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How prisoner-led organizing saved my life []

A Black Prisoners Caucus meeting at Clallam Bay Corrections Center from the documentary “Since I Been Down.” (Facebook/Since I Been Down) By Darrell Jackson, Waging Violence, July 27, 2023 To survive in prison, inmates usually accept a “convict code” that demands toughness and makes us wary of others. To thrive in prison, I learned to embrace organizing for social change and discovered the rewards in thinking of others first. Contributing to a collective has helped me find deeper purpose in...

Positive parenting can counteract the negative impact of childhood stress on brain development, study suggests []

By Eric W. Dolan, Photo: from article, PsyPost, July 30, 2023 Childhood stress is linked to decreased hippocampal volume — a brain region important for memory and learning, according to new research published in PNAS Nexus . The study indicates that positive parenting practices act as a protective factor, but only when perceived positively by the youths themselves. The new findings contribute to our understanding of the impact of childhood stress and the factors that can promote resilience...

An abortion ban made them teen parents. []

By Caroline Kitchener, Photo: Carolyn Van Houten, New York Magazine, August , 2023 Brooke High was not ready to face her family. Sitting on the edge of her bed, hair dripping wet, the 19-year-old listened to her twin daughters cry in their high chairs on the other side of the door. One hurled what sounded like a plate. Then a bottle. Her husband, Billy High, also 19, was supposed to be watching them. But Brooke could hear one of his TV shows playing on his phone. She waited a few minutes,...

Tell Me Why It Hurts How Bessel van der Kolk’s once controversial theory of trauma became the dominant way we make sense of our lives. []

Bessel van der Kolk at his home in Massachusetts. Photo: Frankie Alduino By Danielle Carr, New York Magazine, July 31, 2023 It’s bad news when your university creates a committee to ensure that you don’t publish any research papers without its approval. It’s worse news if the only other person facing similar scrutiny is a man investigating alien abductions. This was the situation facing the trauma researcher Bessel van der Kolk in the mid-’90s when Harvard Medical School informed him that...

Society Leaves Disabled Communities Sweltering []

By Yesenia Fuentes, Photo: Yaorusheng/Getty Images, Atmos, July 26, 2023 Stephanie Wills has been legally blind since birth. She was born with chorioretinal coloboma, a condition where a person’s retina does not fully develop in utero. The affliction, which Wills has in both eyes, makes sunlight painful. She often keeps her eyes closed and sleeps during the day to capitalize on the night’s sunless hours. In Panama, the tropical Central American country where Wills lives, sunlight is...

History. Culture. Trauma. Podcast Thursday is Encore with Lara Kain: PACEs Connection Goes Back to School

With summer winding down, and about 49 million U.S. student s preparing to head back to the classroom, our History. Culture. Trauma. podcast series examines America's challenged school system and its need for trauma-informed supports and solutions. "In recent years, COVID-19, school shootings, affirmation of LGBTQ students, institutional racism, critical race theory, teacher burnout, and parent's rights have transformed America's schools into cultural battlegrounds," said podcast host Ingrid...

NASA Finds June 2023 Hottest on Record []

Global map of GISTEMP June surface temperature anomaly relative to the 1951-1980 June baseline. Most of the world is “red” due to warm anomalies, with the highest anomalies around Antarctica and Canada. Credit: NASA's Goddard Institute for Space Studies By NASA Global Climate Change, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, July 13, 2023 June 2023 was the hottest June on record according to NASA’s global temperature analysis . GISTEMP, NASA’s global temperature analysis, is drawn from...

PACEs Research Corner — July 2023, Part 2

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Domestic Violence – Effects on Children Moss KM, Loxton D, Mishra GD. Does Timing Matter? Associations Between Intimate Partner Violence Across the Early...

The Unceasing Noise of Solitary Confinement []

By Christopher Blackwell, Photo: Unsplash, The Progressive Magazine, July 28, 2023 The noise in solitary confinement is ceaseless. You’re startled awake throughout the night by the repetitive slam of heavy steel doors and the shrill jangle of guards’ keys hanging from their belts, by the sound of their walkie-talkies crackling through the vast empty space. Once you’re awake, the light that never sleeps takes over—the long fluorescent bulb mounted above you burns bright. You cover your head...

Mike Huckabee’s “Kids Guide to the Truth About Climate Change” Shows the Changing Landscape of Climate Denial []

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee visits "The Story with Martha MacCallum" in the Fox News Channel Studios on September 17, 2019 in New York City. Credit: Steven Ferdman/Getty Images By Keerti Gopal, Inside Climate News, July 31, 2023 Beverly Grimmett thought the kids magazines she saw stacked on a coworker’s desk this spring were perfectly innocent, until she picked one up. “My stomach turned,” Grimmett said. The guides were decorated in bright colors and cheerful cartoons, with titles...

‘Denying our humanity’: how Santa Monica decimated a thriving Black community []

Alison Rose Jefferson showing the Phillips Chapel CME church. Photograph: Julien James/The Guardian By Sam Levin, The Guardian, July 30, 2023 A t Shutters on the Beach, a luxury hotel in Santa Monica, guests staying in $1,500-a-night rooms can get pristine views of white-sand shores and the Pacific Ocean, hot stone massages, afternoons filled with live jazz and fresh seafood dinners. Few visitors, however, will know that 100 years ago, the site was at the center of a painful turning point...

His job is helping small California school districts with their unique needs []

Tim Taylor, executive director of the Small School Districts Association. Credit: Jay-ar Ignacio By Cara Nixon, EdSource, July 31, 2023 The Covid-19 pandemic, wildfires, floods — California’s schools have faced it all over the past few years, with rural communities, due to their remote locations, higher rates of poverty and limited access to resources, often facing the brunt of it. Tim Taylor’s role as the executive director of the Small School Districts’ Association has been largely defined...

Helping the Health Care Community Lead in Preventing Abuse []

By Lisa James and Virginia Duplessis, Photo: from article, Futures Without Violence, July 25, 2023 There was a time when emergency department staff routinely treated domestic violence survivors and then sent them right back home to face further abuse, without the ability to offer referrals or other help. When few OB/GYNs knew that pregnant women are at vastly elevated risk of homicide, often at the hands of a current or former partner. When few physicians or nurses talked to young people...

My musical thoughts about society's reluctance to address child abuse and neglect

“If we could somehow end child abuse and neglect, the eight hundred pages of DSM (and the need for the easier explanations such as DSM-IV Made Easy: The Clinician's Guide to Diagnosis) would be shrunk to a pamphlet in two generations.” - John Briere My musical thoughts about society's reluctance to address child abuse and neglect in all of its forms.... "Brush Away Your Tears" by Michael Skinner - Take care, Michael PS This song was used...

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