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Unique Coalition Provides Texas Foster Youth With Sexual and Reproductive Health Education []

By Michael Fitzgerald, Illustration: Christine Ongjoco, The Imprint, August 10, 2023 Six years ago, when Zoë Jones-Walton was about to turn 18, she sat in a windowless Dallas-area conference room with dozens of other foster youth. A series of lectures on how to navigate adulthood covered the gamut: How to write a check, how to land a job, how to get an apartment — and how to avoid unwanted pregnancies. That exercise involved placing a condom on a banana to learn about safe sex. “They put...

State court broadens domestic abuse protections to include economic harm []

By Bob Egelko, Image: Marilyn Nieves/Getty Images, San Francisco Chronicle, August 16, 2023 Judges have long been able to order perpetrators of domestic violence to halt the abuse and stay away from the spouse or partner they were abusing. Now a state appeals court says the same rules can apply to those who inflict economic harm, such as depriving a partner of their credit card, car or job. California’s domestic-violence law defines “abuse” broadly to include acts that “destroy the mental or...

Saying hello to neighbors could boost your well-being, a new survey says []

By Sandee LaMotte, Photo: from article, CNN Health, August 15, 2023 It’s hard to be neighborly when you’re raising two kids as a single mom and working long hours. That’s where my sheltie, Dancer, came to my rescue. My sweet boy’s cuteness (of which he was well aware) prompted many people to stop and chat with us on our walks in my Atlanta neighborhood. Little did I know that saying hello to people who live near me would be a key to boosting my well-being after my husband died — but that’s...

Graduate Trends for One Marriage and Family Therapy Program in an Interdisciplinary Setting

It is an important matter when discussing licensure and credentialing in the mental health profession. The literature goes on to describe three mental health graduate programs at The University of Houston Clear Lake. These programs are in the area of school and clinical psychology, and family counseling. This university has prepared some of the most professional marriage and family therapy counselors. It is essential for counselors to work together with clinical and school psychologist as a...

Research reveals how discriminatory policies like redlining have made many communities more vulnerable to the harms of climate change. Fortunately, solutions exist. []

By Vivek Shandas, Illustration: from article, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, August 3, 2023 I will never forget late June 2021 in Portland—not because it was filled with family time, trips to the Pacific coast or even because of the pandemic—but because of the extreme heat beating down on the region. A “ heat dome ” trapped hot air over my home state of Oregon and the Pacific Northwest, killing almost 1,000 people as temperatures soared to a whopping 120° F. Scientists have found that this...

Judge sides with youth in Montana climate change trial, finds two laws unconstitutional []

Eleven of the 16 youth plaintiffs in the Held v. Montana case pose for a photo after Day 5 of the trial on Friday, June 16, 2023. Top row (left to right): Lander Busse, Badge Busse, Grace, Rikki Held, Olivia. Bottom row (left to right): Kian, Mica, Claire, Eva, Taleah, Sariel. (Photo by Blair Miller, Daily Montanan) By Blair Miller, Daily Montanan, August 14, 2023 The State of Montana’s failure to consider greenhouse gas emissions from energy and mining projects violates the state...

Our response to childhood sexual violence is part of the problem []

I am calling on everyone who care for children, in Kenya and beyond, to join forces and create a society that refuses to tolerate sexual violence, writes Keya [Getty images] By Florence Keya, AlJazeera, August 10, 2023 I was 16 when I went to the office of a member of parliament to collect a bursary for my education. I entered that room a young girl, full of hope and excitement for the future. I left stripped of my innocence and fearful of the world and people around me. Sexual violence...

4 daily habits of truly happy people []

Having friends, family, and other strong social ties is essential for happiness. GETTY IMAGES By Kristine Gill, Fortune Well., August 13, 2023 The happiest country in the world is Finland, according to the 2023 World Happiness Report . But short of moving across the ocean, experts agree there are ways to improve your own happiness regardless of where you live. “Happiness is a habit,” says Talia Soen, CEO and founder of Happy Things, a platform that helps you build those habits with daily...

How to plan for a potential mental health crisis []

By Ada Tseng, Illustration: Patrick Hruby/Los Angeles Times, Los Angeles Times, August 15, 2023 Hi there! My name is Ada Tseng, and I’m an assistant editor of the Utility Journalism Team — “news you can use” — at the L.A. Times. I’m filling in for Laura Newberry. Last year, I worked with reporter Agnes Constante , who led a project at the Los Angeles Times exploring mental health in the Filipino American community and the forces that influence it . Before she reported each of the stories in...

Foundational Child Sexual Abuse Prevention Training Available this September

Stop It Now! is offering their most popular prevention training, Circles of Safety: Awareness to Action , this September, and the training is already filling up! Please secure your position by registering soon if you plan on attending! Learn about this foundational prevention training course and register below, or visit our training page to read more about Circles of Safety. Circles of Safety: Awareness to Action for Youth-Serving Professionals This core training equips youth-serving...

‘History. Trauma. Culture.’ encore podcast: Back-to-school  with journalist Anthony Conwright, Thursday, 1 p.m. PT

As the summer winds down and millions of students return to school, “History. Culture. Trauma.” podcast hosts Ingrid Cockhren, PACEs Connection CEO, and Mathew Portell, director of communities, continue with their series of education-related podcasts. This Thursday’s encore edition features Anthony Conwright, a writer and long-time educator who has focused on humanities, critical race theory, Juneteenth, and giving students voice and choice in the classroom. “In recent years, COVID-19,...

PACEs Research Corner — August 2023, Part 2

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Race/Cultural Concerns Stewart TJ, Gonzalez VM. Associations of historical trauma and racism with health care system distrust and mental health help-seeking...

The NJ Office of Resilience Has Shifted Its Focus from Self-Healing Communities Model to Healing-Centered Engagement Model

The shift to a Healing-Centered Engagement Model releases culture as a root cause of trauma, to instead celebrate the intrinsic resilience and the capacity to promote PCEs that ethnic history, racial and other social identities afford. This is particularly important for white, privileged communities to embrace, given their historical diminishment of non-white cultures.

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