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My Husband Paid Me to Be a Stay-at-Home Mom []

By Melissa Petro, Pacific Standard, July 8, 2019. My progressive husband was against it, but I convinced him of the arrangement. The day we sat down to discuss it, I'd even calculated an hourly rate for my work as a mother. Half of $15 an hour—his part of what it would've cost to put our son in daycare—is a pittance, and if I'd thought he could afford it, I would have asked for more. But at the time, with my hormones raging, tits leaking, and sleep deprivation that left me glassy-eyed, it...

Unprecedented childhood trauma hearing in U.S. Congress on July 11 to feature data from new state fact sheets on ACEs prevalence, impacts

A hearing of unprecedented scope and depth (this link will take you to a list of witnesses and all of their statements plus an overview memo on the hearing from committee staff) on ACEs science and childhood trauma — " Identifying, Preventing, and Treating Childhood Trauma: A Pervasive Public Health Issue that Needs Greater Federal Attention " — will be held today in the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. You can watch the live stream at 10:00 am ET through this link . Nine witnesses...

The Relentless School Nurse: A Teachable Moment

Teachable moments are those seconds of clarity when someone experiences an absolute understanding that previously eluded him or her. In my work as a School Nurse, I was accustomed to creating the “teachable moments” for my students. On this particular late afternoon, it was my turn to experience a “teachable moment” from a student. Who recognizes this scenario? It was another endless day of problem-solving, crisis management, sewing ripped pants, helping a staff member deal with a personal...

We Won't Get High Off Their Lies

The marijuana industry makes tons of money, a lot of it by targeting young people with ads and glamorizing marijuana use. Too often, people of color get trapped in the justice system as a result. It's harmful for young people to use but you would never know that from how media glorifies it This video uses impacted community voices to tell the story that is most meaningful to and for them. By stepping back and allowing youth and other voices to rise up and step forward, this work advances...

Parents talking to kids may blunt negative impact of adversity on schoolwork []

By Lisa Rapaport, Physician's Weekly, July 8, 2019. Children who suffer adverse experiences tend to do worse in school than kids who don’t, but a U.S. study suggests parents may still help improve academic outcomes by simply talking to their kids. Adverse childhood experiences, commonly called ACEs, can include witnessing parents fight or go through a divorce, having a parent with a mental illness or substance abuse problem, or suffering from sexual, physical or emotional abuse. ACEs have...

Amazon PRIME Day deal on Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks (8-week trauma-informed Bible study)

In order to help those of you with smaller church education budgets and are always looking for deals, I thought I would put out a deal ( $8.58... 50% off! ) on my 8-week trauma-informed Bible study called Bruised Reeds and Smoldering Wicks. Click HERE to access this deal through Prime Day (7/16/19) Here's what the reviews on Amazon by fellow ACEs-informed, trauma-informed advocates are saying: Dale Fletcher 5.0 out of 5 stars Biblically-based July 1, 2019 Chris is a man of God who desires to...

Announcing CRI's Newest Trainings- July and September!

CRI is excited to announce new trainings! We will have online trainings in July, and an in-person training in September. July Online Trainings CRI Course 1 LIVE WEBCAST: Trauma-Informed Training A dynamic 2 part six-hour LIVE WEBCAST course, Course 1 introduces CRI’s capacity-building framework for building resilience, KISS. Knowledge, Insight, Strategies and Structure describes our community’s learning and movement from theory to practice and how to implement evidence-based strategies into...

Parent who listens is key to helping kids overcome trauma (

Excerpt from article by Dennis Thompson in United Press International. To read the rest of this article by Dennis Thompson published in United Press International, go here . Cissy's Note: it's rare to find articles on the healing impact of parents, after ACEs, or in general. There's so much advice to parents but not enough listening and learning from parents. This article shows just how parents can best support kids after trauma. Of course we need safe and supportive schools, systems, and...

A Trauma Lens for Systems Change []

By Patsy Carter & Andrea Blanch, Stanford Social Innovation Review, Summer 2019. It’s no secret that our health, education, and social service systems are failing the people they intend to serve. The US infant mortality rate is higher than in most developed countries, and the gap is widening. American children’s educational performance ranks very low in comparison with the 35 other Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) countries. The United States incarcerates...

Maps Reveal Where the Creative Class Is Growing []

By Richard Florida, CityLab, July 9, 2019. One of the most troubling trends of the past decade is the deepening geographic inequality across the U.S., especially through the clustering of particular types of talent in coastal cities like San Francisco and New York. But a growing chorus of economists and urbanists suggest that we may be seeing the “rise of the rest,” a result of both increasingly unaffordable housing in established hubs and the improvement of the economies in less-established...

Children are Better Positioned to Develop Resilience with Strong Family Connections []

By Freya Lucas, The Sector, July 1, 2019. The likelihood of flourishing – that is, doing well in life despite adversity – is true for children across all levels of household income, health status and exposure to adverse childhood experiences. The findings, published in the May issue of Health Affairs , suggest that more emphasis should be placed on programs to promote family resilience and parent-child connection, in conjunction with continued efforts to lessen children’s negative childhood...

3 ways to combine trauma-informed teaching with SEL []

By Shree Walker, eSchool News, July 8, 2019. When trauma goes unacknowledged by caring adults, students can feel suffocated by the burden of their experience. Research shows that traumatic experiences can drastically hinder students’ academic development, and that “children who have three or more Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) are three times more likely to experience academic failure, five times more likely to have attendance problems, and six times more likely to have behavioral...

The Truth About Adversity []

By Soulaima Gourani, Forbes, July 7, 2019. The worst wounds are not the ones we see on the surface, but the ones that lay deep within us. Many of us like to believe that adversity is healthy and can lead to success, and although many success stories have emerged from hardship, the fact of the matter is that it is rare. According to Dr. Jim Taylor, author of five parenting books, including Your Children Are Listening, "hardships that are brutal and intense, prolonged and uncontrollable don't...

Fostering Truth, Pain, & Change

“I’m scared of what the future holds, of getting old. I don’t have a family, and once I retire, I won’t have anything to distract me from the fact that I’m alone in this world.” I wasn’t sure how to respond, because he was telling the truth: that his work is what helps him avoid the painful memories of his past. I could only offer him a tissue, which he already had at his side. Clearly he was more prepared for this interview than I. So I kept filming. After all, it’s what he asked me here to...

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