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Donna Jackson Nakazawa is Special Guest on "Breaking The Silence" Radio Program This Sunday

Donna Jackson Nakazawa will be the special guest on the "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" radio program this Sunday evening at 8:00 PM Central Standard Time. Donna Jackson Nakazawa is the author of three previous books exploring the intersection of neuroscience, immunology, and emotion: Childhood Disrupted , which was a finalist for the 2016 Books for a Better Life award, The Last Best Cure , and The Autoimmune Epidemic . For her written contributions to the field of immunity,...

ACEs Research Corner — February 2020

Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the health effects of abuse, and includes research articles on ACEs. Every month, she's posting the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs science. [Thank you, Harise!! -- Jane Stevens] Kambeitz C, Klug MG, Greenmyer J, Popova S, Burd L. Association of adverse childhood experiences and neurodevelopmental disorders in people with fetal...

Positive Childhood Experiences offset ACEs: Q & A with Dr. Robert Sege about HOPE

Tufts University medical professor Dr. Robert Sege directs the Center for Community-Engaged Medicine and is nationally known for his research on effective health systems approaches that address social determinants of health. He is also the principal investigator for the HOPE framework (Healthy Outcomes from Positive Experiences).The HOPE framework is based on research that shows how positive childhood experiences can mitigate the effects of adverse childhood experiences. Sege and colleagues...

First health-related cost of ACEs study shows $113 billion price tag for California; just one ACE costs $28 billion

Researchers who have been looking for a way to quantify the health toll of ACEs in dollar terms, now have an example in a newly-released study of California. ACEs exacted a toll costing an estimated $113 billion annually, according to the study in the journal PLOS One that was commissioned by the Center for Youth Wellness. ACEs-associated cardiovascular disease was the condition that lead author Ted Miller dubbed “the giant in the room.” It accounted for $29.6 billion in spending, more than...

Why not share information on trauma and resilience directly with survivors?

The Echo conference is known for shining a light on new developments in the trauma field, and this year, our "And Still We Rise" conference will be no different. Only the difference this year is that we will be doing something revolutionary in our field - providing information on trauma and resilience DIRECTLY TO SURVIVORS . Historically, the conference audience has been service providers and - as any trauma survivor will tell you - it is imperative that our services, systems, and...

5 Communities Join ACEs Connection: February, 2020

Plymouth County (MA) ACEs Connection: The Drug Endangered Children's Initiative is a collaboration of the Plymouth County DA's Office, Plymouth County Outreach (PCO) & United Way of Greater Plymouth County Family Ctr./Community Connections working together with dozens of community partners to create ACEs awareness, provide trauma-informed training, connect families impacted by substance use disorder to support & shape policy. Community Manager: @Jennifer Cantwell Central New Mexico...

Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice (CTIPP) launches new grassroots initiative to engage and educate Congress

CTIPP (Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice) today announced the launch of the National Trauma Campaign , calling for federal action to prevent and address childhood trauma and build resilience through educating and engaging Congress. Its widely circulated communication invited people from around the country to join the new grassroots initiative. The campaign provides ways for everyone to get involved by joining the effort, becoming a Local Liaison to take the lead in every state...

Mental Health/Trauma Podcast: Homeless Veteran Entrepreneur

I was interviewed about my personal experience with childhood trauma, resulting mental health issues, 12-step recovery, homelessness and my entrepreneurship products that address these issues. The interviewer leads a syndicate of investors that focus on startups in the mental health arena. Interview and his contact info are at:

She Hoped to Shine a Light on Maternal Mortality Among Native Americans. Instead, She Became a Statistic of It. []

By Elizabeth Chuck and Haimy Assefa, NBC News, February 8, 2020 The twins were scheduled to be delivered on Aug. 21, 2019, and Stephanie Snook was nervous. Her pregnancy had not been planned. Snook was born with a heart condition; after her first two children, she had been told getting pregnant again could put too much stress on her heart. Nonetheless, Snook, 37, a warehouse clerk in food services at the Seattle Mariners’ ballpark, trusted she was in good hands. [ Please click here to read...

Psychopathology in Your Family: When Things Get Harmful []

By Tracy S. Hutchinson, Psychology Today, February 8, 2020 How do you know you have a toxic family or family member? You may feel anxious or nervous when you have to interact with them. You may feel drained after interacting with them or hearing them gossip. They may be addicted to “drama," tend to overreact emotionally and create scenes in public or within a family. They may share personal things you said to them in confidence with other people to harm you. Worse, you may feel confused,...

Boys with an Incarcerated Family Member More Likely to Have Diabetes as Adults []

By Bradley A. White, et al., Healio, February 8, 2020 Men who reported experiencing family member incarceration during childhood were more likely to develop type 2 diabetes during adulthood compared with men who did not report a family incarceration history, according to findings published in SAGE Open Medicine. “Previous studies have found that the incarceration of a parent plays havoc with the stability of housing, employment and parental marital relationships,” Bradley A. White, PhD, a...

Can Trauma be Passed Down Through Generations? []

By Aspasia Celia Tsampas and Ania Wojas, The Campus, February 9, 2020 Most people are aware of what trauma does to one’s general health. Extreme stress caused by an event can alter not only someone’s mental health, but physical health as well. However, is it possible that the trauma of our ancestors and past generations can be passed down to future generations? In all the world’s tragedies throughout history, many entire groups of people have undergone extreme stress and trauma. A recent...

SAVE THE DATE! ACEs Aware Initiative Webinar []

Wednesday, February 26, 2020 Noon – 1 p.m. Join a live webinar with: Dr. Nadine Burke Harris, MD, MPH – California Surgeon General Dr. Karen Mark, MD, PhD – Medical Director, Department of Health Care Services Dr. Melissa Merrick, PhD – President & CEO, Prevent Child Abuse America Dr. Brigid McCaw, MD, MPH, MS, FACP – Clinical Advisor, ACEs Aware The webinar will provide an overview of the ACEs Aware initiative; why providers should screen for Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs); the...

The New Child Maltreatment Report Is Now Available

The Child Maltreatment Report 2018 is the most recent collection of child maltreatment data from across the country. Since 1991, this important resource breaks down the data at the national and state levels and shows trends in data. cb/resource/child- maltreatment-2018 Here are the key findings from the 2018 report: The national rounded number of children who received a child protective services investigation response or alternative response increased 8.4 percent,...

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