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NEW! One-on-One Guidance now available for Mind Matters

Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience , a curriculum used by youth- and adult-serving programs, provides powerful tools to help people move past the effects of trauma and adverse experiences. Organizations currently using Mind Matters in groups have seen great outcomes. And, they let us know that they also wanted to use the materials in one-on-one settings. We listened! Mind Matters author Carolyn Curtis adapted the 12 lessons of Mind Matters into 21 (15- 20 minute)...

Children with special health care needs are more likely to have adverse childhood experiences []

Authors: Deborah Seok, David Murphey, Fadumo M. Abdi Publication Date: December 10, 2019 The prevalence of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is higher among children and youth with special health care needs than among their peers without special health care needs, according to Child Trends’ analysis of data from the 2016-17 National Survey of Children’s Health (NSCH). The survey asks parents or guardians to report whether their child has experienced any of nine ACEs. The percentage of...

Local Survivor is Teaching Others How to Survive Trauma []

By Aaron Paden, The Daily Leader, December 10, 2019 Three years after a gruesome dog attack, Tommy Alderman is still telling his story — still using it as an opportunity to teach. “It’s in my DNA,” Alderman said. “I’m a trainer at heart. I knew immediately after reviewing everything that happened and the reasons why that I had made mistakes and I wanted people to know what those mistakes were so they could avoid them.” It’s a harrowing tale. Alderman works as project manager for Application...

UNICEF Helps Syria's Children Heal From Trauma []

By Sim Tumay, Forbes, December 11, 2019 After nearly nine years, Syria's civil war has created a generation of children growing up with no memory of peace. The psychological and emotional consequences are enormous. "Almost every kid in Syria needs psychosocial support," said UNICEF's Representative in Syria Fran Equiza. "They have been living ... in a condition in which the conflct is being resolved by violence, not by dialogue." The conflict has driven more than 6 million people out of...

Fisher: 2 New Books Reveal Shocking Lack of Supports for High-Needs Students at High Schools & Colleges. What Can Be Done About It? []

By Julia Freeland Fisher, The 74, December 9, 2019 All too often, America’s most disadvantaged high school and college students are left to their own devices to navigate a byzantine, confusing and, in many cases, unjust education system. How might we do better? There’s a fair amount of consensus that low-income, minority students deserve more guidance resources and navigation supports. But the temptation to diagnose the problem as a shortage of resources alone masks the bigger picture. Two...

Community Trauma and Child Well-Being: A Deeper Dive into the Future of Healing

NW Children's Foundation 2020 Forum February 11, 2020 11:30 AM - 4 PM (PST) Washington State Convention Center & Webstream Click Here to Register Mark your calendars for the upcoming 2020 NW Children's Foundation Forum: Community Trauma and Child Well-Being: A Deeper Dive into the Future of Healing. We’re thrilled to welcome back Dr. Shawn Ginwright, Professor of Education and Africana Studies at San Francisco State University, as our keynote speaker, and Seattle pediatrician Dr. Ben...

Book and Resources: Trauma Informed Practices for Early Childhood Educators: Relationship-Based Approaches that Support Healing and Build Resilience in Young Children

Anthony is riding a tricycle at his preschool when a loud airplane flies over- head. He starts to cover his ears and screams repeatedly “no, no, no, no” over and over. His preschool teacher, Lawanda, walks over to Anthony, bends down to his eye level and using a calm and reassuring voice tells him, “Anthony, you are safe, you are here in preschool where the teachers will take care of you. That loud sound was an airplane way up high in the sky. You are safe down here on the ground with me.

CPTSD: Are You So DEFENDED You Struggle to Connect with People? (Resilience Series)

One of the most popular topics in all my content is the problem of loneliness and isolation. I knew this was common for those of us with Childhood PTSD, but from the comments and the e-mail I’ve received from all of you, I learned that loneliness is not just common, but a core issue for a huge proportion of us. This is part seven of my Resilience series, where I break down some of the big obstacles that stand in the way of healing Childhood PTSD, and the strengths that we can develop to...

Bring a Training of Trainer (ToT) to your Community - Become authorized to train and coach on one or more trauma informed modules...

Purpose: The purpose of the Training of Trainer (ToT) Apprentice Program is to help educators develop a deeper knowledge related to trauma informed practices and to be ready to train/coach providers in the future once they are authorized in Module 100 (see attached flyer for modules). This intensive two phase apprenticeship program is to support an apprentice to become authorized and to be able to coach, train or support other providers in the core foundations and strategies of trauma...

Youth Explore Solutions to Gun Violence and Trauma in Black and Brown Communities []

By Tyler Evains, Daily Breeze, December 11, 2019 The meeting began with a moment of silence to remember the six people who were killed in a New Jersey shooting. The country’s latest episode of mass gun violence occurred just hours before nearly 50 students and community members met Tuesday night, Dec. 10, at Banning High School in Wilmington for a town hall to discuss that very issue. Assemblyman Mike Gipson, D-Carson, hosted the meeting to inform potential policies, programs and funding...

Preventing ACEs: Getting to the Root of Community Trauma []

By Whitney Bunts and Kayla Tawa, The Center for Law and Social Policy, December 11, 2019 Recently the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) published “Preventing Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs): Leveraging the Best Available Evidence.” The CDC defines ACEs as “traumatic events that occur in childhood (0-17 years) such as experiencing violence, abuse, or neglect.” The report explains the prevalence of ACEs and provides a number of strategies to prevent children from...

Louisville's $15 Billion Problem: 17,000 Young People are Out of School and Out of Work []

By Mandy McLaren, Louisville Courier-Journal, December 11, 2019 It’s been nearly four years since KiKi Shelton started looking for a steady job. There were a few stints at the Amazon warehouse in Southern Indiana, but the 90-minute bus ride from her mom’s house in southwest Jefferson County was a nightmare — not nearly worth the pain in her right foot from the miles she walked picking and packing customers' orders. She lasted a few months running food at an East End steak house. But too many...

140,000 words to say something simple about ACEs

We took about 140,000 words to say what could have been said in eight: join us in making every child a priority. When we finished our 560-page book 100% Community: Ensuring trauma-free and thriving children, students and families , we realized it all came down to a few words and two little stories. Story One: The story of the river and the bridge There was once a woman strolling along the river’s edge. She heard a cry for help and realized a person was struggling to stay afloat in the rough...

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