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Why reducing a pregnant woman’s toxic stress can improve the health of her unborn child

PBS NEWSHOUR: Researchers are trying to better understand the biology of stress and its impact on child health. Now, data suggests those connections may form as early as the womb, with studies indicating frequent and prolonged adversity for pregnant women can affect the development of their babies. Stephanie Sy reports on a program aimed at easing the stress and struggles of mothers and their unborn children. ...

Lesson learned integrating ACEs science into health clinics: Staff first, THEN patients

Nearly two years ago, a team of colleagues at LifeLong Medical Clinics jumped at the opportunity to integrate practices based on ACEs science to prevent and heal trauma in their patients when it joined a two-year learning collaborative known as the Resilient Beginnings Collaborative (RBC). A few months after training began, the staff realized they had to put on the brakes.

In Case You Missed It! "Breaking the Silence" Radio Program interviewing Steve and Dorthy Halley

Last Sunday evening's "Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams" featured special guests Dorthy and Steven Halley. In case you missed the program it can be heard by hitting this link: Their over 25 years of professional life together was discussed including the River of Cruelty model explaining how cruelty is passed from person to person and generation to generation. This...

Predictors of Trauma Exposure and Trauma Diagnoses for Children with Autism and Developmental Disorders Served in a Community Mental Health Clinic []

By John D. Hoch and Adriana M. Youssef, Springer Link, December 14, 2019 Abstract Exposure to potentially traumatic events (PTEs), and trauma related diagnoses are poorly understood in autism spectrum disorders (ASD) and developmental disabilities (DD). The current study examined N = 7695 cases seen by a community mental health provider to compare exposure to PTEs and trauma-related diagnoses between children with ASD, children with DD, and children with other mental health diagnoses (e.g.,...

Association of Adverse Childhood Experiences and Neurodevelopmental Disorders in People with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) and non-FASD Controls []

By Cassondra Kambeitz, Marilyn G. Klug, Jacob Greenmyer, et al., BMC Pediatrics, December 16, 2019 Background Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is a highly prevalent lifelong disorder with high rates of comorbid neurodevelopmental disorders. Individuals with FASD are often exposed to abuse, neglect and foster home placements which have uncertain effects on the lifelong course of FASD. In this study we compare the prevalence of adverse childhood events (ACEs) and neurodevelopmental...

AAP Report Supports Universal Developmental Screening, Expanded Surveillance, Referrals []

By Paul H. Lipkin, Michelle M. Macias, American Academy of Pediatrics, December 16, 2019 The importance of early identification and intervention for children with developmental disorders has been widely adopted through the incorporation of developmental surveillance and screening into routine pediatric care. A new AAP clinical report provides pediatric clinicians with updated recommendations to expand this practice to promote the optimal development of every child. The report, Promoting...

L.A. Unified's Ban on Willful Defiance Suspensions, Six Years Later []

By Carolyn Jones, EdSource, December 13, 2019 Long before California banned suspensions for “willful defiance” or disruption of school activities in K-8 classrooms, Los Angeles Unified embarked on an even more ambitious goal: eliminate defiance suspensions entirely. Six years after it implemented the policy, L.A. Unified officials, advocates and students say they’ve seen dramatic improvements in campus culture at many schools, providing lessons for California as it attempts to reshape school...

Throwaway Kids: 'We are sending more foster kids to prison than college’ (

For the past year, The Kansas City Star has examined what happens to kids who age out of foster care and found that, by nearly every measure, states are failing in their role as parents to America’s most vulnerable children. Read more here:

Dallas has Been Dispatching Social Workers to Some 911 Calls. It's Working []

By Lucas Manfield, Dallas Observer, December 10, 2019 Last year, Dallas' police and fire departments teamed up with Parkland Hospital to rethink how they responded to 911 calls involving mental health crises. They placed a social worker inside the dispatch center to triage calls and sent out a special team staffed with a mental health professional whenever possible. They targeted South Central Dallas, the area with the highest concentration of mental health-related calls. The hope was that...

REPORT: A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty []

By The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, Medicine, December 2019 In 2015, Congress charged the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine to identify strategies for a quick and significant reduction in child poverty. The resulting report, A Roadmap to Reducing Child Poverty, finds that many poverty-reducing programs, such as the Earned Income Tax Credit Program and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, promote babies’ healthy development. [ Please click here...

Trauma-Informed Care: News and Notes for December 2019

ACEs, Adversity's Impact A brief guide to self-harm and unhealed childhood trauma Video: These Firefighters are also fighting mental health stigmas Video: How adverse childhood experiences impact employee wellness with Diana Bishop Borderline personality disorder has strongest link to childhood trauma Being lied to by your parents in childhood predicts social challenges in adulthood Video: Adam Frankel on family secrets and intergenerational trauma Three ways childhood trauma affects...

Mich. Kids are Going to School Traumatized - and Teachers Lack Training, Resources to Help []

By Rochelle Riley, Detroit Free Press, December 15, 2019 One wintry Tuesday morning, as Tavia Redmond welcomed her third-grade students to class, she asked young Michael why he had missed school the day before. “He told me that the reason he wasn’t here was because he was dead,” she recalled. “I said, ‘Well, you couldn’t have been dead and be back today.’ He said: ‘I was dead. I died over the weekend.’ ” Later, Redmond learned that Michael's older brother had tried to kill himself — again.

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