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Racist abuse by Mississippi officers reveals a culture of misconduct, residents say []

By Michael Goldberg, Photo: Rogelio V. Solis/AP Photo, Associated Press (AP), August 5, 2023 Monica Lee sat outside her parents’ home, where a former Mississippi sheriff’s deputy pummeled her son, who died hours later in the hospital. It was a sweltering afternoon in Braxton — the same town where, in a separate episode, six white law enforcement officers tortured two other Black men in January, shaking seasoned federal prosecutors, elected officials and ordinary people to their core. The...

Doctors have their own diagnosis: 'Moral distress' from an inhumane health system []

By Lisa Dogget, Illustration: ssnjaytuturkhi/Getty Images, National Public Radio (NPR), August 2, 2023 The young man was in his mid-20s when he came to see me for severe abdominal pain at my small community clinic. The pain, worse than any he'd ever experienced, had persisted for weeks and was getting worse. He cried out when I examined him. I didn't know the cause of his pain, but I could think of possibilities, including a ruptured appendix, a perforated ulcer or pancreatitis. He needed an...

Teachers association sues Tennessee education department over race education restrictions []

The U.S. Department of Education building stands in Washington, D.C., Aug. 18, 2020. Erin Scott/Bloomberg via Getty Images, FILE By Kiara Alfonseca, Aaron Katersky, and Robert Zepeda, ABC News, July 26, 2023 A teachers association in Tennessee has filed a federal lawsuit against the state education department's restrictions on curriculum regarding race and gender in public schools. The Tennessee Education Association and five Tennessee public school educators behind the lawsuit believe the...

Trauma-Informed Workplaces

The Trauma Informed Health Care Education and Research (TIHCER) Collaborative presents... Vickie Choitz, Director of Trauma and Resilience at Work Corporation for a Skilled Workforce In this webinar, Corporation for a Skilled Workforce (CSW) will share information on how to cultivate trauma-informed workplaces to support staff who experience toxic stress and trauma. They will share examples from the Detroit at Work public workforce development system; a pilot with substance use disorder...

Your space is not safe just because you say it is...

The truth is: your spaces, programs, and services are not safe just because you say they are... You may not be able to guarantee that your spaces, programs, or services are safe for others-but what you can do is design, facilitate and show up in a way that uses mutually beneficial skills and tools to create an environment where safety can be felt by everyone-including you. We know safety is a core human need. There are various types of safety: physical, emotional, relational, psychological,...

"Rock Stars" attend July Cooperative of Communities Meeting!

Hearts of gratitude! Cooperative of Communities members shared hearts on the July member call to show gratitude to guest speaker Elaine Miller-Karas, whose non-profit, the Trauma Resource Institute, is a member of the Coop, and a young man identified as "Z", who uses the co-regulation model Miller-Karas co-created to help people in traumatic situations -- and with every-day stresses -- be able to work with the central nervous system and body to re-regulate. Tools taught in Community...

Body Images, Body-Size Perceptions, and Eating Behaviors Among African American and Caucasian American College Women

There are several social and media-stricken images of how society perceives a woman’s body image. There are several reasons that women, both African American and Caucasian American develop a positive perception of their body image based upon modern society trends. This literature shows the differences in eating disorders in both black and white women based upon how society views their body images. Thomas & James (1988), found that African Americans develop a less strict body-image ideal...

New research supports the importance of positive childhood experiences []

By Dr. Bob Sege, 8/3/23, Growing evidence supports the key role of positive childhood experiences (PCEs) in adult health, including lessening the effects of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). The current issue of the Pediatrics, the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, features an article called Positive Childhood Experiences and Adult Health Outcomes [1] . The authors analyze data from the 2017 Panel Study of Income Dynamics,...

Redemption Songs: The Forgotten History of American Prison Music []

MEREDITH RIZZO/THE MARSHALL PROJECT. IMAGES: MICHAEL OCHS ARCHIVES/GETTY IMAGES, MIGUEL A. PADRIÑAN/PEXELS, TEXAS DEPARTMENT OF CORRECTIONS AND DIE JIM CROW RECORDS By Maurice Chammah, The Marshall Project, August 3, 2023 One morning in 2019, Kenyatta Emmanuel Hughes was released from Fishkill Correctional Facility in Beacon, New York, and traveled 70 miles south to Carnegie Hall. That night, he stood before a crowd — flanked by a horn section, string quartet and backup singers — and sang...

A last resort: Families turn to private contractors to help children lost to the street []

Crisis interventionist Vicki Lucas, left, is accompanied by Emily Spencer, center, who works for Lucas on a freelance basis-part of a larger network of assistants that Lucas maintains for intervention work throughout the state and the country, as they provide Sherry Hill’s daughter, right, with a chance to speak on a phone with Hill outside of a 7-Eleven convenience store in Pasadena on May 11.(Christina House / Los Angeles Times) By Thomas Curwen, Los Angeles Times, August 3, 2023 Sherry...

How Transit-Oriented Housing Can Advance Access to Opportunity While Curbing Climate Change []

By Nyla Holland, brunocoelho/Shutterstock, Housing Matters, August 2, 2023 Access to public transportation connects people to work, health care, entertainment, and more. But not everyone has equal access. Historically, low-income communities and communities of color have been cut off from public transportation. Across the country, highways and large infrastructure projects were often built in ways that furthered racial segregation and isolated people of color, including building on Native...

Transforming Local Communities Through Artistic Leadership []

By Stephan Manning and Yeşim Uygur, Illustration: mustafahacalaki/iStock, Stanford Social Innovation Review, August 3, 2023 Addressing entrenched social problems in local communities like inequality, violence, or environmental degradation is as much about changing local cultures and mindsets as it is about reworking the socioeconomic structures around them. Cultural norms and values, such as gender roles and attitudes toward nature, guide economic and social interactions in communities.

What Childhood Trauma Actually Does To Your Brain & How To Heal []

By Daniel Amen, Image: Chelsea Victoria/Stocksy, mindbodygreen health, August 2, 2023 Your childhood upbringing plays a major role in your brain development. If you grow up in a happy, functional home, it supports the developing brain. However, when you experience childhood trauma—such as the death of a parent, neglect, sexual abuse, or other traumatic incidents—it negatively impacts the way your brain develops. Sadly, this can have lasting consequences on your mental health and cognitive...

How PACEs Impact the LGBTQIA+ Community

Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) Positive and Adverse Childhood Experiences (PACEs) refer to the range of experiences and events that individuals may encounter during childhood, which can significantly influence their development, well-being, and long-term outcomes. PACEs can have lasting effects on physical health, mental health, social functioning, and overall quality of life. Positive Childhood Experiences: Positive childhood experiences encompass a variety of supportive...

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