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Resilient College Students

As a person with an ACE score of 9, I look back on the years that I did not function "normally." My freshman year of college . I could only imagine what life was like for the students that I saw a regular basis. My fabulous Intern from North Carolina Central University (NCCU) and my awesome CollegeTRY facilitator surveyed students about their level of RESILIENCE. They developed a forum with the assistance of the NCCU Department of Pubic Health Education. Resilient NCCU Video Achieving Health...

AHHH! Resilience Design Thinking Workshop

One size does not fit all but all can fit together. The Design Thinking Workshop followed 7 focus groups. The groups were convened gain input from multi-cultural socioeconomically diverse to understand what the COMMUNITY defined as "their embraced resilience." We came together to dig deeper. What would it mean to have a toolkit that could be used by various sectors? One of the most poignant focus group responses from a participant that expressed that her resilience was song. She then broke...

The Relentless School Nurse: My Father's Eulogy

Over the next week or so there will be articles about the murder of my father's family because unbelievably it will the 70th anniversary on 9/6/2019. We buried my father exactly 10 years ago, on the 60th anniversary 9/6/2009. I truly don't know where the last 10 years have gone, but here we are, another anniversary is upon us. For me, this means bracing myself for newspaper stories, ripe with horrific photos of the killer and scenes from the murders where 13 people were brutally slaughtered...

Painted Stories of Police Brutality and the Power of Community are Uniting Neighborhoods Across New York []

By Monica Humphries, Nationswell, August 28, 2019 Walking down Manhattan Avenue, on the edge of the Bushwick neighborhood of Brooklyn, New York, passersby are met with an enormous black-and-blue mural bearing the somber message, “I Just Want to Come Home.” The mural, sprawled across the side of a grocery store, wasn’t created by a woke graffiti artist. It was painted by a team of young men in response to the complex relationship between men of color and police officers. That mural is one of...

Immigrant Health: Anchoring Public Health Practice in a Justice Framework []

By Barbara Ferrer, American Journal of Public Health The nexus between policy actions and immigrant health is central in this issue of AJPH in two articles by Young and Wallace (p. 1171) and Rothstein and Coughlin (p. 1179), serving as a reminder of the need for public health practitioners to adopt a framework that explicitly connects the dimensions of social determinants of health with population health outcomes. Such a framework incorporates a root cause analysis to elucidate the factors...

A Child Bumps Her Head. What Happens Next Depends on Race. []

By Jessica Horan-Block, The New York Times, August 24, 2019 When a child experiences a mild head injury and a parent seeks medical attention, what happens next in New York City seems to depend on the ZIP code and the color of the parent’s skin. In April, the actress Jenny Mollen, wife of the actor Jason Biggs and resident of Manhattan’s affluent West Village, announced on social media that she had accidentally dropped her 5-year-old son, causing a skull fracture and requiring treatment in...

The Surviving Spirit Newsletter August 2019

Hi Folks, The latest edition of the Surviving Spirit Newsletter is posted at the website - To sign up for an e-mail copy, please write to me @ or sign up @ Website via Contact Us, Thanks! Michael. Newsletter Contents : 1] The Healing Power of ART & ARTISTS 2] Art and Healing Organizations & Programs - One of the Most Comprehensive Online Resources of Art & Healing 3] How does music therapy work? Brain study...

Webinar: Building Transformational Resilience for Climate Change Traumas and Toxic Stresses

Live Webinar: Building Transformational Resilience for Climate Change Traumas and Toxic Stresses Monday, October 28 th , 2019 12:00-1:30 PM PDT You will learn: how climate change creates personal, family, and community traumas and toxic stresses; how those traumatic stressors trigger feedbacks that expand and aggravate ACEs and many other person, social, community, and societal maladies; why current approaches are woefully inadequate to address what is already occurring and rapidly steaming...

What’s the Role of Physicians in the Aftermath of Mass Shootings? []

By Naveed Saleh, MDLinx, August 29, 2019 Domestic terrorism has become a nationwide epidemic—and it’s contagious. As of this writing, there have been 271 mass shootings in 2019, leaving 290 people dead and 1,121 injured, according to the non-profit organization Gun Violence Archive. In early August, the mass shootings in Dayton, OH, and El Paso, TX, resulted in the deaths of 31 people in less than one day’s time. Researchers have found that mass shootings are contagious, in the sense that...

Dixie Pipeline: Guns Bought in Mississippi Often Reach Chicago Streets []

By Justin Vicory, Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, August 29, 2019 For close to seven years, a Mississippi man bought firearms in and around Natchez before sending them to contacts in Chicago, many of them family members he grew up with. Once there, the weapons would find their way to the streets of some of the city’s most violence-plagued communities and be used in homicides, shootings and other crimes. In one case, in 2014, a bullet struck college freshman Malcolm Stuckey in the back...

Claire's Story: Is loneliness forever? Part 83.

By A. Hosack, K. Hecht & P. Berman, I tried to be a slave to Larry- doing everything he wanted to escape the loneliness. I don’t feel lonely when I am with the Carsons- am I acting like a slave again? Claire found it very hard to start writing down her memories of Larry. But, after that day in the woods when she finally got started, she had been able to write down one memory a day; her notebook now had ten pages of memories in it. She just wasn’t sure she ever wanted to share these with...

Maine Resilience Building Network: Catalyzing a Statewide Movement

In 2019, the Maine Resilience Building Network grew up. After seven years of operating as a volunteer-driven, grass-roots, cross-sector coalition devoted to building resilience for the state’s children, families and communities, MRBN developed a business plan, applied for non-profit status and hired its first two paid staff. That work was supported by the Bingham Program, a charitable endowment at Tufts Medical Center and a longtime funder of MRBN, formed in 2012 to educate individuals and...

25 Symbols of Christmas: A devotional and family activity book for Advent based on the tradition of the Chrismon Tree

When it comes to being trauma-informed in ministry settings, one of the joys I find in the process is that “everything old is new again,” in the sense that many of the structures and patterns that are a part of traditional worship styles can be very grounding and helpful for those working through past trauma. For instance, the reassurance of the liturgical calendar and its various seasons is very comforting to my family, and each of us have trauma or adversity in our past. Knowing that every...

Pelosi, Speier talk gun control at a San Francisco town hall [San Francisco Chronicle]

(From left to right) State Surgeon General Nadine Burke Harris, Rep. Jackie Speier, and Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the U.S. House of Representatives, participate in a town hall meeting on gun violence at Lincoln High School in San Francisco, Calif., on Tuesday, August 27 Photo: Yalonda M. James / The Chronicle Editor's note: In her role as state surgeon general, Dr. Harris addressed gun violence as preventable and important to treat as a public health issue. She said that in 2017, there were...

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