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The Complexity of the Indigenous Historical Trauma Concept []

By Hannah Emerson, Mad In America, July 30, 2019 A recent article, published in the American Psychologist, assesses the concept of historical trauma on indigenous populations, or Indigenous historical trauma (IHT), in the United States and Canada. In the first comprehensive review of its kind, the authors articulate a collective understanding of the effects of historical injustices across generations. The team of researchers, led by Joseph Gone at Harvard University, also explore whether IHT...

Life Past the Development of Resilience

Hello all, as promised here is a brief introduction to the completed study. The purpose of the study was to understand the role of resilience and protective factors (PFs) in the life of women who have experienced childhood maltreatment (CHM). A further purpose was to understand how women who faced CHM develop resilience, and how the proper use or misuse of PFs later affected their adult relationships, whether intimate, social, or familial. Resiliency theory was the theoretical foundation...

New to trauma-informed scene

I am new to the “trauma informed” scene (1+years) but it has ignited a fire within me! I’m on a journey to bring TI care into my current work (dental hygiene). I am pursuing my Masters of Industrial and Organizational Psychology to better understand how to change the professional culture and contribute to the curriculum for initial & continuing education. I am so excited to be finding journal articles on TI care in medicine. Hopefully soon I’ll have one in the database on TI dentistry!!


One of these days it will be common knowledge that most if not all of these mass murderers experienced unsupportive, harmful parenting. And the shootings will continue for decades to come unless we institute a new kind of parenting that reaches everyone, everywhere, all the time.

Child Suicides & Self Harm (a hidden State Ward Child health crisis)

What to do when a six year old climbs out the window of your kindergarten classroom threatening to jump three stories to the concrete below? What do you say to a seven year old girl …with scarred arms that is obviously cutting herself repeatedly with a knife or razor? Kendrea (6) and Gabriel (7) successfully hung themselves a few years ago. They came from different states but suffered the same afflictions.

The Healing Place Podcast - Cedric Bertelli: Emotional Resolution

I thoroughly enjoyed sitting down with Cedric Bertelli, founder and director of the Emotional Health Institute, to discuss the profound healing effects of Emotional Resolution. Please join us on The Healing Place Podcast to listen in as Cedric shares his brilliant insights and wisdom regarding trauma recovery and his work training others in the mental health and education arenas.

Claire's Story: The gang attorney arrives. Part 74

By A. Hosack, K. Hecht & P. Berman What? It is happening to o fast. I am not ready. Has Claire even had time to get my letter? Martin rushes up to Larry during lunch and tells him their attorney has arrived. They are now rushing down the hall to put on some suits the lawyer brought with him. They are going to get a few minutes of advice from the lawyer and then will each have fifteen minutes with the parole board to make a case for their early release. Larry’s head feels like it’s on...

Trump Administration has Separated 900 Migrant Children Despite Order to Stop Practice []

By Kristina Davis, Los Angeles Times, July 30, 2019 The Trump administration has separated 911 migrant children from their parents at the border since a San Diego federal judge last summer ordered an end to the systemic practice, the American Civil Liberties Union reported to the court Tuesday. The continuing separations are largely blamed on parental criminal history — an exception that U.S. District Judge Dana Sabraw has carved out in the ongoing litigation. But lawyers with the ACLU argue...

How do You Stop Abusive Relationships? Teach Teens How to be Respectful Partners []

By Alison Kotch, Nationswell, July 29, 2019 When Diana*, now 22, started dating her first boyfriend seven years ago, she didn’t think the situation would quickly turn into a nightmare. After losing her virginity to him, their relationship took an unexpected and scary turn. “I worked hard to be a ‘good’ girlfriend,” Diana told NationSwell. “I would do things for him because a good girlfriend would do everything he asked.” Limiting her friendships was a common theme, as was continually making...

Making the Connection Between PTSD in Veterans and Addiction

Many people around the world suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and there are many underlying factors that contribute to this disorder - especially for our veterans. Addiction is also very common amongst veterans struggling with PTSD. This disorder often occurs after an individual has experienced an extremely traumatic situation such as physical or sexual assault, natural disaster, terrorist attack, combat, etc. PTSD can also be caused by simply witnessing one of these...

Trump Administration Approves Vouchers for Housing After Foster Care []

By John Kelly, The Chronicle of Social Change, July 25, 2019 Earlier this year, we reported on the case made by current and former foster youths to use existing authority at the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to connect youth aging out of care with housing supports. The Chronicle of Social Change has learned that, after a thorough review of the policy by HUD’s general counsel, the agency is set this week to approve this and notify thousands of public housing authorities.

Habla Español? Hispanics Face Growing Mental Health Care Crisis []

By Jared Weber, USA Today, July 18, 2019 It was soon after Jasmine Alcala gave birth to her son, Benjamin, that her mind flooded with thoughts of catastrophe. For Alcala, now 38, tragedy lurked everywhere. At her Long Beach, California, home, which she rarely left while caring for her newborn, she feared a home invasion. Behind the wheel, her heart raced at the possibility of a fatal car accident. At the grocery store, she fretted over the potential of armed robbery. And nothing was as...

Do No Harm: A Media Code of Conduct for Interviewing Trauma Survivors []

By Louise Godbold, Pacific Standard, August 1, 2019 It is now almost two years since I added my voice to the brave women reporting the sexual violence of Harvey Weinstein. (Weinstein has denied all allegations of sexual misconduct.) In that time, I have had the privilege of getting to know many silence breakers—not only women targeted by Weinstein, but also those coming forward about Bill Cosby, James Toback, Dustin Hoffman, Donald Trump, and R. Kelly. Women (and some men) come to me because...

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