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Psychologists Say Historical Trauma, Hawaiian Resilience Play Out On Mauna Kea []

By Ku'uwehi Hiraishi, Hawai'i Public Radio, August 14, 2019 Images from Mauna Kea of police arresting kupuna or elders and those of protesters chained to a cattle grate can elicit strong emotions from many who see them. But for some native Hawaiians, these sights can serve as reminders of past injustices, triggering what the American Psychological Association calls “historical trauma.” Video of 81-year-old Maxine Kahāʻulelio pleading with law enforcement on Mauna Kea brought tears to kumu...

Call for Papers: Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) []

By American Psychological Association, August 24, 2019 A special issue on the topic of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) is intended to articulate critical concepts, to demonstrate the significance and relevance of psychological research and practice, and to catalyze further efforts to develop effective programs and policies that reflect current science. The goal of this special issue is to publish articles that encompass the range of work being conducted in research, practice, programs,...

Addressing Marginalization: Redirecting Strategies of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in the Workplace (Webinar) []

By Stanford Social Innovation Review, August 23, 2019 This Complimentary SSIR Live! Program will Explore: A landscape understanding of common diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) efforts in civil society organizations and their ramifications Strategies for addressing underlying causes of a lack of diversity and inclusion in the workplace A systems thinking lens for designing processes and structure-oriented strategies to DEI Deconstructions of key DEI concepts and discussion of their...

Lengthy Detention Of Migrant Children May Create Lasting Trauma, Say Researchers []

By Rhitu Chatterjee, National Public Radio, August 23, 2019 This week, the Trump administration announced a new regulation that would allow it to detain migrant families who have crossed the U.S. border illegally for an indefinite period of time. The new rule aims to replace the Flores agreement, a 1997 court settlement which limits the amount of time that children can be detained by the government to a maximum of 20 days. But psychologists say that indefinite detention could have a lasting...

SEPT 4, 2019 HHS Webinar - Childhood Trauma and Mental Health Impacts

I just received an email notification of an upcoming Webinar hosted try the Health and Human Services - Center for Faith and Opportunities Initiative 9Partnership Center) Thought it would be helpful to share! The following is an excerpt of the announcement. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Trauma ― specifically trauma experienced as children or adolescents ― can significantly impact individuals across their...

The Keys to Powerful Solutions Journalism []

Solutions journalism offers comprehensive coverage of an issue by proposing solutions rather than just focusing on the problem. The Center for Media Engagement set out to determine how certain components of solutions journalism affect the way readers evaluate both the reporting and the issue. Solutions journalism strives to include what is sometimes overlooked: reporting not just about the problems facing society, but about how communities respond to them. The Center for Media Engagement...

Merging Schools, Improving Equity: Inside a Chicago Community’s Effort to Dismantle a Pattern of Segregation []

By Emily Peiffer and Anna-Lisa Castle, How Housing Matters, August 21, 2019 Chicago is starkly segregated by race and income. But the city’s schools are even more segregated than its neighborhoods, and school segregation persists even in more residentially integrated areas. For students, this can perpetuate vast disparities in education resources and hinder children’s opportunities and well-being. This disparity was clear in Chicago’s Near North neighborhood, where two public schools sat...

How Cities Can Integrate Nature to Improve Mental Health []

By Traci Pederson, PsychCentral, July 29, 2019 A growing body of research has shown the significant benefits of natural settings on human cognition and mental health. But until now, it has been difficult to quantify these benefits in a useful manner for cities that want to integrate nature into their design. Now, an international team led by the University of Washington (UW) and Stanford University has created a framework for how city planners, landscape architects, developers and others can...

Trauma Informed Care in Oregon: Connecting People, Practices, and Communities []

By Trauma Informed Oregon, August 22, 2019 Trauma Informed Oregon (TIO) will be celebrating 5 years as a statewide collaborative in October 2019. We are excited to host a statewide conference in Sunriver, Oregon to honor all of the work providers, individuals, and communities in Oregon have done to address adverse childhood experiences through the implementation of trauma informed care. Oregon is doing great things and we need your voice! This conference will focus on: what we are learning...

Building Resilience to Radicalisation []

By Lynn Davies, The Psychologist, August 21, 2019 Resilience means the capacity to deal with threat. But in terms of radicalisation, this initially involves recognition of something as a threat, as something harmful. Instead, radicalisers will present something as an opportunity – to be a hero, to contribute to a mission, to have adventure, to join a new family. The first task in education is the fostering of recognition, including awareness of how extremism is a threat to society as well as...

The Flores Agreement Protected Migrant Children for Decades. New Regulations Aim to End It. []

By Miriam Jordan, The New York Times, August 20, 2019 Nearly 35 years ago, long before the current mass influx of Central American families making their way to America’s southern border, a different and more brutal migrant crisis was unfolding. In El Salvador, government death squads were stalking suspected insurgents. Farmers, human rights activists and even priests were being caught in the crossfire. The widening civil war would leave more than 75,000 people dead, and send tens of...

Community Power: Increasing Understanding of Base-Building Methods 2019: Call for Proposals []

By Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, August 20, 2019 This CFP will support research projects to build an understanding of the range of methods applied in innovative and effective community base-building that result in changes to community-level social, economic, and physical conditions that we know influence health and equity. We are seeking to fund research projects designed to retrospectively examine various methods resulting in innovative and effective community base-building. Base-building...

Claire's Story: I want him so bad! Part 80

By A. Hosack, K. Hecht & P. Berman How can I be so selfish? I hate dreams. I hate myself. Claire is in Dr. Berman’s office. This was supposed to be a family meeting with Davy. However, at the last moment, Claire had called in and asked for a private appointment. She had her own disturbing week of dreams. She needed to do talk with Dr. Berman before she made some terrible mistake. She had already made so many of those. “Claire, you sounded so distressed on the phone, what happened?” Dr.

BU to Study Adverse Childhood Experiences, Later Life Health Outcomes []

By Boston University School of Medicine, EurekAlert!, August, 21, 2019 Lewina Lee, PhD, assistant professor of psychiatry at Boston University School of Medicine and clinical research psychologist at the National Center for PTSD at VA Boston, has received a five-year, $3.5 million R01 grant from the National Institutes of Health's (NIH) National Institute on Aging to establish the Boston Early Adversity and Mortality Study (BEAMS). Lee, along with co-principal investigator Daniel Mroczek,...

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