

To the mama whose baby flew the nest []

By Anna Booraem, Photo: VH-studio/Shutterstock, Motherly, July 28, 2023 My daughter has been a college student for two years, and I’m still getting used to it. Honestly, it was a little harder than I expected. I wasn’t the mom who cried when I took her to school the first day of kindergarten . But about halfway through that year her teacher had to take me aside and say gently, “You really don’t need to stay for 20 minutes every morning when you drop her off.” So it’s like I’m not super...

Empty nesters share their genius—and surprisingly touching—secret to downsizing []

Jimmy and Catherine Dunne figured out the secret to downsizing. Jimmy Dunne/Facebook By Annie Reneau, Upworthy, August 16, 2023 When your final child leaves the house for good, it's like a whole new world has opened up. The decades raising babies and children are full, rich, exciting and loud. Your house is filled with laughter and sibling bickering, school projects and kid collections, never-ending laundry and food purchased in bulk. Life is big during those years. It takes up space...

Quiz: What’s Your Empty Nester Style? Healthy Ways to Make the Most of Your Newfound Freedom []

By Steph Coelho, Medically reviewed by Debra Rose Wilson, Illustration: Paul Lawrence, healthline, July 6, 2023 Big life changes can be overwhelming, but they can also be the perfect time to start fresh. Your kids have flown the coop. All that time you spent nurturing and encouraging them has paid off. They’re off to live life and pursue bigger, better things. It’s a big moment for you. Be proud of a job well done. While becoming an empty nester is no doubt somewhat bittersweet, it’s also...

Youth engagement creates major policy change []

By Laura Gallant, 8/17/2023, When youth engage in advocacy efforts, they learn that their voice matters, and that they can make a difference. This is one way for children and youth to experience the engagement Building Block of HOPE. A great example of this was demonstrated with a group of 16 children and youths, ranging from 5 to 22, who sued the Montana state government for violating their constitutional right to a clean and healthy environment. This...

Just what the doctor ordered: In California, a prescription could pay for your fresh fruits and veggies []

Volunteer Kim Palma passes out fresh produce at the Solano County Mobile Food Pharmacy in Fairfield on Aug. 1, 2023. Photo by Semantha Norris, CalMatters By Rya Jetha, Cal Matters, August 9, 2023 Every other Friday, the Stockton Emergency Food Bank hosts two live cooking classes — one in English and one in Spanish. Last week, Brenda Munoz made a classic tuna melt with an orange, romaine and dandelion salad. “Dandelion is completely edible,” said Munoz, holding the small leaves from the...

How Children Can Bridge Differences Through Virtual Exchange []

By Maryam Abdullah, Photo: from article, Greater Good Magazine, August 14, 2023 “I teach sixth grade in an elementary school in Palm Coast, F.L. I want my students to step outside their boxes and meet people that may appear different than they are, but actually share the same hopes, dreams, likes, dislikes, etc. I also want them to be comfortable initiating and taking part in difficult conversations.” “Over the last few weeks, the kiddos have had such an amazing time opening their eyes to...

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