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How reparations pioneer Evanston, Ill., is rolling out payments to Black citizens []

The predominantly Black Fifth Ward in Evanston, Ill. The Chicago suburb is preparing to pay reparations in the form of housing grants to Black residents who experienced housing discrimination. (AP Photo/Shafkat Anowar) By Chanelle Chandler, Yahoo! News, July 13, 2023 As talk of reparations ripples through the federal and local governments nationwide, Evanston, Ill., has become the first city in the United States to put money in the hands of Black residents affected by years of...

Turning Brownfields Into Hospitals Can Improve Public Health. It Can Also Entrench Disparities. []

By Shiloh Krupar, Photo: Andy Vult/Unsplash, Next City, July 17, 2023 In this excerpt from “Health Colonialism,” geographer Shiloh Krupar examines the role of urban brownfields in health disparities and medical apartheid. In the early 1990s, big-city mayors and legislators from urban industrial states pressured Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to start a pilot program to redevelop underutilized and damaged land in highly desirable urban infill areas. These...

A sexy outfit can get you arrested in Phoenix — especially if you’re Black or trans []

Phoenix police continue to use an obscure and controversial ordinance to target people for "manifesting prostitution." Max Erwin By Katya Schwenk, Phoenix New Times, July 14, 2023 In January, a 23-year-old woman sat in Phoenix Municipal Court listening to a prosecutor lay out the evidence against her. On the night of her arrest, she was scantily dressed, the prosecutor told the judge. She also had condoms in her purse and got into a car with a man In Phoenix, that was enough to charge her...

Parenting Strategies to Eliminate Disrespect

As I read the following link, I became familiar with several parenting strategies to improve parent and child rapport and boundary setting. 1. Keep composure following a negative response to direction. 2. Allow the child to understand their feelings and emotions following the outburst. (Validate feelings) 3. Ensure the child clearly understands parental direction. 4. Understand how mutual respect and responses create an enjoyable parent and child relationship. ...

America's History of Child Abuse and Neglect, Part 1: Encore Episode of History. Culture. Trauma. Podcast Thursday, 1 p.m. PT

America's culture of child abuse and neglect negatively impacts every aspect of American life. During April 2022, co-hosts Ingrid Cockhren and Mathew Portell examined America's history of child abuse and neglect and outlined how this history connects to our current child abuse crisis. Please listen in on Thursday for an encore of part one of this series. The episode is dedicated to illuminating the systemic nature of child abuse and neglect in America. Cockhren and Portell discussed the...

PACEs Research Corner — July 2023, Part 1

[Editor's note: Dr. Harise Stein at Stanford University edits a web site — — that focuses on the effects of abuse, and includes research articles on PACEs. Every month, she posts the summaries of the abstracts and links to research articles that address only ACEs, PCEs and PACEs. Thank you, Harise!! — Rafael Maravilla] Child Abuse Price JH, Khubchandani J. Firearm Mortality Among Pre-school Age Children, 2010-2020. J Community Health. 2023 Jun;48(3):414-419. PMID: 36538204...

Breaking the Silence: 10 Powerful Strategies to Raise Awareness about ACEs

Folks who live through adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) may not want to talk openly about their history. This is entirely understandable: silence can be powerful and many people who value privacy would rather work through their ACEs in a confidential setting. However, the global stigma that surrounds ACEs can derail efforts to end childhood trauma and censor those who have been through an adverse experience. Breaking the silence is an important mission for all who want to live in a more...

Healing New Jersey One Project At a Time

The First Round of RAC projects, funded by DCF’s Office of Resilience, is now five months into the grant period and we have seen some outstanding results. While three of our projects in the Central RAC are preparing to launch, five others are up and running. We are seeing creative project activities and curriculums, participants experiencing success, and programs evolving. Projects are currently serving Hunterdon, Union, Mercer, and Middlesex counties. One of the most exciting, inspiring...

The Political Evolution of Mental Health Parity

There are several issues dealing with mental health and politics in the United States. There are issues surrounding the costs of mental health care as it relates to insurance coverage. A law called parity determines that insurance will pay for the majority of services in health and mental health care. This law is not favorable according to insurance agencies due to the increase in the costs. The article explains parity as being favorable among political figures due to insurance allowing...

Empty Office Buildings Are Being Turned Into Vertical Farms []

Vertical farming can produce as much as traditional farming while using less water and less energy—if executed correctly. Area 2 Farms By Ciara O'Brien, Smithsonian Magazine, July 11, 2023 In an old paper company and warehouse building, machines are whirring again. But instead of reams of paper pressed and cut, this warehouse is home to Area 2 Farms , which now pumps out greens, herbs and root vegetables. There’s even a weekly CSA serving customers year round, all in an effort to bring...

What Millennial Moms Need: A Look at Maternal Mental Health, Pandemic Parenting, and Beyond []

By Jill Koziol, Photo: from article, MomWell, July 12, 2023 When it comes to maternal mental health, millennial moms are struggling. But the more we become aware of that, the more we can collectively offer better support for moms. Today, I’m joined by Jill Kozoil, co-founder and CEO of Motherly , to unpack the company’s annual State of Motherhood survey and discuss what millennial moms need and how we can change the way they are supported. An Unprecedented Time for Maternal Mental Health...

Floods, fires and deadly heat are the alarm bells of a planet on the brink []

Members of an Indian national disaster response team evacuate people Wednesday after the Yamuna River flooded in New Delhi. (Adnan Abidi/Reuters) By Sarah Kaplan, The Washington Post, July 13, 2023 The world is hotter than it’s been in thousands of years, and it’s as if every alarm bell on Earth were ringing. The warnings are echoing through the drenched mountains of Vermont, where two months of rain just fell in only two days. India and Japan were deluged by extreme flooding. They’re...

California Invests in Education for Incarcerated Youth []

By Jeremy Loudenback and Sara Tiano, Illustration: Christine Ongjoco, The Imprint, July 7, 2023 Amid historic reforms to California’s youth justice system, the state’s newly signed budget funnels investments into higher education for young people in lockups, while strengthening oversight of juvenile court schools, educational institutions inside of youth detention facilities . Due to a budget shortfall, the investment is modest and the funding is among the few spending proposals focused on...

Why "I Don't See Color" is Harmful and Other Important Conversations About Race (

Register HERE for the free audio. Many discussions and debates around race claim to adopt a color-blind approach, intending to treat everyone equally. But equality is not the same as equity. And many claims to color-blindness nevertheless subtly reinforce the central tenet of white-body supremacy: that the white body is the norm, and the standard against which all other bodies are to be measured. In this eye-opening audio session, renowned expert on race and trauma Resmaa Menakem shares why...

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