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Pinetree Institute Podcast With Dr. Christina Bethell: Positive Childhood Experiences (PCEs) and ACEs.

The Pinetree Institute is a Maine non-profit located on the NH border in Eliot. They conduct research and present workshops on ACEs and resilience. A workshop with Dr. Christina Bethell was scheduled for today, but was cancelled because of COVID-19. Dr. Bethell's field of expertise is PCE (Positive Childhood Experiences) and their role in combatting ACEs and promoting resilience throughout the lifetime. Because of the circumstances, Pinetree Institute is offering a 40 minute podcast in which...

As many states begin to re-open, what have we learned?

These last few months have been strenuous—harder for some than others. While I have hope that loosening restrictions on social distancing and economic restraints will alleviate some of what we have endured together, I hope we don’t pivot too quickly to “happy days are here again.” There are ways we have grown and learned from the challenges presented by the Covid-19 pandemic. I have heard some say, “We can’t go back to normal… normal wasn’t working or healthy,” and I’d say I have to agree...

Capital Public Radio interview by a psychologist who is a survivor of sexual abuse

Dear Friends, Please see the link below to my interview last Thursday on Insight with Beth Ruyak. I discuss my book The Gifts of Adversity and my experience of sexual abuse by a priest. I hope my book and interview can be a resource for you and others you know. Take good care friends and be well. Warmly, Carolee

COVID-19: The Trauma of Witnessing So Much Illness and Death Will Have Lasting Effects []

From MedicineNet, May 3, 2020 The tragic death by suicide this week of an emergency department physician who had been caring for COVID-19 patients in New York City underscores the huge psychological impact of the pandemic -- which will linger long after the virus is gone, experts say. "For frontline responders, the trauma of witnessing so much illness and death will have lasting effects for many," Bruce Schwartz, MD, president of the American Psychiatric Association (APA), said during the...

Pediatric research: COVID-19 will lead to more childhood trauma. Health care must take it into account. []

By Abbie Roth, The Columbus Dispatch, May 3, 2020 You might have seen the headlines warning that, as the COVID-19 pandemic continues, the current mental health crisis facing youth in the United States will only worsen. Like adults, children are experiencing new or intensified stressors as a result of the pandemic, including loss of routine, separation from friends and extended family, and increased anxiety and frustration. Some more extreme stressors — food insecurity, loss of a parent or...

The pandemic offers a chance to transform the US' cruel policies toward poor people []

By Philip Alston, Rev. William Barber, and Rev. Liz Theoharis, CNN Opinion, April 30, 2020 Out of the wreckage of World War II, the United States worked with other countries to proclaim, in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights , that "freedom from fear and want" are people's highest aspirations. Seventy-two years later, with a pandemic laying waste to lives and livelihoods, the world is again gripped by fear and want. In the United States, the world's wealthiest nation , the coronavirus...

Cracked Up Film Panel Discussion with Jane Stevens, Darrell Hammond, Michelle Esrick, and Dr. Bessel van der Kolk

It is our great honor at ACEs Connection to present to you all a panel discussion moderated by our very own beloved founder and publisher, Jane Stevens. If you haven't heard, the brilliant and moving film, Cracked Up , by director Michelle Esrick was released to Netflix on this past Friday, May 1st, 2020. Maybe some of you have been able to see it over the weekend. It profiles actor and comedian Darrell Hammond's healing journey as he discovers the childhood trauma behind his struggles with...

Next "A Better Normal" community discussion series: May 5, 7 and 8, 2020

"COVID-19 hits countries with preexisting conditions harder...USA — Inequality, callousness, racism, selfishness, profit over people." John Darkow, Missourian Tuesday, May 5, 2020 — Family ACEs (aka domestic violence) This pandemic gives us an opportunity to shift the focus from the traditional narrative of a violent man, a woman victim, and an abused child to…something else that looks at the family as a whole, at interventions that are inclusive, that are gentle, that nurture and heal, and...

Self-Love: It is Here

Facing our fears is perhaps one of the most terrifying experiences a guy can have. Why is it so painful and daunting to look deep into that abyss? Is it because we're afraid we'll discover things about ourselves that we'll reject? It's painful enough if the World rejects you, so why would I delve deeper and run the risk of rejecting myself as well? Why would I walk straight into a burning house?

The Healing Place Podcast: Janelle Christa - Becoming a Spiritual Ninja, Polarizing Chaos & Mind Hacking

Jannelle Christa is a Hollywood coach, actress, producer, and screenwriter and creator of “conscious entertainment”. Having come from a history of affairs, divorce, and family dysfunction as well as a bi-polar diagnosis, she strongly believes that happiness is a choice. Janelle’s level of expertise sees her coaching celebrity clients and people from all walks of life seeking to bring fulfillment into their lives. Janelle is also a founder of conscious production company Le Murian Dreams.

Race/Related: A Death in Suburban Georgia []

A cross placed by the mother of Ahmaud Arbery at the site where he was killed in Glynn County, Ga., in February. Credit... Richard Fausset/The New York Times [Photo is from earlier story about Mr. Arbery; see link below for original story.] By Jamie Stockwell, The New York Times, May 2, 2020 - With much of the nation on lockdown because of the coronavirus, the friends and family of Ahmaud Arbery worried that his death would go unnoticed. Mr. Arbery, 25, was running in a suburban neighborhood...

COVID-19, Economic Disruption and ACEs: We are at a crossroads.

Do we collaborate to ensure the safety of all children, families and community members? Do we stay in isolation and silence, allowing our most vulnerable kids, parents and grandparents to hit the pavement? Which path are you on? Our world is one where our phones, tablets, laptops and desktops all scream for attention, asking us to save humans around the world. One “like” is all any site wants (along with a donation). There’s another way. Allow me to explain. Our hope for surviving this...

Becoming Trauma Informed (Millstein JGIM 2020)

When I look at Victoria through a clearer lens, there are many clues—her anxiety, troubled marriage and family life, avoidance of physically intrusive examina- tions. I realize that I hardly know her at all. I focus on her health issues, and despite many stumbles, we have a nice rapport. I accept whatever she is willing to share about her tumultuous home life, but I do not ask how it all came to be so. Now I float with her in a reservoir of pain and shame.

Governor Declares May 3-9 Resilience Week in Virginia

As Greater Richmond SCAN , in collaboration with members from the Greater Richmond Trauma-Informed Community Network and the 26 Trauma-Informed Community Networks across the state , began planning for the first annual Resilience Week Virginia, we certainly did not imagine we would be celebrating in the midst of a global pandemic. We worked to adapt activities and events to be done virtually as it became clear that the week, May 3-9, would take place in the midst of these strange new...

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