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Kaiser says it halved the hypertension gap between blacks and whites over a decade — but how? []

By Judith Lewis Mernit, USC Annenberg Center for Health Journalism, June 13, 2019. More African American men and women suffer from hypertension than any other ethnic group in the U.S. — and many of them don’t even know it. Defined as a systolic blood-pressure reading of greater than 120, hypertension presents few or no symptoms. But it kills, all the same. High circulatory tension “was the leading cause of death and disability-adjusted life-years worldwide,” according to the American College...

Looking for online training and consulting?

Looking for tools to help your organization or community integrate a trauma-informed and resilience-building approach? At Origins, we offer training courses to support you from your aha moment to your action plan. It all starts with The Basics, a 90-minute online training that will provide you with an overview of the key concepts behind a trauma-informed approach. When you’re ready to move from aha to action, sign up for The Resilience Champion Certificate, a self-paced 6-week online training...

Rediscovering the Lessons from Progressive Education to Create Trauma-Informed Schools for All

“In this bright future you can't forget your past.” -Bob Marley What if the roots of public education in this country provided us with a vision for creating trauma-responsive environments for all students? Lately I have been reflecting on why the principles and practices of creating trauma-informed/trauma-responsive environments in school settings connected with me deep down in my bones. It was a visceral feeling, a sense of validation and resonance in both my head and my heart. The science...

The world’s first mental health ambulance arrives in Sweden []

By John-David Ritz, Apolitical. Over 1,500 suicides and 15,000 suicide attempts are reported annually in Sweden. In order to tackle this, Stockholm’s care services have introduced the Psychiatric Emergency Response Team (PAM) – an ambulance dedicated only to mental health care. It’s the first of its kind in the world, essentially an emergency response therapy room that can travel at 70 miles per hour. As it speeds across the city, PAM looks like the conventional ambulance. On the inside,...

Is America Ready to Make Reparations? []

With David Remnick, The New Yorker Radio Hour, May 24, 2019. Late in the Civil War, the Union general William T. Sherman confiscated four hundred thousand acres of land from Confederate planters and ordered it redistributed, in forty-acre lots, to formerly enslaved people—a promise revoked by President Andrew Johnson almost as soon as it was made. More than a hundred and fifty years later, the debate on what America owes to the descendants of slaves, or to people robbed by the legal...

Claire's Story: Family Treatment. Part 61.

This blog tells the story of Claire and her son Davy; it will give you a window into Claire’s thoughts, feelings, and behavior. The people in this blog were created by Dr. Pearl Berman based on her thirty years of experience in the field of child abuse, neglect, sexual abuse, and exploitation. If there are any similarities between the people discussed in the blog, and actual people who are living or deceased this is coincidental. By A. Hosack, P. Berman & K. Hecht We are going to be...

Recording and slides now available for webinar on Florida’s Early Childhood Courts: Transforming Child Welfare

Information (recording, slides, and resources) on the June 6 webinar "Florida’s Early Childhood Courts: Transforming Child Welfare" is now available (and soon to posted in the ACEs Connection webinar section on the homepage). This well-attended (87 attended, 197 registered) and well-received webinar was sponsored by the National Center on Domestic Violence, Trauma & Mental Health and co-sponsored ACEs Connection and the Campaign for Trauma-Informed Policy and Practice ( CTIPP ). Webinar...

This Is The Real Reason You Experience Anxiety & Depression At The Same Time []

By Judy Petrushka , Your Tango, June 18 , 2019. It's not all in your head, but your physiology does play a role. When signs of depression and the signs of anxiety team up, you can feel stuck while your mental health suffers. For some people, the experience may be a sense of ping-ponging. That is, first they have the racing heart, racing thoughts, fear, and possibly a severe anxiety attack. Then they experience the pervasive shutdown, low energy, numbness, sleepiness, and even dissociation of...

Dr. Melissa Merrick Named New President & CEO of Prevent Child Abuse America []

Prevent Child Abuse America, June 18, 2019. Chicago—Prevent Child Abuse America (PCA America) announced today that after a nationwide search its board of directors has selected Dr. Melissa Merrick (right) as the organization’s next president and chief executive officer. Merrick brings more than 18 years of clinical, research and leadership experience related to the etiology, course and prevention of child abuse and neglect. Merrick currently serves as a senior epidemiologist at the National...

The Youngest Child Separated From His Family at the Border Was 4 Months Old []

By Caitlin Dickerson, The New York Times, June 16, 2019. T he text messages were coming in all day and night with only two data points: Gender and age. With each one that arrived, the on-call caseworker at Bethany Christian Services in Michigan had 15 minutes to find a foster home for another child who was en route from the border. On a brisk winter day in February 2018, Alma Acevedo got a message that caught her breath: “4 months. Boy.” Since the summer of 2017, the 24-year-old social...

Reviving the family dinner []

By Diana Hembree, San Francisco Bay View, June 17, 2019. Having trouble getting the family together for dinner? You’re not alone. Research shows that family dinners have declined by 30 percent over the past 20 years. Kids who have experienced childhood trauma are already at higher risk of obesity and unhealthy eating, so this decline is especially troubling. “Dinner is a time to relax, recharge, laugh, tell stories and catch up on the day’s ups and downs, while developing a sense of who you...

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