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With Dozens of Orphaned by Opioid Crisis, This Maryland County has new Outlook on Trauma Services []

By Phil Davis, The Baltimore Sun, December 2, 2019 Growing up in a Cecil County trailer park, Ray Lynn has been shaped by tragedy. Lynn went from seeing drug addiction firsthand in his neighborhood as a child to tackling the problem as a police officer decades later. “I can name you friends that are dead because of it," he said. Lynn, 44, also saw his brother and sister burn to death in a house fire when he was 19, he said. It’s what led him to become a volunteer firefighter and, later, a...

Mind Matters now provides assistance for home visitors

I'm thrilled to announce that my book, Mind Matters: Overcoming Adversity and Building Resilience, is now available for use in one-on-one settings. I adapted the 12 lessons of Mind Matters into 21, 15- to 20-minute, one-on-one sessions. This allows home visitors, mentors, and case workers to seamlessly utilize Mind Matters with individuals and families. Since this curriculum can be taught by paraprofessionals, it can be adapted for many different settings. Some organizations are...

HIGHLIGHT!! Live webinar: CA surgeon general and DHCS medical director discuss ACE screening training

Join a live webinar with California Surgeon General Dr. Nadine Burke Harris and Dr. Karen Mark Medical Director, Department of Health Care Services for a Medi-Cal provider introduction to the new ACEs Aware Initiative and the website. The Office of the California Surgeon General and the Department of Health Care Services (DHCS), in the first public unveiling of the initiative, will host a live webinar to share details of the new ACEs Aware Initiative for Medi-Cal providers...

Child Abuse Doc: We Often Wish for a Different Explanation []

By Antoinette Laskey, MedPage Today, December 1, 2019 I always knew I wanted to be a doctor. I also always knew working with children is what brought me the most joy. Finding the subspecialty of child abuse pediatrics was not something I had anticipated. In medical school, I had the opportunity to work with a child abuse pediatrician when a child was brought in for medical care after being sexually assaulted. We examined the child, calmed the obviously distressed parent, and talked with the...

Women-If You're Struggling Dealing with a Trauma, it Might be PTSD []

By Janelle Ringer, Loma Linda University Health, December 2, 2019 Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder — or PTSD — is usually discussed regarding men and women who serve in the military. The disorder refers to a condition that develops in individuals who have been exposed to a traumatic event or have undergone severe stress. PTSD can affect anyone, and according to Melissa J. Pereau, MD, a medical director and psychiatrist at Loma Linda University Behavioral Medicine Center, it can develop when a...

New St. Paul Housing Facility is First of its Kind for Homeless Native American Youth in Minnesota []

By Kelly Smith, Star Tribune, December 2, 2019 After bouncing from shelter to shelter for four years, 19-year-old Shataye finally has a place of her own to lay her head and help to get back on her feet. Beaming with joy, she recently moved into a St. Paul apartment, one of 42 units at Mino Oski Ain Dah Yung, a new $13.6 million building that means “good new home” in Ojibwe. Two nonprofits, the Ain Dah Yung Center in St. Paul and Project for Pride in Living in Minneapolis, unveiled the...

The Class of 2000 ' Could Have Been Anything' []

By Dan Levin, The New York Times, December 2, 2019 The Minford High School Class of 2000, in rural Minford, Ohio, began its freshman year as a typical class. It had its jocks and its cheerleaders, its slackers and its overachievers. But by the time the group entered its final year, its members said, painkillers were nearly ubiquitous, found in classrooms, school bathrooms and at weekend parties. Over the next decade, Scioto County, which includes Minford, would become ground zero in the...

One of the most overlooked consequences of climate change? Our mental health

Ecoanxiety. Ecoparalysis. Solastalgia. Call it what you want— when it comes to climate change and mental health, the future is now. By Lawrence A. Palinkas , the Daily Climate Hardly a day goes by where we aren't reminded that the Earth's climate is changing and that we are responsible for much if not most of that change. The findings of one study after another are punctuated by breaking news or the direct experience of wildfires, hurricanes and floods that forced thousands of people to...

"Hope for the Holidays" LIVE Video Event, Tuesday, December 3rd!

The stress and overwhelming emotions can come flooding in around the holidays.....and because of that, I would like for you to j oin me at MY HOME…..LIVE via the web and along with some very special guests , I will be sharing some HOLIDAY TIPS on how to survive the stress of the holidays. “HOPE FOR THE HOLIDAYS!” will be an event that you won’t want to miss. Tuesday night, December 3 rd from 8 to 9 PM Central Standard Time via BBS Radio/TV Network and Facebook LIVE events and a few other...

To Find Happiness

I don't have to chase extraordinary moments to find happiness - it's right in front of me if I'm paying attention and practicing gratitude - #CPTSD #Healing #Gratitude #ComplexTraumaRecovery #MentalHealth #BecauseWeAreWorthIt

A Bold New Chapter for the ACEs Coalition in Iowa

Since 2012, the Central Iowa ACEs 360 Coalition has brought together diverse partners to identify and seize opportunities for responding to the Adverse Childhood Experiences Study. While we remain committed to our mission, we will be formalizing how we do our work as we become a 501(c)3 and transition to Iowa ACEs 360.

When Child Testimony Creates Trauma in New Mexico []

By Danielle Prokop, Santa Fe New Mexican, November 30, 2019 The woman clutched her arm as she told the story of a mother’s worst nightmare: the sexual abuse of her children by their own father. Her kids were further traumatized by a New Mexico judicial system that she and other critics say is failing to support vulnerable kids. “We’ve just gone through a hurricane and now we’re in post-hurricane wreckage,” said the woman, who asked to be identified only as Eliza to protect her children’s...

What Happens to The Children? []

By Cathy Thomas Brownfield, Salem News, November 30, 2019 Our region has recognized the realities of the opioid epidemic, and that it spreads across the country, not just in our area. There has been a lot of discussion about overdose deaths and Naloxone. But how much discussion have you heard about the effects of the opioid epidemic on the children, adolescents, indeed, the family of the person who is caught up in the abuse of opioids? The National Institutes of Health’s U.S. National...

Bud Carlson Academy: NH's First 'Trauma-Skilled' School []

By Hadley Barndollar, Fosters, November 30, 2019 “How many of you have been homeless?” was the question. Half of the group raised their hands, not a one older than 18. “My father was a drug addict and my mom was associated with bad people and was never really home,” said one student, who has attended eight different schools. “And then my parents were scattered all over the news. Kids picked on me. I was known for that at school, so I just started fighting people.” [ Please click here to read...

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