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Framework to Reduce Criminalisation of Young People in Residential Care []

From the Victoria State Government, February 2020 The safety and wellbeing of young people and staff is paramount in providing residential care in Victoria. Attention needs to be directed at ensuring young people placed in residential care receive the necessary support to enable them to achieve the same outcomes as their peers in the broader community. A significant proportion of young people in residential care have experienced extensive abuse and neglect. The impact of this trauma may lead...

Self-Care as a Foundation for Love []

By John Amodeo, PsychCentral, February 11, 2020 Many of us have been taught that loving another person means sacrificing ourselves to serve others. We suspend our own desires in a noble effort to love. Indeed, love relationships are not just about meeting our own needs. They require an effort to listen deeply to what our loved one needs to be happy and feel connected with us. However, if we continually suspend our own needs in order to accommodate others, we may become resentful and unhappy.

We Must Address the Surge in Adverse Childhood Experiences []

From the National Head Start Association, February 19, 2020 Day in and day out, in nearly every U.S. community, the nation’s 1,600 Head Start programs tirelessly serve children from at-risk backgrounds ages birth to five and their families with a comprehensive model specifically designed to strengthen families, promote school readiness, and improve child health. Head Start programs are heralded for their outcomes by researchers, praised by families, and widely-supported in their communities.

The Impact of Mind Matters: Early Results from the University of Louisville’s Pilot Study

Becky Antle, Ph.D., Professor of Social Work and esteemed University Scholar at the University of Louisville, won The Dibble Institute’s national competition to evaluate Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience in 2019. As a result, Dr. Antle and her colleagues are conducting a randomized control trial to examine the impact of Mind Matters on a host of outcomes related to youths’ emotional regulation, anxiety, interpersonal skills, and resilience. Join the researchers on...

Building a Trauma-Informed Approach with Pediatric Physical Therapists

In the profession of physical therapy (PT), the word "trauma" typically leads one to think of the physical manifestations of a catastrophic injury, subsequent emergency medical care, and lengthy rehabilitation services. However, the psychological aspects of trauma are not always as visible. Throughout an individual’s lifespan, PTs will provide services to restore function, manage pain, and increase physical activity. We provide education, hands-on care, and therapeutic exercise to improve...

Want to present at our Trauma and Recovery Conference? []

By The Connecticut Women's Consortium, Trauma and Recovery Conference, February 2020 We are seeking presentation proposals from anyone and everyone interested in pushing the boundaries of traditional trauma treatment and contributing to the creation of comprehensive, inclusive systems of care. Join us at this inaugural conference, as we seek to promote evidence-based solutions for the many people across the world struggling with the effects of trauma and searching for recovery. Submit your...

Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) Toolkit []

From Emerging Minds, February 2020 This toolkit contains information, advice and practical tools for individuals and professionals who work with, or care for, children who have had adverse childhood experiences (ACEs). ACEs are very stressful events or circumstances that children may experience during their childhood. They can have significant impacts on children’s physical health, mental health and social functioning during childhood, adolescence and later life. The resources in this...

There is Hope: Understanding the Nature of the Treatment for Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder

In this set of articles posted in November, we have been exploring several topics related to Complex Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (CPTSD) and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs). We have examined how ACEs change our brain structure, cause mental health issues and how they relate to CPTSD. All these “negatives” may have left you feeling despair or even fear. However, in this article, we are going to explore the treatment options available today and how these treatment options can change...

Pull Yourself Up by Bootstraps? Go Ahead, Try It []

By Nicholas Kristof, The New York Times, February 19, 2020 Back in the 1800s, the expression “pull oneself up by the bootstraps” meant the opposite of what it does now. Then it was used mockingly to describe an impossible act. An 1834 publication ridiculed a claim to have built a perpetual-motion machine by saying that the inventor might next heave himself over a river “by the straps of his boots.” An 1840 citation scoffs that something is “as gross an absurdity as he who attempts to raise...

7 Stellar Traits That Make Women Unwitting Sources of Narcissistic Supply []

By Athena Staik, PsychCentral, February 20, 2020 Do you know what makes women vulnerable to unwittingly becoming sources of narcissistic supply? For the most part, it only takes having certain “human” qualities that most would consider exemplary! A narcissist** however views these as weakness, and seeks to use them against women socialized overall to be unsuspecting and unaware. Why? Narcissists are addicts; they stop at nothing to get their fix. [ Please click here to read more .]

What Your Teen Wishes You Knew About Sex Education []

By Cory Turner and Anya Kamenetz, National Public Radio, February 11, 2020 Cora Breuner was sitting at home one day about to do a little work on her laptop. "I remember, when I opened my computer, I looked at my son — who shall remain nameless — and I said, 'Why is this porn site on my laptop?'" "I'm an adolescent male, Mom." It would have been an awkward moment for just about any parent. Then again, Breuner isn't just any parent. She's Doctor Cora Breuner, and she works in the adolescent...

How to Put Racial Equity at the Center of Neighborhood Investment []

By Kimberley Burrowes, Housing Matters, February 19, 2020 The effects of discriminatory policies limit opportunities for people of color and their communities. The lingering effects of redlining and racial covenants have left many historic, once-thriving Black neighborhoods in need of revitalization as hypervacancy, blight, and neighborhood social and economic distress restrict opportunities for residents to build wealth for future generations. New investments can revitalize neighborhoods...

'How do You Get Over It?' Football, Grief and Hope Two Years After Parkland []

By Andrea Adelson, ESPN, February 14, 2020 Willis May keeps reminders everywhere. A framed team photo sits behind his desk. So does a white mini helmet with an Eagles logo and the number 17 in the center, encased in a plastic cover. Resting on top, a black wristband with bold white letters spelling "Coach Feis." In his phone, a final text message to his best friend, asking, "Where's the shooter?" There are more subtle reminders of the day at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School that changed...

Kungas' Trauma Experiences and Effects on Behaviour in Central Australia []

By Miriam Bevis, Judy Atkinson, Leisa McCarthy, and Michelle Sweet, Australia's National Research Organisation for Women's Safety, February 2020 This report sets out the findings of the research project, “Kungas’ trauma experiences and effects on behaviour in Central Australia”, a pilot project run under the Kunga Stopping Violence Program (KSVP), which is based in Alice Springs. This practitioner-requested research was initiated by the KSVP Manager Miriam Bevis, and is the result of a...

Launching a Revolution []

By Madeline Drexler, Harvard Public Health, Winter 2020 In 2007, pediatrician Nadine Burke Harris, MPH ’02, set out on an idealistic mission: to deliver quality medical care to one of San Francisco’s poorest and most underserved neighborhoods—Bayview-Hunters Point, in the isolated southeastern corner of the city. Before Burke Harris arrived on the scene, only one pediatrician was serving the neighborhood’s 10,000 children. The community’s plight was starkly apparent in its ZIP code. In 17 of...

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